What is the Homeschool Morning Basket? (And How To Use It)
A homeschool Morning Basket could be your child’s favorite time of the day. Can you believe it? Even if you are new to homeschooling or have been successfully doing it for years, adding a Homeschool Morning basket to your daily routine can be a game-changer. Keep reading to learn all about this great activity and find out about some ready-to-go ideas. Who Is Homeschool Spanish...Read More
12 Must-Have Homeschooling Materials for Kindergarten
Homeschooling kindergarten is the best time to begin! And these homeschooling materials for kindergarten are just what you need to get started. As your homeschooling skills grow, you’ll learn the specifics that suit your and your child’s style. At this stage, the curriculum options are flexible, and you can fully enjoy the journey without much stress or administrative pressure....Read More
How to Homeschool and Work Full-Time with Success
Can I homeschool and work? I asked myself this two years ago when the pandemic began. I was a full-time teacher living in Mexico, and suddenly I had over 20 hours of online classes and 2 small kids at home, ages 4 and 5. They were too little to take their courses in front of a computer. My husband also taught online, and we had to find a way—and we did! Surprisingly, I remember this...Read More
How Does Your Child Learn Best? Check This List of Learning Styles
When was the first time you discovered that people have different learning styles? I figured it out during a school trip when I was a teenager. I remember my best friend walking around and repeating historical information aloud during our study period. It struck me as odd because I never studied that way. Years later, I understood that she was a kinesthetic and auditory learner. Keep...Read More
How to Prepare for Your Homeschool Graduation Ceremony: 10 Creative Ideas
Time flies, doesn’t it? Not so long ago, you probably started searching how to homeschool high school as you felt unqualified to help your child. Then, you started googling a guide to college admissions for homeschool students. Now, your question is: How do homeschoolers graduate? Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered! Now that you are about to know all about high school graduation...Read More
8 Surprising Homeschool Statistics That Will Make You Happy
Ready to read some amazing homeschool statistics? Homeschooling has seen a dramatic rise over the last couple of years, mostly because of the pandemic. Worldwide lockdowns took millions of kids from the traditional school building and left them homeschooled. Surprisingly to some, it went better than many expected. Let me show you 8 homeschool statistics that may positively surprise you....Read More
8 Ways to Ensure Your Homeschool Isn’t ‘School at Home’
Homeschooling has so many benefits that it’s no wonder numerous families want to escape from the traditional educational system. But quite often, when you make the transition to homeschool—and despite your best intentions!—your homeschool could turn into “school at home.” What I mean is that first-time homeschooling parents sometimes fall into the trap of turning their...Read More
How to Choose the Perfect Homeschool Foreign Language Curriculum
Trying to find the perfect homeschool foreign language curriculum for your student? Maybe it’s the same language that they studied last year, but your goal is to level up. Maybe it’s a completely new language and you’re kind of lost with what to look for, and which language curriculum to choose. Whatever your case is, choosing the right homeschool foreign language curriculum is half of...Read More
13 Inspiring Homeschool Activities That Any Parent Can Do
Ready to make homeschooling more fun? Of course you are, that’s why you’re here to read about these awesome, inspiring homeschool activities. You know very well that homeschooling takes less time than traditional schooling and provides you with plenty of quality time to enjoy with your child. (That’s why homeschooling is better than traditional school!) With this extra time,...Read More