10 Spanish Role-Playing Scenarios to Use in Your Classroom
Have you ever tried to do role playing in Spanish class? If not, you’ll be surprised how many benefits it’ll bring to your students. Today, I’ll tell you why role play in Spanish classes is a brilliant idea. Students of all ages will love your classes, which is great since a positive attitude is crucial for effective learning. I’ll give you 10 ideas for role play in Spanish and list the...Read More
8 Spanish Christmas Crafts and Activities For Your Classroom!
This time of the year, a series of Spanish Christmas activities comes in handy to enrich your students’ learning process. As a Spanish educator, there are tons of fun ways to use Christmas-related Spanish content. Start with Spanish Christmas vocabulary and then get into cultural knowledge about this important holiday in Spanish-speaking countries. Keep reading to learn all...Read More
How to Recover Your Spanish Classroom from Summer Slump
Your Spanish classroom has been quiet all summer and the time has come to finally reactivate it. Spanish is a highly immersive language, there’s a large chance that little exposure to the language during summer break will set your Spanish classroom back a few steps. However this knowledge isn’t completely lost, there’re strategies and ideas you can use in your Spanish...Read More
Daily Classroom Routines for Teaching Spanish
I remember when daily classroom routines saved my mental health and teaching career. After years of teaching adults and teenagers, when I became a third-grade teacher, I felt like I was back at square one. My classes were a mess, my students were out of control, and I became miserable and grumpy at home. I clenched my teeth and started researching teaching techniques for younger students....Read More
10 Powerful and Productive Back-to-School Activities for Your Spanish Class
The first day of Spanish class activities is key. It sets the tone for the rest of the year. This is your moment to inspire your students to fall in love with Spanish at first sight. Read this article to discover how to channel your students’ excitement. Learn to ramp up their enthusiasm for Spanish during the first day of Spanish class activities! Helpful Tips for First Day of...Read More
8 Spanish Project Ideas for Your High School Classroom
Spanish projects for high school are some of the most potent language-learning tools in your arsenal as a teacher! Project-based learning is ideal for all levels of education and all subjects. There is nothing more engaging for students than a project to do, and self-motivation is crucial for effective learning. Read this article to access eight Spanish projects for high school that are...Read More
25 Incredible Spanish Classroom Decor Ideas for Educators
Creating Spanish classroom decor doesn’t have to be time-consuming or expensive. In fact, you can make your own colorful, creative decorations that students will actually learn from! Check out this classroom decor guide with 25 ways to make your classroom stand out. Why Use Spanish Classroom Decor? Spanish classroom decor doesn’t just look pretty — it’s useful too! Here...Read More