A Kid’s Guide to Talking About Aliens in Spanish
This lesson on aliens in Spanish is perfect for creative children who love learning about outer space and daydreaming of adventures on other planets.
Read this post for loads of alien-related vocabulary in Spanish. Let your kid be an estrella (star) with 5 printable exercises you can download here. They will transport you to a mundo (world) full of fun and imagination!

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6 Activities Related to Aliens in Spanish
Alienígenas (aliens) and their existence are a bit controversial. Are we alone in the universo (universe)? No one knows for sure. But in a little child’s mind, this mystery opens up the door of adventure. Whether they come in a nave espacial (spacecraft) or they stay on their planeta (planet), extraterrestres (extraterrestrials) will always be fascinating to us humanos (humans).
Beyond learning how to say telescope, outer space, or extraterrestrial in Spanish, your kids will feed their imagination and have fun while mastering a new language.
1. Word Search
Sopa de letras (literal translation: letter soup) or word search is a fun way to start learning about aliens in Spanish. This fun game is all about spelling and is perfect for introducing new vocabulary to your kid.
Here’s a word bank with translations for this first adventure! Let your little one be friends with a martian or marciano in Spanish.
- Spacecraft – Nave espacial
- Orbit – Órbita
- Universe – Universo
- Alien – Alienígena
- Flying saucer – Platillo volador
- Galaxy – Galaxia
- Crater – Cráter
- Planet – Planeta
- Comet – Cometa
- Rocket – Cohete
- Satellite – Satélite
- Telescope – Telescopio
- Extraterrestrial – Extraterrestre
- Human – Humano
- Martian – Marciano
- Moon – Luna

Did You Know?
- UFO in Spanish is OVNI and it stands for Objeto Volador No Identificado (Unidentified Flying Object)
- One in every 5 humans believe aliens exist among us disguised as regular people (more men than women).
- An English company has sold over 30,000 insurance policies against alien abduction. In order to file a claim you just need proof!
- According to astronomers, there are 40 million planets in the Milky Way that resemble Earth.
2. Scrambled Letters
As you saw before, alien in Spanish is alienígena, galaxy is galaxia and comet is cometa but it’s time to step it up and direct this lesson towards more sophisticated words and phrases. Play this fun game of scrambled letters to help your kids strengthen their mental agility.
- Mysterious – Misterioso
- Invasion – La invasión
- Telepathy – La telepatía
- Intelligent life – La vida inteligente
- Science fiction – La ciencia ficción
- Light speed – La velocidad de la luz
- Sighting – El avistamiento
- Outer space – El espacio exterior
- Abduction – La abducción
- Solar system – El sistema solar
- Earthling – El / la terrícola
- Atmosphere – La atmósfera
- Space – El espacio
- Contact – El contacto
- Close encounter – El encuentro cercano
3. Find the Alien in Spanish!
Find spacecrafts, planets, comets, telescopes, and aliens in Spanish. Thanks to the activities they’ve already done, your child will be able to spot these space drawings.
Word Bank
- El alienígena
- La nave espacial
- El planeta
- El cometa
- La estrella
- El cohete
- El sol
- El telescopio

Enjoy over 70 unique lessons + free activity packets to download.
4. Dialogues of the Third Kind
Space aliens are fascinating but a child’s curiosity is even more so. This is their opportunity to keep asking questions and your opportunity to practice speaking Spanish with them. Talk about outer space, planets, astronauts, and aliens in Spanish with these dialogues!
Dialogue 1
¿Mamá, hay vida en otros ________? (planetas)
Mom, is there life on other planets?
No creo que estemos solos en el ________ (universo)
I don’t think we are alone in the ________ (universe)
Entonces, crees que existan los _________? (alienígenas)
Do you think ________ exist then? (aliens)
¡No me sorprendería! El __________(espacio) es muy _________(misterioso).
I wouldn’t be surprised! __________(Space) is very ______________ (mysterious).
Word Bank:
Misterioso – Sol – Planetas – Universo – Cohete – Alienígenas
Dialogue 2
Quiero ser un _____________ (astronauta) cuando sea grande.
I want to be an ______________ (astronaut) when I grow up.
¿No le tienes miedo a los ___________ (hoyos negros) or ___________? (asteroides)
Aren’t you afraid of ___________ (black holes) or __________? (asteroids)
¡Para nada! ¡Quiero ver la ________ (luna) de cerca!
Not at all! I want to see the ________(moon) up close!
Word Bank:
Asteroides – Astronauta – Luna
Dialogue 3
Papá, ¿cómo se llama nuestra __________? (galaxia)
Dad, what’s the name of our ________? (galaxy)
Se llama __________________ (Vía Láctea)
It is called __________________ (Milky Way).
¿Y cómo se llama nuestro __________? (planeta)
And how is our _________ called? (planet)
Nuestro planeta se llama _______(Tierra) y está dentro del _________(sistema solar)
Our planet is called _______(Earth) and it is within the __________ (solar system)
Word Bank:
Galaxia – Sistema Solar – Planeta – Vía Láctea

5. Crosswords
The crossword puzzle included in our downloadable PDF is simple and fun! Study the planet names in Spanish and other interesting words for space explorers!
- Exploration – La exploración
- Space Station – La estación espacial
- Abduction – La abducción
- Observatory – El observatorio
- Cosmos – El cosmos
- Astronomer – El astrónomo
- Sun – El sol
- Constellation – La constelación
- Meteorite – El meteorito
- Sky – El cielo
- Venus – Venus
- Mars – Marte
- Jupiter – Jupiter
- Saturn – Saturno
- Uranus – Urano
- Neptune – Neptuno
6. An Alien Came to See You!
Have your children imagine that an alien came to your house to meet them! If they are familiar with other basic Spanish words, this is an ideal game for them.
Ask the kids to tell the aliens a little bit about planet Earth and their lives. They can also ask the aliens all sorts of things about space and their planet.
Section 1: What would you like to ask an alien?
Section 2: If the alien asks you about your planet, what key things would you say?
Section 3: Where would you take your alien friend to eat? They surely want to taste some human food!
Land Your Spanish Skills!
This lesson on aliens in Spanish was out of this world! To ensure your little ones keep practicing their Spanish skills, try out a session with one of our kid-friendly, certified teachers who provide 1-on-1, fun Spanish instruction in real-time. At Homeschool Spanish Academy, we’d be delighted to tailor the perfect Spanish package for your learner. Ten years of experience and 24,000+ monthly active students back us up; to see for yourself, sign up for a free trial class today!

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