What’s in a Name? The Origin and Meaning of Spanish Surnames
Have you ever wondered why Spanish names are so long? As you may have noticed, the names of people in Spanish-speaking countries consist of a first name and two surnames. Traditionally, you will see the first surname of the father followed by the first of the mother. Presently, laws have changed on gender equality and now allow any order, but we normally see the original order. People...Read More
French or Spanish: Which is Easier to Learn, Master, and Speak?
Salut tout le monde! Or should I say hola, instead? If you’re here, it’s because you’re wondering which foreign language to study and to finally answer your burning question once and for all: which language is easier to master, Spanish or French? Undoubtedly, gaining fluency in any foreign language is a considerable task, no matter which language you choose. The good news is that French...Read More
The 10 Most Useful Languages to Learn in 2021
Are all languages worth learning? Polyglots may agree that you should learn as many as you can, but if you’re looking for the most useful languages to learn, you’ve come to the right place! The most useful languages you can learn are deemed useful for many reasons, including the number of people that speak them, their geography, business and career opportunities, or versatility. ...Read More
The Pros and Cons of Bilingual Education for Kids
Bilingual education refers to teaching academic content in both a native and second language. While that may seem like a simple definition, you’ll soon see—it’s a bit more complicated than that! Bilingual education dates back to the 19th century when communities in the U.S. began to teach European immigrant children. Usually, teachers gave lessons in other languages, such as German, Dutch,...Read More
How to Motivate Your Older Child to Learn Spanish
Is your older child indifferent toward learning Spanish? It can be frustrating and challenging to get them to understand the benefits of speaking another language. Read on for useful tips to help your child get (and stay) interested. First of all, you could be motivating your child all wrong! The key to encouraging tweens and teens to learn Spanish is to show them why another language is...Read More
Travel Spanish Guide: Get it Done in 5 Months
The food: chuchitos, caldos, pupusas, every kind of taco, and a rainbow of colorful tortillas. ¡Qué rico! The scenery: mountains, beaches, and famous ruins with mangrove rivers leading jungle. Beautiful. The wildlife: viscous jaguars and scorpions, sweet llamas, and flying squirrels. Alive. We. Love. Latin America. So, obviously we want you to come and visit us, but not only...Read More