10 Most Famous Spanish Songs of the 80s With Lyrics PDF
Is music a source of healing to your soul? Well, it is for me! Especially famous Spanish songs of the 80s.
If you’ve landed on this blog post, it’s likely that the music from the 80s is one of your favorite genres. You wouldn’t be alone in that—in fact, the songs that were released during this time are still playing now and conquering people’s hearts!
To inspire your Spanish lessons with some dance-worthy tunes, I’ve compiled a list of ten of the most famous Spanish songs of the 80s. Let’s jump in and learn about their lead singers and why these songs continue to be so relevant.
¡Escuchemos música!
Famous Spanish Songs of the 80s
While some may argue that all Spanish music is amazing, the following list of latin pop songs from the 80s are uniquely famous, loved, and remembered by the Latin American population. Each of these songs had a powerful impact on Latin American culture when they were released.
1. Súbete a mi moto (1982) by Menudo
The band Menudo sings this famous Spanish song. It’s about a guy whose overwhelming desire for a particular girl compels him to get her attention by constantly riding around her house on his motorcycle. He makes plenty of noise and even does tricks with his bike, but fails to get her attention. Then he invites her to get on the motorcycle and take a ride. The constant súbete a mi moto is an invitation to join the journey of her life with him!
The super fun rhythm and catchy lyrics of this song are amazing. Once you listen to it you’ll be singing the phrase súbete a mi moto like a broken record. Back in the 80s people heard this song at parties, when hanging out with friends, and even on the radio! It’s an enjoyable song that fills people’s lives with lots of fun.
Listen to the song here: YouTube
Check the following vocabulary words that can help you understand the song better.
Spanish | English | Pronunciation |
súbete (v.) | get on | soo-beh-teh |
la moto (n.) | motorcycle | moh-toh |
inmaculada (adj.) | immaculate | een-mah-koo-lah-dah |
la gaviota (n.) | seagull | gah-beeoh-tah |
el freno (n.) | brake | freh-noh |
veloz (v.) | fast | veh-lohs |
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2. Yo no te pido la luna (1983) by Daniela Romo
This is a romantic pop song by Daniela Romo. She sings about being in love with a guy, but doesn’t ask him for the moon or anything big; she just wants his love, to kiss him, and to be by his side for the rest of her life. She proposes they fall in love with each other and live happily together.
This is the kind of song that would make you sing at the top of your lungs when you’re single and/or falling in love with a guy. In fact, that’s exactly why this Spanish song was so famous back in the 80s! Women used to sing it in groups, raising their hands to the roof, and singing their lungs out!
Listen to the song here: YouTube
Check the following vocabulary words, which you’ll also find in the Complete 80s Lyrics PDF!
Spanish | English | Pronunciation |
envolverme (v.) | wrap myself | ehn-bohl-behr-meh |
el aroma (n.) | smell | ah-roh-mah |
el confidente (n., adj.) | confidant | kohn-fee-dehn-teh |
impregnarme (v.) | immerse myself | eem-prehg-nahr-meh |
los inviernos (n.) | winters | een-byehr-nohs |
la piel (n.) | skin | pyehl |
la luna (n.) | moon | loo-nah |
3. Isabel (1984) by Luis Miguel
Luis Miguel is one of the most famous singers in Latin American history, and the author of this amazing Spanish song. In this case, he sings about being crazy for this woman, Isabel. He’s constantly asking her to like him back because he’s suffering without her. She’s his dream come true and it’s unbearable to live without her.
The rhythm and melody of this song are bewitching! You can dance along to it and have fun while doing it. Back in the day, people used to dance to it while in parties or social events, and of course, girls loved this song because Luis Miguel was a total cutie. It was very famous and pretty much everyone knew the lyrics.
Listen to the song here: YouTube
These vocabulary words will help you understand the song better while reading the Complete 80s Lyrics PDF!
Spanish | English | Pronunciation |
empapado (adj.) | soaking wet | ehm-pah-pah-doh |
la sirena (n.) | mermaid | see-reh-nah |
el chicle (n.) | bubble gum | chee-kleh |
la melena (n.) | mane | meh-leh-nah |
el limonero (n.) | lemon tree | lee-moh-neh-roh |
te quiero (v.) | I like you | teh kee-eh-roh |
quiéreme (v.) | love me | kee-eh-reh-meh |
4. Soy un desastre (1985) by Timbiriche
The Mexican band Timbiriche wrote this famous Spanish song back in the 80s. They sing about a guy’s life being a mess because the girl he loves is not with him anymore. The guy’s house is a disaster, the kitchen is full of dirty dishes, he can’t find his ties, and even his dog is sad and misses her; pretty much everything in his life is upside down.
The feeling you get while listening to this song is unforgettable and awesome. It has a rock-ish beat and the lyrics are very easy to learn. During the 80s, people sang it during social events, in Timbiriche’s concerts, and while hanging out with their friends. This band was very popular back then and almost everyone knew the words to their songs.
Listen to the song here: YouTube
Check the following vocabulary!
Spanish | English | Pronunciation |
la partida (n.) | departure | too pahr-tee-dah |
te marcharas (v.) | if you left | teh mahr-chahr |
el desastre (n.) | disaster/mess | deh-sahs-treh |
las comidas (n.) enlatadas (adj.) | canned foods | koh-mee-dahs ehn-lah-tah-dahs |
estropean (v.) | ruin | ehs-troh-peh-ah-dahs |
los caprichos (n.) | whims | kah-pree-chohs |
5. Fiesta en América (1987) by Chayanne
Fiesta en América was one of the most famous Spanish songs back in the 80s. The incomparable Chayanne is the singer; he has earned the heart of every person who listens to his music. This song talks about the party-personality that we Latin Americans carry in our blood and how passionate we are about sharing this joy with each other. He makes an invitation to celebrate in America (as the continent) in hopes that we forget all our problems and differences to have fun together.
People listened to this song during parties and when hanging out with their friends. It’s a song that gave people a burst of energy and made them want to dance. Also, girls loved it because Chayanne was the most handsome singer (and dancer!) of the time and managed to completely steal their hearts. In fact, he continues to rock the stages and leave women breathless.
Listen to the song here: YouTube
Check the vocabulary!
Spanish | English | Pronunciation |
entonando (v.) | intoning | ehn-toh-nahn-doh |
la guerra (n.) | war | geh-rrah |
la sangre (n.) | blood | sahn-greh |
el corazón (n.) | heart | koh-rah-sohn |
6. La Bamba (1987) by Los Lobos
La Bamba is a total classic. You must have heard about Los Lobos, a band from Los Angeles. Interestingly, they were born and raised in Mexico, but then got together as a band in the United States and sang most of their songs in English. However, they decided to release this remake in Spanish and the Latin American culture flipped! In the song, they simply talk about being able to dance la bamba, which is a couple’s dance that people really enjoy.
People loved this song during the 80s because it was originally a classic! It was a very famous Spanish song that native Spanish speakers already knew, and it was played basically in every social event. People grew up with this song and loved it so much that later in their lives they played it for their children. Every generation has listened to it. Plus, it’s very easy to learn, so don’t get surprised if you hear a 4 year old singing it!
Listen to the song here: YouTube
These are some vocabulary words that might be helpful.
Spanish | English | Pronunciation |
la bamba (n.) | couple dance | bahm-bah |
el marinero (n.) | sailor | mah-ree-neh-roh |
la gracia (n.) | grace | grah-syah |
7. Cuando calienta el sol (1987) by Luis Miguel
This is another one of Luis Miguel’s singles. It was one of the most famous Spanish songs during the 80s, probably more than all the others we’ve seen. It talks about when the sun “heats up,” he feels the girl of his dreams close to him and his heart beats fast. He’s telling a girl that he gets nervous when she’s close to him and that she’s driving him crazy (in the best way of course!).
This song is perfectly made. The rhythm, the lyrics, the beat, everything—I personally love it! It inspires people to dance and sing to it, while having a great time. During the 80s, people listened to this song in parties, smaller gatherings, bars, sleep overs, at the beach, in his concerts…everywhere! Not only did Luis Miguel show once again that he was the cutest singer, but he also enlightened people’s hearts and minds. This is a must-know Spanish song, so if you haven’t heard it yet, what are you waiting for?
Listen to the song here: YouTube
These vocabulary words will be useful to understand this song better.
Spanish | English | Pronunciation |
calienta (v.) | heats up | kah-lyehn-tah |
palpitar (v.) | throb | pahl-pee-tahr |
el pelo (n.) | hair | peh-loh |
estremezco (v.) | shudder | ehs-treh-mehs-koh |
el delirio (n.) | delirium | deh-lee-ryoh |
la locura (n., adj.) | madness | loh-koo-rah |
8. Ahora te puedes marchar (1987) by Luis Miguel
Let’s keep it going with Luis Miguel since he was a true Spanish music icon! Like all of his other songs, this song was extremely popular during the 80s. He sings about how if a girl had paid attention to him, he would still be available for her. But because she didn’t care and made him suffer, he’s telling her now that she can leave and never come back. She had a chance and didn’t appreciate it, so now he’s closed his doors. It’s funny because it’s clear that he felt a lot of resentment, but managed to make an iconic song out of it!
Similar to “Cuando calienta el sol,” this song was widely famous. These two songs came in the same package during events, so if you heard one of them, you’d be hearing the other one later, too. Just imagine the hottest singer of the moment (and with the best voice) releasing two amazing songs—it was iconic! Everyone wanted to be part of it and knowing the lyrics was like belonging to a group. He made all the girls go crazy!
Listen to the song here: YouTube
Are you ready to download the Complete 80s Lyrics PDF? Get the words to each song at your fingertips! Let us send it to your inbox. Simply fill out this form:
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You’ll see the following vocabulary in the lyrics:
Spanish | English | Pronunciation |
marchar (v.) | leave | mahr-chahr |
juras (v.) | you swear | hoo-rahs |
perdí (v.) | I lost | pehr-dee |
9. La chica de humo (1988) by Emmanuel
The Mexican singer Emmanuel released this song in 1988. It’s about a guy who likes a girl who he happens to see everywhere, but when he tries to reach out to her, she vanishes like steam or smoke. Hence the name la chica de humo. He’s crazy about her but never gets the chance to talk to her.
This Spanish song exploded on the scene and people used to play it while hanging out with friends, when drinking, and gathering in social events. Also, Emmanuel was very attractive back then and had many fans, so people wanted to listen to his songs and enjoy them with friends.
Listen to the song here: YouTube
These vocabulary words will help you understand the song better!
Spanish | English | Pronunciation |
la portada (n.) | cover page | pohr-tah-dah |
las penas (n.) | my sorrows | mees peh-nahs |
coquetea (v.) | flirts | koh-keh-teh-ah |
el humo (n.) | smoke | oo-moh |
evapora (v.) | evaporates | eh-bah-poh-rah |
el crucigrama (n.) | crossword | kroo-see-grah-mah |
10. Tú y yo somos uno mismo (1988) by Timbiriche
Last but not least, the band Timbiriche released one of their most famous songs that has impacted the entire Spanish culture for years! This song talks about a couple who’s no longer together. Sadly, the woman didn’t even say goodbye the day she left. The guy is angry and tells her never to call him back, but then there comes the iconic phrase: ¡tú y yo somos uno mismo! The guy tells her that he’ll wait for her to come back his entire life because “you and I are one.”
This song exploded in Latin American culture because the chorus is inspiring and people identified with loving someone at such a level that you’re willing to wait forever for them to come back. Plus, this song also has a rock-ish beat that inspires you to sing until you’re breathless. Mostly women used to sing this song with their group of friends, people listened to it in parties and in Timbiriche’s concerts. This song is very famous and very easy to learn, too. So if you haven’t heard it yet, go ahead and do it!
Listen to the song here: YouTube
Check these useful vocabulary words, you can also find them in the Lyrics PDF!
Spanish | English | Pronunciation |
brilla (v.) | shines | bree-yah |
ahogarme (v.) | drown myself | ah-oh-gahr-meh |
los desplantes (n.) | insolences | dehs-plahn-tehs |
huyas (v.) | you run away | oo-yahs |
negar (v.) | deny | neh-gahr |
Keep Listening!
I have to confess that selecting 10 of the best and most famous Spanish songs of the 80s was a big challenge, because there are so many good ones! What do you think of my list? Leave me a comment at the end of this post to tell me which ones I missed or which one’s your favorite! I hope the songs I’ve shared with you will light up your day like they do mine! In case you’d like to listen to other famous and amazing Spanish songs of this decade, you can click on this Spotify Playlist called Los 100 mejores canciones de los 80s en español and dance your heart out!
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