Top 5 Most Famous Classic Mariachi Songs with Spanish Lyrics
Mariachi culture holds such a big influence over the continent of America, that most people will instantly recognize a mariachi band at first glance. You’ve probably seen mariachi bands in real life, or in movies like Coco. But have you ever seen a mariachi band play live? I highly recommend it!
In order to prepare you for your next mariachi concert, let’s explore some of the most popular songs, festivals, and customs this music genre has to offer. Also, if you haven’t already, read up on our history of mariachi to better understand the rich cultural significance of this music style.
Where Can You Find Mariachi?
The best way to find mariachi bands near you is to use a search engine to find local bands and events. In some Latin American countries, especially in Mexico, It’s common to see mariachi bands walking around restaurants and parks during night hours.

On the Streets
They will find a group of friends, families, or partners and play a couple of songs for them in exchange for some change. After the first song is finished, people will start making song requests. If you’re ever in a situation like this and request a song yourself, you’ll definitely impress your Spanish speaking friends!
At Festivals
Two of the biggest mariachi events are the international mariachi competition, a battle royale that test mariachi bands all over the world, and Mariachi USA, a large scale mariachi concert.
Have Fun With Mariachi
A true fan of this famous music style knows that singing at the top of their lungs is the optimal way to enjoy las rancheras. If you learn the lyrics to one of the classic songs, you can huddle up with your best buds and experience singing and also one of the best parts of mariachi music: El Grito
¡El Grito!
Described as “crying and laughing at the same time,” el grito consists of a very specific way of shouting to express the joy of mariachi and the pains of life its lyrics describe. It’s origins, while unclear, are usually attributed to Mexican oral tradition. The moment where el grito is of the utmost importance, in my opinion, is when you hear mariachi music unexpectedly.
Compete to Scream
This iconic shout will be performed by anyone and everyone who feels the passion of the music at the time, or if you personally relate to the lyrics of the song. Because this is a common practice that accompanies classic mariachi music, people even hold competitions to see who does the best one! Gritos are judged on loudness, pitch, length, and passion.
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Classic Mariachi Songs
If you’re lucky enough to listen to a live band, these three classic songs are essential for you to know. Listen to them, enjoy them, and hopefully learn some new Spanish vocabulary!
El Mariachi Loco
This is the perfect song for beginners. You can know absolutely no Spanish and still learn this song in less than a day. El Mariachi Loco, or “The Crazy Mariachi” is a song about a band member who wants to dance but can’t find a partner. Poor mariachi loco!
- Loco – crazy
- Bailar – dance
- Gozar – to have fun
El Rey
This tragic song called “The King” talks about a man who’s just broken up with his wife, and how he’ll carry on without her. Composed by one of the mariachi music legends, Vicente Fernandez, El Rey is a must-know for all music fans of this genre.
- Rey – king
- Reina – queen
- Piedra – stone
- Afuera – outside
- Camino – road
- Destino – destiny
- Llorar – cry
Las Mañanitas
Did you know that Latin America has it’s own “Happy Birthday” song? While we usually sing a translated version of the classic song, Las Mañanitas is the default mariachi birthday song. This song is usually played during the early morning hours of someone’s birthday (as early as 5 am!), and some people even hire live bands to play for the birthday person. Also, it’s common to light fireworks to make some extra noise. The lyrics talk about how the song was usually sung to King David, “and because today’s your birthday, we sing them to you.”
- Despierta – wake up
- Luna – moon
- Pajaritos – birds
- Cantaba – sang
- Hoy – today
Acá Entre Nos
Vicente Fernandez is one of mariachi music’s best songwriters. Acá Entre Nos translates to “between you and me.” The song talks about how the singer lies to his friends about no longer being in love with their ex-girlfriend, and then he admits to the girl that “between you and I, I’ve never stopped loving you”. It’s a sad romantic story, perfect for a well timed grito.
- Acá – here
- Amigos – friends
- Verdad – truth
- Soledad – loneliness
- Adorar – adore
- Preguntar – (to) ask
La Mano de Dios
Let’s finish this list with a positive love story! La Mano de Dios, or “God’s Hand”, is a song that talks about a love so strong that only God is able to break it apart. This type of music is a testament to the romantic personality Latin Americans are known for.
- Nacimos – (to be) born
- Amor – love
- Esperando – (to) wait
- Mundo – world
- Mar – sea
- Profundo – deep
Sing To Your Heart’s Content
Expand your horizons with new experiences by listening to new kinds of music, which helps you better understand a specific culture, language, and even feeling. As you may already know, learning language through music is a common tactic for learners of every level of fluency. In addition to music, you can take a free class at Homeschool Spanish Academy to practice the songs’ vocabulary and to learn even more from certified Spanish-speaking teachers!!
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