Spelling Words in Spanish: Lessons and Lists with “J”
Spanish is a beautiful language. If you eventually want to master this language, take baby steps; learning little by little is the key! Today, we’ll focus on spelling words in Spanish that start with or include the letter “j,” learn their pronunciation, and understand how can they be used in a sentence. Let’s get started! Pronunciation of Spanish Words Some letters in Spanish have...Read More
Why ‘Ahorita’ in Spanish Almost Never Means ‘Now’
Ahorita is for the Mexicans like the letter ñ is for the Spaniards. What you immediately want to translate as “now” almost never means “now.” At least not for the Mexicans. However, other countries in Latin America also have a very peculiar relationship with this concept. Ahorita is a fascinating word with layers of meaning within it depending on context and also the region the speakers...Read More
The Ultimate Guide to 200+ Sleep Words in Spanish
Have you ever wondered how to say “good night” in a different way than buenas noches? Have you ever gone to Zara Home in Spain or another Spanish-speaking country to buy bedsheets and got lost with mysterious names and weird sizes? Have you ever heard your friend saying that he couldn’t pegar ojo all night, and you didn’t get why he wanted to” glue his eye”? If you’re...Read More
An Epic Grammar Guide to ‘Lo’ in Spanish: ¡Sí, Lo Puedes Aprender!
Who knew such a tiny word could cause such big confusions? Lo is a wacky word—and the moment you want to translate it from Spanish into English, it starts to get rough. What does lo mean? Here are some examples of its versatility in meaning: Lo quiero. (it)I want it. Lo vi. (him)I saw him. Lo difícil es comenzar. (the)The hard part is getting started. Lo siento. (no...Read More
10 Mistakes You’ll Hear Native Spanish Speakers Make in Spanish
Have you ever heard a Spanish native speaker say something that you thought was incorrect? You then ran to check if you had learned something wrong, but no. You, the Spanish learner, were right, and the native speaker was wrong! Stop the presses! Yeah, it happens in every language. In English, you’ll also hear people saying things like *”He don’t like...Read More
Haber vs Tener vs Estar vs Ser: Verbs That Means ‘To Be’ in Spanish
Have you ever committed a beginner Spanish learner mistake and told somebody your age by saying Yo soy veinte años instead of Tengo veinte años (I am 20 years old)? Don’t worry—most English-speaking learners do. Why? Beginner learners don’t know that the English verb “to be” translates into more than one Spanish verb depending on the context. Today, you’ll take a huge step...Read More