Asistir vs Atender in Spanish: What’s the Difference?
The Spanish verbs asistir vs atender are confusing for English speakers, because they’re false cognates… in most cases, but not all!
Still confused? I promise to clear that up for you with this quick grammar lesson!
Keep reading to learn the differences between asisitir and atender in Spanish.
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Asistir vs Atender – The Basics
The quickest answer to the meaning of asistir vs atender would be to say that asistir means “to attend,” and atender means “to look after.”
As we mentioned, in most cases these verbs are false cognates, meaning that they sound like English words you know, but the meaning is different:
Ayer asistí a la reunión de la empresa.
Yesterday, I attended a company meeting.
Nuestro objetivo es atender a los más necesitados.
Our aim is to assist those most in need.
However, the detailed explanation is slightly more complex, and the meanings can even switch in some cases.
3 Meanings of the Spanish Verb ‘Asistir’
Verb asistir mainly means “to attend,” but has a few other meanings.
1. To Attend
The Spanish verb asistir mainly means “to be present”—or, to go to a place and be there. The verb in Spanish combines with the preposition a.
Mis hijos asisten a un colegio privado.
My kids attend a private school.
Siento mucho no poder haber asistido.
I am very sorry that I was unable to attend.
2. To Witness
Asistir also means to observe and witness something.
Estamos asistiendo a una nueva era en las comunicaciones.
We’re witnessing a new era in communications.
3. To Attend to, to Assist
Here is where things get complicated. The word asistir can also get very close to the English one, and it means to help, to attend to, or to assist.
Los médicos asistieron a los heridos en el lugar del accidente.
Doctors assisted the injured at the scene of the accident.
Conjugation of Asistir
Let’s see how the verb asistir conjugates in present, past, and future tenses. It’s a regular -ir verb that won’t give you headaches.
Present Tense Conjugation Chart: Asistir
Asistir is regular in the first person of the present tense conjugation.
Spanish | English |
yo asisto | I attend |
tú asistes | you attend |
él, ella, usted asiste | he, she, it attends (formal you attend) |
nosotros asistimos | we attend |
ustedes asisten | you attend |
ellos, ellas asisten | they attend |
Cada verano asisto a todos los conciertos en el parque.
Every summer I attend all the concerts in the park.
Felicidades por asistir a este gran evento de caridad.
Congratulations on attending this great charity event.
Preterite Tense Conjugation Chart: Asistir
The verb asistir is also regular in all forms of the Spanish preterite tense.
Spanish | English |
yo asistí | I attended |
tú asististe | you attended |
él, ella, usted asistió | he, she, it attended (formal you attended) |
nosotros asistimos | we attended |
ustedes asistieron | you attended |
ellos, ellas asistieron | they attended |
Ayer asistí a una conferencia sobre el cáncer.
Yesterday I attended a conference on cancer.
La enfermera me asistió con cuidado.
The nurse assisted me with care.
Future Tense Conjugation Chart: Asistir
You’ll be happy to hear that asistir is also regular in all forms of the Spanish future simple tense.
Spanish | English |
yo asistiré | I will attend |
tú asistirás | you will attend |
él, ella, asistirá | he, she, it will attend (formal you will attend) |
nosotros asistiremos | we will attend |
ustedes asistirán | you will attend |
ellos, ellas asistirán | they will attend |
Asistiremos sin falta.
We will attend without fail.
6 Meanings of the Spanish Verb ‘Atender’
Verb atender mainly means “to tend to,” but also has a few other meanings.
1. To Look After
Atender in Spanish means to care for something or someone.
¿Puedes atender mis plantas mientras esté de viaje?
Can you tend to my plants while I’m away?
Voy a atender al paciente.
I will attend to the patient.
2. To Deal With, to Provide Service
Atender also means to assist, to serve, and to deal with.
No puedo atender a todos en el mismo día.
I can’t serve everyone on the same day.
Aquí atienden a los clientes con quejas.
Here they attend to customers with complaints.
3. To Fulfil
Asistir can also mean to meet the requirements or demands.
Tenemos que atender la creciente demanda del mercado.
We have to meet the growing market demand.
4. To Answer a Phone Call
Also if you want to say “answer a phone call,” you can use atender.
No atendemos las llamadas los fines de semana.
We do not take calls on weekends.
5. To Run a Commerce
If you run a commerce, use atender.
Quien tiene tienda, que la atienda.
Whoever has a shop should run it.
This Spanish refrain means that for a business to do well, the owner must take care of it personally and not leave it in the care of someone else.
6. To Pay Attention
Sometimes, atender can also mean “to pay attention.”
Atiende, si no, nunca vas a entender lo que dice el profesor.
Pay attention, otherwise, you will never understand what the teacher is saying.
Conjugation of Atender
Let’s take a look at the conjugation of the verb atender in present, past, and future tenses. Atender is an -er verb with very few irregularities
Present Tense Conjugation Chart: Atender
Atender is irregular in present tense conjugation.
Spanish | English |
yo atiendo | I assist |
tú atiendes | you assist |
él, ella, usted atiende | he, she, it assist (formal you assist) |
nosotros atendemos | we assist |
ustedes atienden | you assist |
ellos, ellas atienden | they assist |
No lo puedo atender en este momento.
I cannot assist you at the moment.
Preterite Tense Conjugation Chart: Atender
The verb atender is regular in all forms of the Spanish preterite tense.
Spanish | English |
yo atendí | I assisted |
tú atendiste | you assisted |
él, ella, usted atendió | he, she, itassisted (formal you assisted) |
nosotros atendimos | we assisted |
ustedes atendieron | you assisted |
ellos, ellas atendieron | they assisted |
Aquí antes atendían mejor, pero con el nuevo propietario, todo cambió.
They used to provide better service here, but with the new owner, everything has changed.
Future Tense Conjugation Chart: Atender
Atender is also irregular in the future simple tense.
Spanish | English |
yo atenderé | I will assist |
tú atenderás | you will assist |
él, ella, atenderá | he, she, it will assist (formal you will assist) |
nosotros atenderemos | we will assist |
ustedes atenderán | you will assist |
ellos, ellas atenderán | they will assist |
No atenderemos ninguna llamada después de las 6 de la tarde.
We will not take any calls after 6 pm.
Asistir Vs. Atender Quiz
Ready to see if the verbs stopped being confusing for you?
- Personalmente __________ todas las quejas.
- atenderé
- asistiré
- Ayer mil personas __________ al evento de apertura.
- atendieron
- asistieron
- Estamos __________ al comienzo de algo muy importante.
- atendiendo
- asistiendo
- No __________ a los clientes con shorts y chanclas.
- atendemos
- asistimos
- Ahora busco a alguien quien lo __________.
- atienda
- asista
- ¿A cuál colegio __________ tu hija?
- atiende
- asiste
- Mis papás __________ mis gatos mientras no estoy.
- atienden
- asisten
- El dentista nunca me __________.
- atendió
- asistió
- Tienes que __________, si no no entenderás nada de lo que dicen.
- atender
- asistir
- La compañía __________ la demanda de los clientes.
- atendió
- asistió
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Answer Key to Asistir vs Atender Quiz
- atenderé
- asistieron
- asistiendo
- atendemos
- atienda
- asiste
- atienden
- atendió
- atender
- atendió
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