Learn About Astronomy (Free Spanish Lessons for Kids)
Teaching astronomy in Spanish is a fantastic opportunity to build your kids’ critical thinking skills through discussions about the many wonders of the universe.
Kids are naturally intrigued about what’s beyond our planet Earth, which will make exploring the corners of space and venturing to new galaxies the perfect means to wade into fascinating Spanish vocabulary.
Travel to the next galaxy with our Kid’s Guide to Astronomy in Spanish specially tailored to skyrocket their Spanish language skills!
¡Vamos al espacio! (Let’s go to space!)
Download your Free “Astronomy in Spanish” Activity Packet
Download your Free “Astronomy in Spanish” Activity Packet
Type your name and email below to get three Activities Related to Astronomy in Spanish! You will receive: -Sopa de Letras -Crea tu sistema solar instructions -Astronomy Trivia
Enjoy over 70 unique lessons + free activity packets to download.
The Meaning of Astronomy in Spanish
The translation for astronomy in Spanish is la astronomía.
La astronomía is the field of science that studies outer space. Astronomy focuses on the research of los cuerpos celestes (celestial bodies) or los astros, such as los planetas (planets), las estrellas (stars), and more.
Put simply, celestial bodies are natural objects that exist beyond the Earth’s atmosphere.
The observation of space is among the oldest activities in human history. The oldest cultures around the world have a record of observing dark skies and relying on los astrónomos (astronomers) to decode the patterns.
The mysteries and endless discoveries that await beyond Earth make it an ideal topic for reinforcing Spanish knowledge while learning astronomy words and phrases.
Let’s explore a few phrases your child can use to start a conversation about astronomy in Spanish.
La astronomía es la ciencia que estudia los astros, el espacio y el universo.
Astronomy is the science that studies celestial bodies, space, and the whole universe.
¿Qué significa la astronomía?
What does astronomy mean?
Las estrellas y el universo son fascinantes.
The stars and the universe are fascinating.
Cuando sea grande, voy a estudiar astronomía.
When I grow up, I’m going to study astronomy.
5 Fields of Astronomy in Spanish
Astronomy in Spanish has several fields that focus on different study areas. Let’s explore each one of las ramas de la astronomía (branches of astronomy).
1. Astronomía de observación
Observational astronomy is the general study of celestial bodies in outer space such as stars and planets. It uses specific high-tech equipment like telescopios (telescopes), radio, and more.
2. Astronomía solar
Solar astronomy focuses specifically on the observation and study of the sun.
3. Astronomía planetaria
This branch of astronomy in Spanish is known as planetary astronomy. It focuses on learning about los cometas (comets), los planetas (planets), and las lunas (moons).
4. Astronomía estelar
Stellar astronomy focuses on las estrellas (stars) and how they are formed and evolve within their life cycle.
5. Astronomía teórica
La astronomía teórica is known as theoretical astronomy in English. It focuses on the use of math for describing what scientists are observing beyond our planet and galaxy. This allows astronomers to research space events humans cannot observe with current technology.
Astronomy in Spanish Vocabulary
Since learning about el espacio (space) and el universo (the universe) is such a wide topic, I’ve broken down the basics you need to teach your children about astronomy in Spanish.
Spark your children’s interest with this astronomy-packed Spanish vocabulary list!
The Universe
El universo contains absolutely everything that exists in space. This includes la energía (energy), el tiempo (time), and la materia (matter). No one knows exactly how large the universe is, but scientists believe it continues to expand.
English | Spanish |
Universe | el universo |
Celestial body | el cuerpo celestial / el astro |
Planets | los planetas |
Stars | las estrellas |
Space | el espacio |
Outer space | el espacio exterior |
Gravity | la gravedad |
Dark sky | el cielo oscuro |
Moon | la luna |
Asteroid | el asteroide |
Meteor / meteorite | el meteorito |
Black hole | el agujero negro / el hoyo negro |
Northern Lights | las auroras boreales |
Comet | el cometa |
Galaxy | la galaxia |
Example Spanish Sentences
El universo es interminable.
The universe is neverending.
Los planetas son cuerpos celestes.
Planets are celestial bodies.
La luna y las estrellas están en el espacio.
The moon and the stars are in space.
Las auroras boreales son visibles en Islandia.
The northern lights can be seen in Iceland.
En el espacio exterior hay asteroides y meteoritos.
In outer space there are asteroids and meteorites.
The Planets
Los planetas make a network known as el sistema solar (solar system) in Spanish. These celestial bodies orbit el sol (the sun). The solar system is made of other natural objects that surround the planets such as asteroids, moons, and meteorites.
English | Spanish |
Solar system | el sistema solar |
Sun | el sol |
Moon | la luna |
Earth | la Tierra |
Mercury | Mercurio |
Venus | Venus |
Mars | Marte |
Jupiter | Júpiter |
Saturn | Saturno |
Neptune | Neptuno |
Uranus | Urano |
Satellite | el satélite |
Orbit | la órbita |
Rings of Saturn | los anillos de Saturno |
Example Spanish Sentences
Nuestro sistema solar tiene ocho planetas.
Our solar system has eight planets.
Los planetas orbitan alrededor del sol.
The planets orbit the sun.
Mercurio es el planeta más pequeño.
Mercury is the smallest planet.
Venus es el planeta más caliente de nuestro sistema solar.
Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system.
En el planeta Tierra hay nitrógeno y oxígeno.
Planet Earth has nitrogen and oxygen.
Marte tiene una superficie árida, rocosa y desértica.
Mars has a barren, rocky, and desert surface.
Júpiter es el planeta más grande de nuestro sistema solar.
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.
Saturno está rodeado de un conjunto de anillos.
Saturn is surrounded by a set of rings.
Urano es el séptimo planeta del sistema solar.
Uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system.
Neptuno es el planeta conocido más lejano del sol.
Neptune is the farthest-known planet from the sun.
La luna orbita alrededor de la Tierra.
The moon orbits the Earth.
Enjoy over 70 unique lessons + free activity packets to download.
The Sun and Stars
El sol y las estrellas are objects made of hot gas. They shine brightly and are burning hot due to a process called fusión nuclear (nuclear fusion).
The sun is the largest star in our solar system among the several types of stars I’m including in this astronomy in Spanish lesson. Let’s dive into each one of them.
Las estrellas gigantes (giant stars) are the hottest, brightest, and largest type of star. Their color range is blue and it can expand to red.
Dwarf stars are las estrellas enanas in Spanish. This type of star is red, yellow, or white. These stars never go through nuclear fusion and stay small.
Neutron Star
Una estrella de neutrones (neutron star) is a tiny star created from the collapse of a estrella gigante (giant star).
English | Spanish |
Stars | las estrellas |
Galaxy | la galaxia |
Milky way | la Vía Láctea |
Constellation / constellations | la constelación / las constelaciones |
Nebula | la nebulosa |
Shooting star | la estrella fugaz |
Solar flare | la erupción solar |
Sunlight | la luz del sol |
Shine of a star | el brillo de una estrella |
Supernova | la supernova |
White dwarf | la enana blanca |
North star | la estrella del Norte |
Stargazing | la observación de las estrellas |
Example Spanish Sentences
Una constelación es un conjunto de estrellas que forman una figura o patrón específico.
A constellation is a group of stars that form a specific pattern or shape.
La Vía Láctea es la galaxia donde vivimos.
The Milky Way is the galaxy we live in.
Me encanta observar estrellas y buscar estrellas fugaces.
I love to stargaze and look for shooting stars.
La erupción solar libera partículas y energía del sol.
A solar flare releases particles and energy from the sun.
Una nebulosa es una nube de gas entre estrellas.
A nebula is a cloud of gas between stars.
Mi constelación favorita es la Osa Mayor.
My favorite constellation is the Big Dipper.
More Astronomy in Spanish Words
The study of what’s beyond our planet has involved great minds from all over the world. Los astrónomos (astronomers) are the ones who make use of technology and tools that enable them to discover the existence of galaxies, stars, and much more within our unmeasurable universe.
English | Spanish |
Astronomer | el astrónomo / la astrónoma |
Astrophysicist | el astrofísico / la astrofísica |
Astronaut | el astronauta / la astronauta |
Telescope | el telescopio |
Discovery | el descubrimiento |
Observatory | el observatorio |
Planetarium | el planetario |
Example Spanish Sentences
Galileo Galilei fue astrónomo.
Galileo Galilei was an astronomer.
Un astronauta es una persona entrenada especialmente para ir al espacio.
An astronaut is a person specially trained to go to space.
Un telescopio es un instrumento usado para observar objetos en el espacio.
A telescope is an instrument used to observe objects in space.
Un observatorio es un lugar ideal para estudiar el espacio.
An observatory is an ideal place to study space.
En un planetario se proyectan estrellas, planetas y constelaciones.
In a planetarium they project stars, planets, and constellations.
Quiero ser astronauta.
I want to become an astronaut.
Tenemos excursión al planetario la otra semana.
We have a visit to the planetarium next week.
Tengo un telescopio en casa para ver constelaciones.
I have a telescope at home to observe constellations.
Astronomy in Spanish Activities
Teaching the kids about science and astronomy in Spanish can be dynamic, entertaining, creative, and fun!
This list of free downloadable resources can support your Spanish astronomy lesson! Get your learners to participate, learn, and improve their language skills while having fun.
Sopa de Letras de Astronomía
Use our sopa de letras (word search) template and find the terms about astronomy in Spanish in the puzzle. Word search is ideal for reinforcing Spanish spelling and reading.
Crea tu Sistema Solar
Create your own solar system using upcycled materials you find at home. A good arts and crafts project is a practical hands-on activity for learning about the planets in Spanish. Follow the instructions and allow your child’s creativity to soar in this entertaining experiment.
Astronomy in Spanish Trivia
Use our astronomy in Spanish questions worksheet as a trivia game in the classroom. Have the students complete each sentence and test their knowledge of astronomy concepts and vocabulary. Make it more interesting by encouraging healthy competition and add some prizes!
Keep your eyes open for clear and dark skies for you and your kids to enjoy stargazing at home. You don’t need a telescope or fancy equipment to study the stars. Your kid can be an astronomer for the night using your phone or tablet.
Download a stargazing app to identify constellations, and name planets and stars in Spanish. Add a camping trip and enhance your activities by bringing the whole family outdoors!
If dark skies are tough to find, you can plan a visit to your community’s planetarium to really come up close to stars and uncharted galaxies.
Youtube has a wide selection of videos to support your astronomy in Spanish lessons. Here is a selection of songs, vocabulary, and entertaining videos to get your kids familiarized with Spanish pronunciation and listening.
- ¿Qué es el sistema solar para niños? (What is the solar system for kids?)
- La Vía Láctea y el espacio (The Milky Way and space)
- ¿Por qué brillan las estrellas? (Why do stars shine?)
- ¿Qué es un asteroide? (What is an asteroid?)
- Los planetas en Español (The planets in Spanish)
- El origen del Universo y la Tierra (The origin of the Universe and Earth)
- Canción de los Planetas (The planets’ song)
Take Your Child’s Spanish to a New Galaxy!
As a parent or Spanish educator (or both!), you’re on the right track for encouraging your children to practice their Spanish language skills through fun and engaging topics! The earlier you expose them to a foreign language, the easier it will be for them to develop fluency.
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