The Best Spanish Language Advertisements You Might Have Missed
Spanish language advertisements tend to be quite memorable. In fact, the Spanish-speaking world is responsible for coming up with some of the wittiest, funny, and informative marketing campaigns in the world.
Do you remember those days before Netflix and Youtube? Advertisements used to reach consumers in different ways. As society evolves, companies are meant to do the same and come up with creative marketing strategies and new ways to reach and influence consumers and their decision-making abilities.
What Makes Advertisements Successful?
Advertisements are part of daily life, they play a strong part in our mindset and choices, while bringing emotions and creativity to the table. A successful ad campaign will stay with you longer after the commercials end. They’re meant to inform, persuade, and create awareness. The best Spanish language advertisements don’t require huge budgets—instead, the success of a campaign depends on how clearly and efficiently it communicates a strong message that inspires consumer loyalty.
Types of Spanish Language Advertisements
Spanish language advertisements today reach audiences in multiple different ways, either it’s with the best cutting edge technology or using the once popular classic television commercials, marketing campaigns require companies to choose carefully how to reach their audiences successfully and communicate with them in the best possible way. What works for Coca Cola, probably won’t work for Pollo Campero. Let’s take a look at the types of advertisements frequently used in Spanish-speaking media:
Outdoor Advertising
Whether it’s flashy signs with lights, humongous billboards or signs; these advertisements are meant to reach people who are on the constant move and don’t have the possibility to stop and read a long message. Outdoor advertisements are clear, concise and don’t leave much room or time for further interpretation. The key to their success is visibility and how easily they can catch the attention of pedestrians and people in their car. Prices for these types of campaigns are usually high.
Printed Media
Advertisements in flyers, pamphlets, newspapers or magazines are a classic and once successful way to reach plenty of potential consumers. Printed press usually has a target audience already defined, which makes selecting a demographic way easier for companies. The cost is lower and the information should be appealing, not overwhelming. These types of ads are less frequent as digital communications take over and even the most successful printed media struggles to stay competitive in this new environment.
In Spanish-speaking countries the radio is a highly-effective source of information. Some family households might not have internet or television, but they’ll own a radio. The radio is still very popular among older generations, so it’s safe to say any Spanish language advertisements that make it to the radio have a high probability of success among potential consumers. Digital radio platforms available also offer companies the opportunity to reach a younger audience. Radio commercials are as popular today as they were before.
TV Commercials
To this day, television remains a favorite when it comes to advertising. It can reach audiences at a large scale and holds some of the most memorable Spanish language advertisements of our time. TV’s given us catchy tunes, emotional stories, and highly creative ways of understanding what a product of service can do for us. The costs of television commercials are way high, so not any company can afford them.
Below the line (BTL) advertisement is used on specifically targeted audiences. Companies that select this form of marketing have a greater chance of creating brand loyalty and many times require more interaction from the audience. A perfect example are telemarketing campaigns, flash mobs, and sponsorship of events. This form of marketing is easy to quantify and has highly traceable results.
Now-a-days most people own a smartphone, have social media, email or use at least one streaming service; which makes the internet highly effective for brands and businesses worldwide. The cost for advertising online is usually lower than other strategies and enables companies to redirect user traffic to their websites, social media and be easily found on search engines like Google. Spanish language advertisements online identify and reach their target immediately when designed accurately. Companies that choose this form are highly aware of their audience’s needs and consumer behavior.
Now that you’re familiar with the types of advertisements you come across every day, it’s time to pay homage to those booming campaigns that have managed to stay on the top of mind of Spanish-speaking audiences.
Here’s some of the best Spanish language advertisements you might have missed.
Kit Kat (2015)
Type: Outdoors Advertising & BTL
Country: Colombia
Kit Kat has held on to the slogan tomate un respiro (gimme a break) in Spanish language advertisements. When you hear the phrase, you immediately think of the chocolate brand. In Colombia, they came up with a unique and innovative strategy to catch the attention of audiences that will be hard to top.
Kit Kat knows that a lot of people don’t actually take breaks—including models of other advertising campaigns. Kit Kat negotiated with prestigious companies in Bogotá to integrate their marketing campaign into other advertisements, using the models to enjoy a scrumptious Kit Kat chocolate bar. This marketing strategy caught people’s eye, as no one expected a Mazda commercial to feature a model eating a Kit Kat!
The company placed integrated advertisements throughout the Bogotá city metro—but wait, there’s more—they also placed free-chocolate dispensers next to them. Not only were other ads taking a break, but pedestrians of Bogotá were now able to take one too.
Records show over 2 million impressions resulted from this campaign, including the consumption of free chocolates and the explosive conversation it sparked on social media. As a highly successful and efficient strategy, Kit Kat’s collaboration with other companies is a unique and powerful reminder that advertisements can still surprise us.
Ikea (2009)
Type: Printed Media
Country: Spain
Ikea is a multinational corporation dedicated to manufacture and retail of household items and furniture, well-known for its low prices and do-it-yourself approach. The slogan for this campaign Bienvenidos a la república independiente de mi casa (Welcome to the independent republic of my house) is focused on highlighting the importance that homes have for the Spanish population. It reassures the idea that in your own home, you set the rules and you can feel free and independent. In conjunction with the slogan is the quality and essence of all types of Ikea items, which are designed to contribute to this feeling of ownership and independence. Their ingenuity in tapping into their customer’s needs is the main reason why Ikea is currently one of the top-grossing companies on the European continent.
B&B Christmas Jingle (1964)
Type: Radio
Country: Guatemala
Listen to it on Youtube
This radio commercial is the official announcement that the Christmas season has begun in Guatemala. This jingle by Productos B&B, a food manufacturing company, has been heard and memorized by most Guatemalans since it came out in the 1960’s.The jingle is long, upbeat, and catchy, with powerful words that remind us of how Christmas is a special and intimate family holiday. In addition to the cheer they provide with this optimistic jingle, it cleverly references some of the company’s star products like mayonesa (mayonnaise), salsa inglesa (worcestershire sauce), and buen vinagre (good vinegar).
This radio ad is one of the longest played Spanish language advertisements in the country. In fact, at its conception, the voice narrators were paid less than $5 to record it, which was a highly generous amount of money at the time!
B&B is still one of the most popular brands in Guatemala, thanks to their campaign which has been consistently successful for more than 50 years. Even if the season is over, it’s never too late to start listening and learning this Guatemalan Christmas anthem!
Lala with Chris Evans (2019)
Type: TV Commercial
Country: Mexico
Watch it on Youtube
Lala, a Mexican dairy corporation, hit the mark with this ad campaign by featuring highly influential actor and Marvel Avenger, Chris Evans. The commercial shows an everyday hero—a mom—and Captain America chatting over how long and exhausting their days are. Mom has the best advice for getting through a hard day and you guessed right! The recipe is a fresh bottle of leche Lala. This campaign pays homage to any normal hero and how Lala’s products are key in giving them energy to keep saving the world. It doesn’t hurt that the actor is super fit and successful, so if he’s endorsing this Mexican milk, there’s a chance it’s extremely delicious and healthy.
Netflix Latinamerica: Dark Season 2 (2019)
Type: Internet and BTL
Countries: Spanish-speaking Latin American countries and Spain
Watch it on Youtube
Dark is one of the top streaming series on Netflix and viewers from Latin America were highly anticipating the second season premiere. Many fans from Spanish-speaking countries took to social media to tweet about their excitement, and Netflix responded to them with one of the most creative Spanish language advertisements. One tweet from a fan named Ignacio made it all the way to Germany, where the series is filmed. His tweet said: Voy a dejar el pan cuando salga Dark (I will give up bread when Dark premieres).
Because pan dulce is a central cultural experience in Latin America—it’s a part of breakfast and afternoon coffee—Ignacio’s announcement was a big deal and went viral. Netflix finally announced the season premiere with the series’ cast acknowledging Ignacio’s tweet in a funny and ironic manner. This turned out to be one of the most successful marketing campaigns online that created wide audience interaction and engagement throughout social media networks, making Dark one of the top rated shows on the streaming platform.
Catch-up on Spanish Language Advertisements
Did you enjoy the list? This blog post has only a few of the many highly memorable and successful Spanish language advertisements. Which one was your favorite? Let me know in a comment!
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