5 Earth Day Crafts and Spanish Vocabulary Words for Kids
Are you looking for Earth Day crafts in Spanish? Feed two birds with one scone and encourage your kids to learn Spanish while understanding the meaning behind this special day.
The goal of doing Earth Day class projects is to celebrate our planet’s natural resources.
But it is more of a reminder of how important it is to save our home by recycling, having and conserving green spaces, feeding animals, and continuously looking for ways to restore it.
Teaching children this 22 of April about the environment and promoting sustainability while they are young allows them to internalize these much-needed values.
Earth Day activities like those here will help them remember about keeping our home and learning a new language.
Let’s see these Earth Day crafts in Spanish!
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1. Earth Day Crafts in Spanish: Hanging Planter
Did you know that people throw away over 130 million tons of single-use plastic items around the world each year? Plastic bottles are one of the main concerns when it comes to pollution.
Most of them do not get to be recycled or reused, which is why giving a second chance to these kinds of containers is crucial.
Of all of the Earth crafts ideas in Spanish, this one is one of our favorite ones because it serves two purposes: reutilizing a plastic bottle and showing your children how to plant and grow a seed.
This, of course, is good for the environment as it produces oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide.
1. Get a plastic bottle and wash it
2. Put it on a table horizontally and open a big hole from the middle up
3. Poke two little holes on the extremities to attach the strings so you can hang it
4. Put some soil in it
5. Now, you are ready to choose a seed and plant it!
Click here to watch an example video of this Earth Day class project.

Spanish vocabulary:
Craft knife – El cutter, el cuchillo de manualidades
Flower – La flor
Plastic bottle – La botella de plástico
Seed – La semilla
Soil – La tierra
String – La cuerda
To cut – Cortar
To plant – Plantar
To poke a hole – Hacer un hoyo
2. Earth Day Crafts in Spanish: Greeting Cards
Physical magazines are now a thing of the past, but it is natural to have a couple at home still.
If you are inclined to dispose of them, remember you can use them for some Earth Day activities first.
This one is very easy.
We recommend making as many greeting cards as possible. Then, you can stack them and have one for every occasion, ready to be delivered.
1. Choose patterns you like from pictures in the magazine
2. Draw flowers on top of them
3. Cut them out
4. Paste them on a white piece of paper or cardboard folded in two
5. Draw stems and leaves with a marker
6. Write something personalized on a separate piece of paper to paste on top

These Earth Day crafts in Spanish are perfect for sending to family and friends for Easter, Christmas, and birthdays!
Earth Day vocabulary:
Cardboard – La cartulina
Flower – La flor
Leaves – Las hojas
Magazines – La revista
Marker – El plumón, el marcador
Pattern – El patrón
Personalized – Personalizado, personalizada
Pictures – Las imágenes
Piece of paper – El pedazo de papel
Stem – El tallo
To draw – Dibujar
To fold – Doblar
To paste – Pegar
To write – Escribir
Read more: Celebrate Earth Day in Spanish: Vocabulary for Kids.
3. Earth Day Crafts in Spanish: Create a Whole City
If you feel bad about throwing away the toilet paper tubes, ache no more!
We chose building cities from all the things you can do with this material. It is interesting and will unleash your kids’ creativity.
1. Take off all the remaining paper glued to the carton
2. Cut out rectangles from colorful paper, draw on them, and fold them in half to make the ceilings
3. Cut little squares for the doors and windows. You can create many kinds and designs
4. You can also cut out the doors from the carton so you can open them
5. There you go, you have a city!

This Earth Day craft in Spanish will help remind your little ones about taking care of the planet and serve as a great bedroom or classroom decoration.
Children like it when adults appreciate what they do with their hands by having their artwork on display.
You can get inspiration from a Spanish-speaking city and set this city where you have been assigned to study Spanish. This helps your children’s brains relate to their decorations to learn a new language.
Earth Day crafts in Spanish:
Carton – El cartón
Ceiling – El techo
City – La ciudad
Colorful – Colorido
Designs – Los diseños
Doors – Las puertas
Rectangles – Los rectángulos
Squares – Los cuadrados
To build – Construir
To fold in half – Doblar a la mitad
To throw away – Tirar
Toilet paper – El papel de baño
Windows – Las ventanas
4. Earth Day Crafts in Spanish: Ladybug Magnets
Easy-to-do, memorable, and fun to look at. After doing many crafts with plastic bottles, use the caps to decorate your fridge or classroom.
You can hold pictures, drawings, and reminders with them or simply let them be there, looking at you.
1. Collect bottle caps of many different colors
2. Draw black points on top of them and semicircles for the ladybug’s faces
3. Buy or draw little eyes to place on top of this area
4. Glue a magnet on the other side of the bottle cap
5. Choose your children’s best artwork to collect on the fridge!

Spanish vocabulary:
Artwork – La obra de arte
Bottle caps – Tapas de botella
Fridge – El refrigerador, la nevera
Ladybug – La catarina
Magnet – El imán
Semicircles – Los semicírculos
To collect – Recolectar
To glue – Pegar
5. Earth Day Crafts in Spanish: Make a Fairy Neighborhood
You can learn how to make bird feeders in our 12 Inspirational Earth Day Activities for Elementary Kids in Spanish article, and you can also make homes for fairies.
Every fairy is different, though. They have distinct personalities and interests, so you can tell your children to go crazy and design a specific house for each one.
1. Cut a bottle in two by the middle
2. Paint both parts
3. Make vertical cuts to the upper part and open each part like a flower
4. Take the bottom and cut a square so the fairy can fit
5. You can buy fake candles to light them from the inside
6. Decorate the houses with paper or fabric flowers and butterflies

Earth Day in Spanish:
Butterfly – La mariposa
Candle – La vela, la candela
Fairy – El hada
Fabric flowers – Las flores de tela
Horizontal – Horizontal
Paper flower – La flor de papel
To decorate – Decorar
Vertical – Vertical
Learn More Earth Day Crafts in Spanish!
Taking good care of our planet is more important today than ever.
By exposing the younger generations to these activities and information, we’re implanting the ideas of conservation, sustainability, recycling, and saying no to disposables.
Learning Spanish during festivities or national holidays and reinforcing the vocabulary constantly will help your children to speak it faster and more confidently.
If you want to continue their Spanish studies, you have many options. We believe the best way is through native, authentic Spanish instruction and human connection.
Here at HSA, we offer student-tailored Spanish programs, and flexible scheduling, imparted by certified teachers from Guatemala.
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