Teach the Spanish Months of the Year: April in Spanish
El mes de abril, or the month of April in Spanish, is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. April has 30 days.
The origin of the name abril is not certain. The name of this month comes from the Latin “Aprilis,” which some historians relate to the Latin verb for “to open.”
Others say that the name comes from the word “Aphrilis,” in relation to the Greek name of the goddess Venus: Aphrodite.
But no matter where the word comes from, with time it evolved from Aprilis to April in English and abril in Spanish.
Many activities and festivities take place during the month of April, thanks to its spring weather. Let’s take a look at why April is such an amazing month.
April in Spanish: Celebrations
April is a month full of celebrations around the world. Let’s learn about a few of the most important celebrations on Latin America and Spain.
Semana santa
Known as “Holy Week” in English, and Semana mayor (Major Week) in some Spanish-speaking countries, Semana santa is a celebration that you must talk about when talking about April in Spanish.
Holy Week ranges from March 22 to April 25 each year. This year (2021), Holy Week was from March 29 to April 4.
La semana santa is arguably the most important annual Christian celebration in Latin America, and it commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his subsequent resurrection.
From a secular point of view, Holy Week is also a spring break—a week-long vacation to enjoy the mild weather of the season.
How It’s Celebrated
Through Latin America and Spain, people celebrate Holy Week in several ways including dramas, processions, choirs, and even fireworks!
Generally, the celebration relies on procesiones (processions) organized by las cofradías (brotherhoods) of every city and town that participates.
In some towns, people perform the passion of Christ on the streets for all the people to see. One man is chosen to perform Jesus, while other people perform as the disciples, Roman guardians and Jesus’s family.
Leon, Spain hosts a famous event where more than 4,000 penitentes (penitents) participate in La procesión de los pasos (stations of the cross).
In Campanha, Brazil but the main event of the week is on Friday afternoon, when the image of Jesus is taken down from the cross and placed in a coffin.
In Antigua, Guatemala, families and friends get together to make elaborate, colorful alfombras (carpets) made with aserrin (colored sawdust). Watching people make the alfombras is just as interesting as watching the processions.
Semana santa Vocabulary
Use these words to talk about Semana santa and April in Spanish.
Spanish | English |
La Semana santa / La Semana mayor | Holy Week |
La procesión | Procession |
El anda | Float |
La pasión de Cristo | The Passion of Christ |
El cucurucho / penitente | Penitent |
Las imágenes religiosas | Religious Images |
Los santos | Saints |
La Virgen María | Virgin Mary |
El Cristo crucificado | Crucified Christ |
El Cristo yacente | Recumbent Christ |
Domingo de Ramos | Palm Sunday |
Lunes Santo | Holy Monday |
Martes Santo | Holy Tuesday |
Miércoles Santo | Holy Wednesday |
Jueves Santo | Holy Thursday |
Viernes Santo | Holy Friday |
Sabado Santo | Holy Saturday |
Domingo de Resurrección | Easter Sunday |
El incienso | Incense |
La cofradía | Brotherhood/Fraternity |
Día Mundial de la Salud
World Health Day is celebrated every April 7 to commemorate the foundation of the World Health Organization (WHO). Since 1950, this day has brought attention to sanitary and health issues around the world.
The 2021 theme was “Building a Fairer and Healthier World for Everyone.” Here are some vocabulary words about World Health Day in Spanish:
Spanish | English |
Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) | World’s Health Organization (WHO) |
La salud | Health |
Saludable | Healthy |
Enfermizo | Sickly |
La vacuna | Vaccine |
Las medicinas / los medicamentos | Medicine |
Acceso a atención hospitalaria | Access to hospital care |
La salud es un derecho. | Health is a right. |
Las enfermedades | Diseases |
Las infecciones | Infections |
El Día de la Tierra
Celebrated on April 22, Earth Day is an annual event to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It started in 1970 and is now celebrated in 193 countries by more than 1 billion people worldwide!
The theme for Earth Day 2021 is Restauren Nuestra Tierra (Restore Our Earth).
In Latin America, el Día de la Tierra has made a positive impact and has helped to create the indicator of las ciudades verdes (green cities) indicator. This indicator uses comparative evaluations on the ecological impact of Latin America cities on the environment by evaluating factors like traffic, waste disposal, and air quality.
April in Spanish wouldn’t be the same without this day. Check out these vocabulary with words that relate to the Earth Day.
Spanish | English |
La ecología | Ecology |
La tierra | Earth |
El medio ambiente | Environment |
El / la ecologista | Ecologist |
La biodiversidad | Biodiversity |
El desperdicio | Waste |
El calentamiento global | Global warming |
Biodegradable | Biodegradable |
El ecosistema | Ecosystem |
Energía renovable | Renewable energy |
La contaminación | Contamination |
Contaminar | To contaminate |
La polución | Pollution |
Reciclar | To recycle |
Reusar | To reuse |
Reducir | To reduce |
Preservar | To preserve |
La energía sustentable | Sustainable energy |
April in Spanish Activities
Here are three awesome activities to do with friends, family or by yourself! when learning about April in Spanish!
1. Learn a Poem by Gabriela Mistral
Gabriela Mistral, whose real name was Lucía Godoy Alcayaga, was a Chilean poetess, diplomat, and teacher. She won the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1945.
Miss Mistral was born in April, so it is common to celebrate her legacy during this month. She’s one of the most important literary figures in Latin America.
Here’s a poem by Gabriela Mistral that is easy to learn and recite!
Yo tenía un botoncito
aquí, junto al corazón.
Era blanco y pequeñito
como el grano del arroz.
De la luz lo defendía
en la hora del calor.
Yo tenía un botoncito
apegado al corazón.
Fue creciendo, fue creciendo
y mi sombra la pasó.
Fue tan alto como un árbol
y su frente como el sol.
Fue creciendo, fue creciendo
y el regazo me llenó;
y se fue por los caminos
como arroyo cantador…
Lo he perdido, y así canto
por mecerme mi dolor:
«¡Yo tenía un botoncito
apegado al corazón!»
I had a little button,
Here, beside my heart.
It was white and small,
Like a grain of rice.
From the light I defended it
in the hour of heat.
I had a little button,
attached to my heart.
It grew and grew,
And my shadow surpassed it,
It was as tall as a tree,
and its forehead like the sun.
It grew and grew,
And filled my lap;
And it went down the roads,
like a singing river….
I have lost it, and I sing like this
To deserve my pain;
«I had a little button,
Attached to my heart!»
2. Cook torrejas
Torrejas are a typical Latin American dessert for Semana santa. They’re sweet, delicious and so easy to make! This torrejas recipe is from El Salvador. You could prepare it as a delicious treat to share with family and friends!
Ingredientes — Ingredients
La miel — Syrup:
1 taza de azúcar— 1 cup of sugar
1 ½ tazas de agua — 1 ½ cup of water
2 palitos de canela— 2 cinnamon sticks
Pan tipo baguette — 1 Baguette
1 taza de leche — 1 cup of milk
3 huevos — 3 eggs
Aceite Vegetal — Vegetable Oil
Para hacer la miel, combinar el azúcar, agua y canela en una olla pequeña.
To make the syrup, combine the sugar, water, and cinnamon in a small saucepan.
Llevarla a ebullición a fuego medio, luego bajar el fuego y cocinar alrededor de 10 minutos o hasta que las burbujas se vean densas.
Bring it to a boil over medium heat, then lower the heat and cook for about 10 minutes or until the bubbles appear thick.
Apagar el fuego.
Turn off the fire.
Para las torrejas, corta el pan en rodajas de más o menos 2 centímetros.
For the torrejas, cut the bread into slices about 2 centimeters thick.
Colocar la leche dentro de un recipiente donde se puedan remojar las rodajas de pan para que absorba la leche.
Place the milk in a container where the bread slices can be soaked to absorb the milk.
Remojar las rodajas de pan dentro de la leche y dejar que se humedezcan de ambos lados.
Soak the bread slices in the milk and let them moisten on both sides.
Evita que se empapen por completo o se deshagan.
Keep them from getting completely soaked or falling apart.
En un tazón aparte, batir los huevos hasta que se vuelvan espumosos.
In a separate bowl, beat the eggs until they become foamy.
Luego poner a calentar un sartén con un poco de aceite vegetal.
Then heat a frying pan with a little vegetable oil.
Remojar las rodajas de pan con leche en el huevo y poner a freír hasta que se doren de ambos lados.
Soak the bread slices with milk in the egg and fry until golden brown on both sides.
Servir con abundante miel.
Serve with plenty of syrup.
3. Build a Bird Feeder
Taking advantage of the diversity of birds that is around in April, a bird feeder is a perfect idea to celebrate Earth Day. Here is an easy and affordable bird feeder that can be built at home!
¿Qué necesitamos? – What do we need?
3 latas pequeñas de pintura – 3 small cans of paint
Pintura para decorar las latas -Paint to decorate the cans
Pegamento caliente – hot glue
1 clavija de madera de 30 cm – 1 30-cm wooden dowel
Cinta de diferentes colores – Colored ribbons
Comida para aves – Bird seed
Instrucciones – Instructions
Cortar la clavija de madera en 3 partes de 10cm cada una.
Cut the wooden dowel into three 10-centimeter pieces.
Decora las latas de pintura como tú quieras y deja secar.
Decorate the paint cans as you like and let them dry.
Al secar colocar una gota de pegamento caliente en la orilla de la lata y colocar una pieza de las clavijas de madera en ese espacio.
When dried, place a drop of hot glue on the edge of the can and stick a piece of the dowel there.
Sostener mientras seca.
Hold while it dries.
Poner más pegamento si es necesario.
Put more glue if necessary.
Colocar pegamento alrededor del medio de la lata de pintura y asegurar con fuerza la cinta de colores.
Then, put some glue around the middle of the paint can and securely tie the colored ribbon.
Colgarlo en el jardín, colocar la comida para aves dentro, ¡y a esperar!
Hang it in the garden, put the bird food inside, and wait!
Have an Amazing April in Spanish!
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