12 Spanish Songs About Family to Use in Your Lessons
Do you love listening to Spanish songs about family? Practicing your Spanish skills is a fun and enriching activity for the family!
Whether you’re a parent or a Spanish educator, listening to music in Spanish is a brilliant way to quickly and efficiently improve the Spanish skills of your child or student.
Listening to songs in Spanish improves your vocabulary and grammar in more ways than you might think. You’ll learn lots of new words from the lyrics, and it’s a fast way to remember vocabulary in a melodic way!
According to Rooted Childhood, “Children love to hear the rise and fall of our voices, the rhythm, and the melodic notes of songs. Singing is a natural way to communicate with children, and also a natural way for them to learn through exposure in a light, informal way.”
Through Spanish songs about family, learners are able to pick up new vocabulary, grammar, and cultural context simultaneously. Music has also been proven to help with memorization and word recognition.
Want to help your kids or students become bilingual? Keep reading for 12 of the best Spanish songs about family that are easy and enjoyable to remember and teach.
12 Spanish Songs About Family to Use in Your Lessons
As you listen to these songs, follow along with the lyrics to learn the new vocabulary words. For an extra challenge, have the children find the words from the brief vocabulary lists included with each song.
To review the vocabulary for family members in Spanish, check out this blog post.
1. Pica-Pica – Mi Mamá
Kids love to sing along to Pica-Pica. It also teaches kids key family-related vocabulary in Spanish, and the song is catchy and fun. The video includes a brief intro to the song that is handy for teaching.
Spanish | English |
Mi | My |
La mamá | Mom |
Los abuelos | Grandparents |
Perfecto | Perfect |
El teléfono | Telephone |
El homenaje | Homage |
2. Members of the Family in Spanish
This is a great review of the family members. This song and video teaches the vocabulary in both Spanish and English. If you’re starting to introduce questions, this is a great video because they first teach the different family members and then they ask who it is.
Spanish | English |
El hermano/La hermana | Brother/Sister |
El papá | Father |
El primo/La prima | Cousin |
¿Quién es? | Who is it? |
El tío/La tía | Uncle/Aunt |
El abuelo | Grandfather |
3. Bebé Tiburón
This super catchy South Korean song is beloved by billions. This is one of the most watched videos on YouTube ever! Even if you don’t have kids, I’m sure you’ve heard “Baby Shark.”
The Spanish version is also super catchy as it teaches about relatives, and the video shows different members of the shark family. When it comes to Spanish songs for family members, this is a favorite! Dance along as you practice Spanish.
Spanish | English |
El bebé | Baby |
El tiburón | Shark |
El tiburón abuela | Grandma shark |
Escapar | Escape |
Salvos | Safe |
Se acabó | It finished |
4. The World is Mi Familia
Coco is one of my favorite movies of all time. It celebrates Día de los Muertos which is in honor of the departed in the most beautiful way. It teaches kids about family, it’s colorful and embraces music as a way to connect to your ancestors.
This is a Spanglish song that helps everyone remember the key words in both Spanish and English. This is for family members of all ages.
Spanish | English |
Buenas tardes | Good afternoon |
Buenas noches | Good night |
Mi familia | My family |
Mi amor | My love |
El loco | Crazy person |
La cabeza | Head |
5. Spanish Greetings, Friends & Family Vocabulary Compilation
In this song, Basho & Friends teaches how to greet your family and friends in Spanish. It includes different vocabulary related to food, times of day, activities, and parts of the body.
Spanish | English |
Hola | Hello |
El amigo | Friend |
La mañana | Morning |
Buenas tardes | Good afternoon |
Las manos arriba | Hands up |
La tarde | Afternoon |
6. Pollito Chicken
This short and sweet bilingual song is well-known in Latin American countries like the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and Guatemala. It dates back to the 1930s, and its author was the Puerto Rican teacher Pepita Ramírez.
This catchy tune teaches kids the words mom and baby, as well as additional vocabulary for common items around the house.
Spanish | English |
El pollito | Chick |
La gallina | Hen |
El piso | Floor |
La cama | Bed |
Los dedos | Fingers |
La cabeza | Head |
7. ¿Cómo es tu familia?
This inquisitive song is not only about the different members of your family but also about describing what they look like, which is a great way to practice adjectives.
Spanish | English |
¿Cómo es tu familia? | What’s your family like? |
El abuelito | Grandfather |
Exprésate | Express yourself |
Dime | Tell me |
¿Cuántas personas hay? | How many people are there? |
Los ojos azules | Blue eyes |
8. Family in Spanish
Johanna is a great singer and this song includes basic vocabulary about family in Spanish. She prompts the children to sing along and congratulates them for getting it right. This song is ideal for young learners and their parents.
Spanish | English |
Mi familia | My family |
El papá | Father |
La mamá | Mom |
El bebé | Baby |
El tío | Uncle |
Yo | I |
9. Mix La Familia Song
Rockalingua has a great variety when it comes to Spanish songs about family and many different topics. There are also Spanish interactive games on the Rockalingua site that work well with the songs.
Spanish | English |
Mi padre | Don’t you dare |
Mi madre | I love you |
Las hijas | Daughters |
Los hijos | Sons |
El abuelo | Grandfather |
La abuela | Grandmother |
10. Mi casa: las habitaciones y cuartos de la casa
This is a great video to teach the rooms of the house and what the different members of the family are doing in the house. It comes with a free worksheet, interactive games, flashcards, and more.
Spanish | English |
Mi casa | My house |
Me gusta | I like it |
Poner la mesa | Set the table |
Limpiar | To clean |
Sacar al perro | Take out the dog |
El dormitorio | The bedroom |
11. Sing-Along Children Song – Learn Family Members in Spanish
Sing along and learn the basic family members in Spanish. This is a rap with dinosaurs, so kids love it! It explains how kids and the whole family are related to each other. It also teaches possessives so that you can say who is your uncle and aunt.
Spanish | English |
La canción | Song |
Esta es mi familia | This is my family |
Tus tíos | Your aunts and uncles |
Mi abuela | My grandma |
Mi hermano | My brother |
La canción | Song |
12. The Finger Family
This song uses the fingers to learn about the family in Spanish. The teacher is joyful, so kids love it! It’s great for children to use their bodies to remember the different family members. Play this song at home or in the car!
Spanish | English |
El dedo | Finger |
Aquí estoy | Here I am |
¿Cómo estás? | How are you? |
¿Dónde estás? | Where are you? |
Mamá dedo | Mother finger |
Papá dedo | Father finger |
Learn Spanish through Music and Immersion
When it comes to language learning, sharing is extremely helpful. I hope these videos and activities help you out when it comes to reaching your Spanish-speaking goals. Don’t forget there’s nothing better than immersing your child in Spanish for them to become fluent. Sign up your child for a free trial class at Homeschool Spanish Academy to try it out for yourself with no obligation!
Want more free Spanish resources for kids? Check these out!
- Doing Chores at Home (Free Spanish Lessons for Kids)
- How You Can Encourage Your Child To Speak Spanish at Home
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