10 Spanish Alphabet Songs for Kids Who Love to Dance
It can be tough to get your preschooler or kindergartener focused long enough to learn their letters in English, let alone a foreign language like Spanish. If you want to help your child learn the Spanish letters, why not turn learning time into a fun singing and dancing session? With the following choices, your child will be singing and dancing to the Spanish alphabet songs in no time!
10 Great Spanish Alphabet Songs
As you encourage your child to learn the Spanish alphabet, keep a couple of things in mind.
- Some of the Spanish alphabet songs include extra letters, like CH, LL, and RR. While the alphabet originally included these letters, they have recently been removed according to the Real Academia Española. Now, the alphabet only has 27 letters.
- A few letters in the Spanish alphabet have multiple pronunciations which you may hear in several of the songs.
- V – “bay” or “oo-bay”
- W – “doblay-bay” or “doblay-oo”
- Many letters in the Spanish alphabet are not used very often. A lot of them are used mainly for English words, like K and W. Also, only a handful of obscure words start with Ñ, so most songs use words that have an Ñ in them, like piña or araña.
On the following list, several Spanish alphabet songs focus on the regular alphabet song, while others include unique Spanish lyrics. Depending on your child’s Spanish level, you can choose a basic option or a more advanced song.
For the songs that have extra lyrics, we have included them with translations below so you can help your child understand what is being said. If you want to take your Spanish lessons to the next level, include the vocabulary of the lyrics in your Spanish lessons and activities.
Canta con Jess
Our first song is pretty simple and straightforward. Teacher Jess speaks in both English and Spanish for complete comprehension and walks through the letters several times. The song is set to the original ABC tune so your child can follow along easily.
Hola, amigos. ¿Están listos para aprender el ABC? – Hey, friends. Are you ready to learn the ABCS?
Ya conoces el ABC. Escucha y repite. – Now you know the ABCs. Listen and repeat.
Vamos juntos una vez más. – Let’s do it again together one more time.
Gracias por cantar conmigo. – Thank you for singing with me.
Hasta la próxima. – See you next time.
Miss Paty Lu is an upbeat character with a fun wardrobe and a contagious smile. She does easy dance moves for each letter that kids will want to copy. Instead of just listing all the letters in the Spanish alphabet, she first says an object and wants the kids to say what letter it starts with. This song will help teach the letters and extra vocabulary.
Hola, chicos. Soy Miss Paty Lu. En esta canción vamos a aprender el abecedario. Yo les digo una palabra y ustedes me contestan con la letra con la que empezó. ¿Están todos listos? El abecedario.
Hey, guys. I’m Miss Paty Lu. In this song, we’re going to learn the alphabet. I’m going to say a word and you answer with the letter that it starts with. Are you all ready? The alphabet.
La letra del árbol – The letter for tree
Y de los barcos – and for boats
De mi casita – the one for my house
Y los duraznos – and for peaches
El elefante – the elephant
Con mis frambuesas – with my raspberries
Y gelatina – and Jell-O
También helado – also ice cream
Helado se escribe con H. Lo que pasa es que es muda. – “Ice cream” is written with H. What happens is that it is silent.
La letra de Ines – the letter for Ines
Una jirafa – a giraffe
Comiendo kiwi – eating kiwi
Y limonada – and lemonade
Ya llega mamí – the mommy arrived
Para la niña – for the girl
Un plato de piña – a plate of pineapple
Duerme la osita – the little bear sleeps
Para mi papi – for my daddy
Tres quesadillas – three quesadillas
Como es el rey – since he is the king
Siete sandías – seven watermelons
Tocan tambores – play the drums
Y un unicornio – and a unicorn
En la ventana – in the window
Nos trajo wafles – brought us waffles
La letra el tache – the letter for “cross-out”
Y la del yo-yo – and the one for yo-yo
Con los zapatos. – with the shoes
Ya terminamos el abecedario con los vocales, las consonantes. Ya se lo saben.
We finished the alphabet with the vowels, the consonants. Now you know them all.
Rock ‘N Learn
This song has a fun beat that will make anyone want to dance. The video gives brief introductions in Spanish and English, then goes right into reviewing the letters. This is a great option for older kids as it doesn’t have as much animation.
Hola, mis amigos, vamos a aprender el alfabeto en español.
Hello, my friends. We’re going to learn the Spanish alphabet.
Ahora que sabes el alfabeto vámonos un poco más rápido.
Now that you know the alphabet, let’s go a little faster.
ChuChu TV Español
If you have a preschooler, this song would be perfect for them. It follows the letters as they play in a water park, and the animation and rhythm will capture your child’s attention. There are only a few extra Spanish sentences that are great for beginner Spanish learners.
Ya me sé el ABC. Canta conmigo otra vez. – Now I know my ABCs. Next time sing with me.
Sabemos el ABC. – We know the ABCs.
De la “A” a la “Z” leo también. – From the letter A to Z, I can read, too.
For an extended letter lesson, check out this Spanish alphabet song. There are several separate segments, so you can choose to just focus on the first one (lyrics below), or encourage your child to watch the rest of the songs which talk about the vowels and BINGO.
¿Listos para cantar el abecedario? ¡Todos juntos!
Are you all ready to sing the alphabet? Everyone together!
Ya me sé mi ABC. Ven y canta otra vez.
Now I know my ABCs. Come and sing with me again.
Luna Creciente
This is another long video, reaching almost 11 minutes. However, this one is just one song repeated. If your child loves goofy animals and puppets, this is sure to be a hit. El Mono Sílabo sings the alphabet with his friend in funny voices that your kid will want to repeat.
Frankie and Frank
This video is a snippet from Sesame Street and follows Frankie and Frank as they practice the alphabet song. There is a lot of talking, so this might be better for a child who already understands some Spanish. Frankie wants to sing the alphabet song, and Frank tries to sing it but he keeps singing the wrong song. Finally, Frankie shows him which one it is and they sing together. However, Frankie keeps singing faster and faster and is left singing by himself. This funny song and fun puppets will definitely be a hit with your young Spanish learner.
¿Qué tal si cantamos la canción del alfabeto? – How about we sing the alphabet song?
¡La cancíón del alfabeto! ¿Sabes qué? Me encanta la canción del alfabeto. – The alphabet song! You know what? I love the alphabet song!
Muy bien, pues. ¡A cantar! – Very good, then. Let’s sing!
Muy bien. – Very good.
Oye, Frank. Esa no es la canción del alfabeto. – Hey Frank. That’s not the alphabet song.
Es cierto. Lo siento, tienes razón. Esta es. – That’s right. I’m sorry, you’re right. This one is.
Frank. Esa tampoco es la canción del alfabeto. No. De todas maneras no es la canción del alfabeto, Frank. – Frank. That’s not the alphabet song either. No. Anyway, that’s not the alphabet song, Frank.
Estaba seguro de que eso era. – I was sure that was it.
No. ¿Estás listo? – No. Are you ready?
Sí. ¿Lo sabes? – Yeah, do you know it?
Sí. Te la enseñaré. – Yes. I’ll teach it to you.
Muy bien. – Very well.
Aquí voy. – Here I go.
El abecedario ya me sé. Ahora canta tú también. – Now I know the alphabet. Now you sing, too.
Me encantaría cantar contigo, Frankie. – I would love to sing with you, Frankie.
Muy bien. ¡Pues cantemos! – Very well. Let’s sing, then!
Me encantaría cantar contigo, Frankie. – I would love to sing with you, Frankie.
Cleo y Cuquín
Does your kid love watching Cleo and Cuquín? If so, then show them this Spanish alphabet song with their favorite characters. They will love the catchy tune and fun animation. What’s interesting about this song is that every vocabulary word in Spanish starts with the same letter in both English and Spanish. This will help your child recognize the letter for each object quickly.
Los aviones empiezan por A. – Airplanes start with A.
Y las bicis por la letra B. – And bikes with B.
Los coches tienen C. – Cars have a C.
Dinosaurio a comer. – The dinosaur’s going to eat.
La primera letra de elefante es E. – The first letter of elephant is E.
Y la F de flor huele muy bien. – And the F in flower smells very good.
La primera letra de gorila es G. – The first letter of gorilla is G.
Y grita fuerte la H. ¡Hola, hola, hola, hola! – And the H yells strongly. Hi, hi, hi, hi!
Los insectos empiezan por I. – Insects start with I.
Y mi jarra por jota. – And my jar with J.
Mi koala tumbado está. – My koala is lying down.
Hay limonada qué bien. – Great that there’s lemonade.
La primera letra de monstruo es M. – The first letter of monster is M.
Y la N de nariz puedes mover. – And you can move the N in nose.
La Ñ de araña puede picar. – The Ñ in spider can bite.
O de océano con ola, ola, ola, olas. – O in ocean with wave, wave, wave, waves.
Que diver la pisicina es. – How fun the pool is!
Cuquín monta en su quad. – Cuquín rides his quad.
Pon la radio a tope. – Turn the radio all the way up.
Serpientes, hay que correr. – Snakes, we have to run.
La primera letra de tomate es T. – The first letter of tomato is T.
U de unicornio saltarín. – U for jumping unicorn.
Y verduras ricas hay que comer. – And we need to eat delicious vegetables.
W de Walkie Walkie Talkie. – W for Walkie Walkie Talkie.
Hallarás una X en xilófono. – You’ll find an X in xylophone.
Y de mi yo-yo. – Y for my yo-yo
La primera letra de zoo es Z. – The first letter of zoo is Z.
Canta, canta conmigo el ABC con ritmo. – Sing, sing with me the ABCs with rhythm.
Canta, canta conmigo el ABC con ritmo. – Sing, sing with me the ABCs with rhythm.
Ricardo Calderón
This simple alphabet song is set to upbeat Latino music that will make the whole family want to dance along. Your child will move to the music while learning the Spanish alphabet.
El Árbol del Español
Of all the Spanish alphabet songs, this one is my favorite. It introduces the alphabet slowly with letters that look like objects that start with that sound, then slowly speeds up. The song also has extra repeating lyrics that are catchy. Even if your child is new to Spanish, the repetition of these lyrics will help them pick up the words in no time.
Vamos a aprender las letras del abecedario para que cuando deletreemos o leamos no olvidemos. Canta conmigo el ABC, ABC, la canción del abecedario. ¿Están listos para decir el abecedario? Aquí vamos.
Let’s learn the letters of the alphabet so when we spell or read we won’t forget them. Sing with me the ABCs, ABCS, the alphabet song. Are you ready to say the alphabet? Here we go.
Esas son todas las letras que necesitamos saber del ABC.
These are the letters we need to know in the ABCs.
Vamos a aprender las letras del abecedario para que cuando deletreemos o leamos no olvidemos. Canta conmigo el ABC, ABC, la canción del abecedario. ¿Están listos para decir el abecedario más rápido? Aquí vamos.
Let’s learn the letters of the alphabet so when we spell or read we won’t forget them. Sing with me the ABCs, ABCS, the alphabet song. Are you ready to say the alphabet faster? Here we go.
Vamos aun más rápido. ¿Están listos?
Let’s go even faster. Are you ready?
Let’s Dance and Sing to the Spanish Alphabet Songs!
Learning the letters can be so much fun! Make sure to continue your child’s education by singing their favorite Spanish alphabet songs with them throughout the day. Also, ask them what letter certain objects start with in Spanish to test how much they remember.
If you would like some help with the Spanish alphabet, whether that be teaching the letter sounds or understanding all the Spanish lyrics, try a free online class with Homeschool Spanish Academy! All of our teachers are native Spanish speakers and have plenty of experience teaching the alphabet to young kids. Sign up today and see the difference in your child’s fluency!
Check out these helpful Spanish for preschool posts!
- Dialect vs Accent: Is It a Language, Dialect, or Accent?
- Bien vs Bueno: How Good is Your Spanish?
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- Punctuation Marks, Special Characters, and Other Symbols in Spanish
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