How to Keep Up with Spanish During Breaks and Vacations
It’s this time of the year when you excitedly pack your suitcase for a well-deserved break and at the same time you’re thinking: how am I going to learn Spanish on vacation? It’s absolutely possible, and you can actually even get more out of studying Spanish during breaks and vacations than during your busy regular season. Don’t believe me? Keep reading to discover 8 super helpful tips...Read More
Spanish Tongue Twisters for Perfecting Your Pronunciation
How can you sharpen our speaking skills, even if you only have five extra minutes a day? With Spanish tongue twisters, called trabalenguas. Have you ever wished you could improve your Spanish accent so others could understand you better? Spoken Spanish has 39 elemental sounds, or individual speech sounds produced by vocal organs. You can easily master these through exposure and regular...Read More
Learn Spanish Fast: Reshaping the Methods Used to Learn Spanish
We talk to people every day – on the street, in the store, at home – and rarely think about how amazing it is that we can actually communicate with them. We constantly take for granted our ability to converse with those around us. Now, 58.9 million of our neighbors here in the States are Spanish-speakers. Imagine that for a moment. There is an impressive language...Read More
Cinco Sentidos: Exploring the Five Senses in Spanish
Using the 5 human senses can be extremely advantageous when learning something new, like Spanish or another foreign language. Teachers can use experiences, meals, and experiments to get students excited to use their new language. Want to try some sense exploration at home? Here are some fun activities you can do with things you already have at home. Sight or Vista There’s no...Read More
10 Ways to Start a Conversation With Your Child In Spanish
Conversation is a great way to practice the skills learned in a Spanish language class, but many kids switch back to their native English the moment class is over. How can you keep them practicing beyond the classroom? Conversation Techniques with the Textbook A straightforward way to show your child you want him or her to speak Spanish with you is to get out the book and review. Here...Read More
5 Ways to Incorporate Spanish Into Your Everyday Life
Classes are great, but what we do beyond our lessons is a big part of retaining new information. Students need ways to keep up with their Spanish and should be able to enjoy doing so outside the classroom. So, what are the best ways to practice new language skills and make it fun? Here are 5 favorite ways ways to incorporate Spanish into your everyday life. 1. Listen to Music Music in...Read More
by Ron FortinFebruary 13, 2018 Homeschooling, HSA News and Reviews, Learning Strategies, Uncategorized0 comments