Newest Titles! Spanish Books for Kids
Curling up with your child and reading together is wonderful in so many ways. Reading books to kids allows them to hear language rhythm, sounds, and vocabulary so that they can begin to pick up on language. It aids enunciation and teaches children to mimic the sounds they are hearing and associate words with pictures. Add to their education by reading to them in Spanish so they can...Read More
Learn Spanish While You Cook! Baking Cookies with Your Toddler
“The days are long but the years are short” is an all-too-accurate motto for us parents who have young children in the house. The clock slows to a screeching halt when you need to accomplish a task and the kids are filling up with the urge for activity. Doesn’t it feel like the sheer amount of energy they have in their little bodies could literally blow the roof off? They want to have fun and...Read More
Top 5 Reasons Small Spanish Classes are Best
Let’s travel back in time—think about your Spanish classes from high school: How big were they? Did you feel like you got a lot of one-on-one time with the teacher? Were the classes personalized to your learning style and needs? If you were lucky enough to have small Spanish classes, then you probably learned faster and more efficiently! In high school, my Spanish classes were huge; I...Read More
Spanish Winter Words for Preschoolers
Brrrr! The temperatures are freezing and heavy snowfall has convinced your family to stay indoors (until it’s time to make a snowman, of course). Christmas songs and hot chocolate breaks have made their way into your daily routine. Invierno (winter) is here and in full swing. Looks like it’s time to start learning some Spanish winter words! With the flurry of excitement that your preschooler...Read More