How to Say ‘You’ in Formal and Informal Spanish
If English is the only language you (currently) speak, the you (formal) concept in Spanish is new. Even if you don’t yet know about the formal and informal you in Spanish, you probably already know when to use each one. Would you call the attention of your teacher by shouting out, “Hey dude”? Of course not! A message you write to your boss is surely different from the one...Read More
Why Missionaries Need Spanish
Working in a Guatemalan city where tourists often frequent has given me the chance to meet numerous different people from all over the world, each with their own unique story of how they ended up coming to the area. A vast majority of them came specifically to learn Spanish or to spend a good part of their time studying the language. These visitors’ motivation to learn Spanish generally falls...Read More
Tips for Using Your Spanish!
There are many perks to speaking Spanish; it can enhance your work experience by setting you apart from your colleagues and can increase your cultural competency – buzzwords that companies look for when hiring and promoting. Now, let’s explore ways to use Spanish at work! First Things First You don’t have to wait until graduation to get a Spanish-speaking...Read More
The Insider’s Scoop About the Modern Workplace
Companies are looking to hire employees who have an understanding of other cultures and have the ability to communicate with people from different backgrounds. First Off – What Is Culture? Per the Oxford Dictionary, Culture is defined as “the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society.” Moreover, culture includes a group that we are born into – such...Read More
Perks of Being Bilingual
Discovering joy in non-materialistic ways is all the rage. Many people are tired of being bombarded by material things and are encouraged to make memories instead – these are more fulfilling than buying the latest iPhone or Gucci bag. The memories that you gain through travel, hiking to ancient ruins learning about new cultures, or building strong relationships with family and friends...Read More