Learn About Invertebrate Animals (Free Spanish Lessons for Kids)
Invertebrate animals make the largest group of living organisms on our planet. They are highly unique and fascinating beings.
Learning about invertebrate animals in Spanish is engaging and fun for young students. It’s the perfect chance to introduce new concepts and teach them about zoology.
Children have minds like sponges and are able to pick up on a new language easily through constant exposure. Take advantage of your child’s urge to learn by using this amusing kid’s guide to invertebrate animals.
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What Are Invertebrate Animals?
Nature scientist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck coined the term invertebrado (invertebrate). Los animales invertebrados (invertebrate animals) are animals that lack a columna vertebral (backbone) and huesos (bones) in their skeleton.
Invertebrate animals are the largest group in the animal kingdom. This is because they’re able to reproduce at a fast pace.
97% of all known animal species in the world are invertebrate animals. Most of them are small in size. Even though many of them don’t have bones, some invertebrate animals have an exoesqueleto (exoskeleton) or a shell for protection.
Types of Invertebrate Animals
Invertebrate animals are classified according to their size and habitat. Zoólogos (zoologists) study them. They’re divided into 8 groups called filos (phylum).
1. Mollusks (Moluscos)
Los moluscos are known for having soft bodies covered by conchas or caparazones (shells). The shells are usually made of calcio (calcium) and protect the body of the animal. Mollusks live in agua dulce (fresh water), agua salada (saltwater), and on land.
Examples of mollusks include
- el calamar – squid
- el caracol – snail
- el pulpo – octopus
- la sepia – cuttlefish
Example Sentences in Spanish
Los moluscos tienen cuerpo blando.
Mollusks have a soft body.
Algunos moluscos, como el caracol, tienen una concha para protegerse.
Some mollusks, like the snail, have a shell for protection.
Los moluscos habitan en el agua dulce, agua salada, y en la tierra.
Mollusks inhabit fresh water, salt water, and on land.
El molusco más grande del mundo es la almeja gigante.
The largest mollusk in the world is the giant clam.
2. Arthropods (Artrópodos)
Los artrópodos are a type of invertebrate animal with an exoskeleton and articulated legs. They are the largest animal in numbers to inhabit our planet. Arthropods can adapt to any environmental condition!
There are over 1.2 million arthropod species, which represent 80% of all known animal species! Los artrópodos are classified into four subgroups.
Arachnids (Arácnidos)
Los arácnidos have four pairs of legs. Their body has an abdomen, venomous fangs, hairs, and thorax.
Examples include tarántulas (tarantulas) and la araña viuda negra (black widow spider).
Insects (Insectos)
Los insectos are the largest group of arthropods. They adapt to most climates and environments. They usually have dos antenas (two antennas), three pairs of legs, and two pairs of wings.
They reproduce through larva and some go through a process of metamorfosis (metamorphosis). During this process, their body and proportions transform.
Examples of insectos include:
- los mosquitos – mosquitoes
- las mariposas – butterflies
- los saltamontes – grasshoppers
Teach your elementary kids about the fascinating process of metamorphosis with this lesson on Monarch Butterflies in Spanish.
Crustaceans (Crustaceos)
Los crustáceos live in the ocean and in humid habitats. They have hard shells and jointed legs.
Most have tenazas (claws) on their front limbs. Crustaceans use them to grab and grip onto prey and other things. The smallest crustaceans measure about one centimeter, while the largest grow up to 13 feet long.
Examples of crustáceos include:
- los camarones – shrimp
- las langostas – lobsters
- los cangrejos – crabs
Myriapods (Miriápodos)
Los miriápodos have multiple sets of legs and long bodies. They have a long and segmented body. They are fast crawlers that thrive in dark and humid environments.
The most common types of myriapods are los cienpies (centipedes) and los milpies (millipedes).
Example Sentences in Spanish
Los artrópodos son animales invertebrados.
Arthropods are invertebrate animals.
Los artrópodos se clasifican en arácnidos, insectos, crustáceos y miriápodos.
Arthropods are classified into arachnids, insects, crustaceans, and myriapods.
Los arácnidos tienen cuatro pares de patas.
Arachnids have four sets of legs.
Los insectos son el grupo más largo de artrópodos.
Insects are the largest group of arthropods.
Los crustáceos usan las tenazas para coger presas.
Crustaceans use claws to grab prey.
3. Poriferous (Poríferas)
Las poríferas are invertebrate animals that lack a head, eyes, tail, and mouth. They are esponjas marinas (sponges) that live most of their life rooted in the same place in the ocean.
They are made of poros (pores) and filter out particles of food. Their exterior has the consistency of gelatina (gelatin).
Example Sentences in Spanish
Las poríferas son animales invertebrados.
Poriferous are invertebrate animals.
Se conocen también como esponjas marinas.
They are also known as sponges.
Habitan en los suelos marinos y pasan su vida sostenidas en el mismo lugar.
They inhabit the sea floors and spend their life rooted in the same place.
Su cuerpo no tiene cabeza, ojos, cola, ni boca.
Their body lacks a head, eyes, tail, or mouth.
4. Echinoderms (Equinodermos)
Los equinodermos are invertebrate animals known for their bright colors and symmetrical bodies. Most of them live in the oceans.
Their skin is made of espinas (spines). Their bodies are able to absorb food through filtración (filtration)
The most common echinoderms are las estrellas de mar (starfish) and los erizos (sea urchins).
Example Sentences in Spanish
Tienen colores vivos y cuerpos simétricos.
They have bright colors and symmetrical bodies.
Los equinodermos son animales marinos.
Echinoderms are marine animals.
Su piel está hecha de espinas.
Their skin is made of spines.
Las estrellas de mar son equinodermos.
Starfish are echinoderms.
5. Flatworms (Platelmintos)
Los platelmintos are invertebrate animals known for being either parasitos (parasites) or for having vida libre (free life). Their bodies are soft and don’t have separations.
They are simple animals and lack circulatory and respiratory systems. Los parásitos require a host to survive and feed off. The most common flatworms are las tenias (tapeworms).
Example Sentences in Spanish
Sus cuerpos son suaves y no tienen segmentación.
Their bodies are soft and don’t have separations.
Son animales simples sin sistema circulatorio y respiratorio.
They are simple animals without a circulatory and respiratory system.
Requieren de un anfitrión para sobrevivir y alimentarse.
They require a host to survive and feed.
Las tenias son un tipo de platelminto.
Tapeworms are a type of flatworms.
6. Nematodes (Nematodos)
Los nematodos are invertebrate animals. They are gusanos redondos (roundworms) with a symmetrical and cylindrical body.
They don’t have legs or skeletons. They live in tierra humeda (humid soil) and water. Los nematodos can also affect humans and plants as parasites. If left untreated, they can cause severe health issues.
Example Sentences in Spanish
Los nematodos tienen un cuerpo simétrico y cilíndrico.
Nematodes have a symmetrical and cylindrical body.
Los nematodos no tienen piernas.
Nematodes don’t have legs.
Habitan en tierra húmeda y en el agua.
They are found in humid soil and water.
Son parásitos y causan enfermedades.
They are parasites and cause disease.
7. Annelids (Anélidos)
Los anélidos are a type of invertebrate animal that are found in any type of habitat.
Their bodies are divided by anillos (rings) and have the shape of a worm. The most common type of anélidos are las lombrices de tierra (earthworms) and las sanguijuelas (leeches).
Example Sentences in Spanish
Sobreviven en la mayoría de hábitats.
They survive in the majority of habitats.
Sus cuerpos se dividen por medio de anillos.
Their bodies are divided by rings.
Las lombrices de tierra y sanguijuelas son anélidas.
Earthworms and leeches are annelids.
8. Cnidarians (Cnidarios)
Los cnidarios are invertebrate animals that live on the ocean shores and arrecifes (reefs).
Their bodies are made of gelatinous substances. They are carnivoros (carnivorous) and feed on crustaceans. Many of them are able to move, and some stay in the same place their whole life.
Examples of cnidarians include:
- las anémonas – anemones
- los corales – corals
- las medusas – jellyfish
Example Sentences in Spanish
Los cnidarios son carnívoros.
Cnidarians are carnivores.
Se alimentan de crustáceos.
They feed on crustaceans.
Las anémonas son cnidarios.
Anemones are cnidarians.
Las medusas son cnidarios y habitan en las costas del océano.
Jellyfish are cnidarians and live on the ocean shores.
Los corales son cnidarios y viven en los arrecifes marinos.
Corals are cnidarians and live on ocean reefs.
Learn more about the amazing creatures of the sea with this captivating Kid’s Guide to the Ocean and its Animals in Spanish.
Enjoy over 70 unique lessons + free activity packets to download.
Invertebrate Animals Spanish Activity Pack
Invertebrate Animals Word Search
Download our sopa de letras (word search) for your students to look for 15 vocabulary words from this lesson.
Word search is excellent for enhancing reading skills. They require concentration and are guaranteed to reinforce key concepts and terminology from this lesson.
Zoológico de Animales Invertebrados (Invertebrate Animals Zoo)
Allow your child’s creativity to soar with this fun game and activity.
Have your students choose their favorite invertebrate animals from the lesson and draw them. The goal is for your students to design an invertebrate animal zoo or aquarium.
Each student should describe their chosen animal traits and talk about the reasons they chose them. This activity is ideal for practicing sentence building and Spanish descriptions.
Invertebrate Animals Field Guide
Use our flashcards and template and create an invertebrate animals field guide in Spanish. Have your student classify each animal on the cards into their according groups.
The goal of this activity is to challenge their memory and strengthen their knowledge of the lesson as they work as zoologists.
True or False Worksheet
Test your students’ understanding of this lesson with a true or false worksheet. True or false is a fun and engaging way to quiz them while having fun.
Videos of Invertebrate Animals in Spanish
YouTube has an entertaining selection of Spanish videos about invertebrate animals. Videos are ideal for enhancing your child’s listening and pronunciation skills.
Here’s a selection you can use for this lesson:
- Animales invertebrados (Invertebrate animals)
- Curiosidades de las arañas (Curiosities About Spiders)
- Los artrópodos (Arthropods)
- Los moluscos (Mollusks)
- Cosas que quizá no sabías de los corales (Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Corals)
- Los anélidos (Annelids)
- Los equinodermos (Echinoderms)
- Los cnidarios (Cnidarians)
- Las esponjas o poríferos (Sponges or Poriferous)
Boost Your Child’s Spanish Skills
The animal realm never ceases to amaze! This lesson on invertebrate animals enriches your Spanish classroom and enables you to elevate your children’s Spanish skills to a whole new level.
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