Asistir vs Atender in Spanish: What’s the Difference?
The Spanish verbs asistir vs atender are confusing for English speakers, because they’re false cognates… in most cases, but not all! Still confused? I promise to clear that up for you with this quick grammar lesson! Keep reading to learn the differences between asisitir and atender in Spanish. Join 559 million people on the planet who speak Spanish!Sign up for your free trial Spanish...Read More
Comparatives and Superlatives in Spanish
Are comparatives and superlatives in Spanish really that useful? Let’s see: Can you speak more slowly? I like that one more. You’re the best! It’s the most difficult word to pronounce! They’re more useful than you may have realized! Superlatives and comparatives in Spanish are everywhere, and learning them is definitely worth your time. Table of Contents:...Read More