20 Quotes About Learning Spanish to Inspire Your Classroom
I don’t know how about you but quotes about learning are one of my favorite types of motivational quotes. I use them with my students and for myself.
Sometimes, these short sentences can give you a completely different vision of your relationship with a new language. You discover that you’re not the only one experiencing difficulties or getting excited about new opportunities.
Today, I’ll tell you why these inspirational quotes about learning are so important in the motivational process. I’ll share some of my ideas about how you can use them in your lessons.
And finally, I’ll give you a list of 20 quotes about learning that are my absolute favorites.
I hope I manage to inspire you!
Why Motivation Is Crucial in Learning Spanish
It’s an undeniable truth that you won’t get far without motivation. Feeling motivated is a key factor to being successful at learning a language.
As a teacher, I can see it clearly in my classroom. I usually have around 15 students, more or less at the same level. They all receive the same input, study the same content, and some of them advance at a much greater speed than others. And before you ask, no, it’s not always related to their learning abilities.
Why is it so then?
First, let me explain a little something about motivation.
There are two types of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic is motivation based on an external reward. For example, a student feels motivated to learn because they will eventually need to take an exam to prove they’ve learned the topic. Meanwhile, intrinsic motivation is the most powerful of the two—the one that makes wonders. This type of motivation is a sincere interest, desire, and passion to learn for personal reasons, and doesn’t require a single reward from someone else.
What do you think—can we awake this intrinsic motivation inside ourselves? Inside our students?
I do believe we can, yes! The first step is to get inspired, and motivational quotes help a lot with this matter.
How to Use Quotes about Learning in Class
Your best bet is to make your whole classroom inspiring. Make sure that the environment is learning-friendly, and that your students are totally immersed in the language during class. Posters are the cheapest way to completely transform your classroom into a highly stimulating place.
Easily print any posters you want with the quotes about learning and hang them all around. You can start each lesson by choosing one poster to comment on.
Ask your students to choose a different one for each lesson and create a short diary entry related to the quote.
You can also print these quotes on small papers, or copy them on post-its, and paste or staple them onto your students’ assignments.
If you use social media with your students, post quotes about learning on your Instagram or Facebook account and invite your students to comment.
Are you ready to see some quotes about learning you can use in your classroom?
Quotes About Learning Languages
Let me share with you my favorite quotes about learning. I use them to motivate my students but sincerely, they also help me to keep motivated.
1. Aprender otro idioma es como convertirse en otra persona. – Haruki Murakami
Many quotes about learning repeat this thought. You get a new personality by learning a new language.
2. Los límites de mi idioma son los límites de mi mundo. – Ludwig Wittgenstein
The richer your language and broader your vocabulary range, the more you’ll be able to get to know and to express. Your world grows with your language.
3. Si habláramos un idioma diferente, percibiríamos un mundo algo diferente. – Ludwig Wittgenstein
How we perceive the world depends on our mother tongue. Each language brings you new words that call things you didn’t know before. What’s more, different grammar structures let us think in a different way.
4. El idioma no es un don genético, es un don social. Aprender un nuevo idioma es convertirse en miembro del club – la comunidad de hablantes de ese idioma. – Frank Smith
Getting to know a language gives you access to new communities. People recognize you as part of their club.
5. El lenguaje también es una personalidad. Las personas son diferentes cuando hablan diferentes idiomas. – David Bezmogis
We all slightly change when speaking other languages. Even our faces may appear different because we move our muscles in a different way to pronounce different sounds.
6. Le hablo español a Dios, italiano a las mujeres, francés a los hombres y alemán a mi caballo. – Carlos V
Some languages simply seem perfect for only certain things.
7. A veces soy un personaje diferente en diferentes idiomas. Tengo un disfrute diferente. A veces diferentes respuestas salen de mí. Como si ni siquiera yo supiera eso de mi. De hecho, me conozco a mí mismo a través de diferentes idiomas. – Roger Federer
We enjoy the world in different ways according to the language we speak. We change, and our tastes may differ too.
8. Para aprender cualquier idioma extranjero primero debes enamorarte de él. – Svetlana Schedrina
Highly important. If you don’t love something about the language you’re learning, it’ll be hard to progress.
9. Dale a tu mente la oportunidad de viajar a través de idiomas extranjeros. – Neil SImón
If you decide to learn a new language, you’ll have new adventures. Give yourself this opportunity. Don’t limit yourself at the ver beginning.
10. Los idiomas, al igual que las personas, son mundos en sí mismos. Tienen la increíble capacidad de brindarnos una perspectiva más clara, más profunda y detallada de una cultura y sus puntos de vista sobre la vida, la naturaleza y la muerte. – Orge Castellano
You can’t fully understand a foreign culture without knowing its language.
11. Deberíamos aprender idiomas porque el idioma es lo único que vale la pena saber incluso aunque sea pobremente. – Kató Lomb
Even at the beginning of our learning journey, a whole new world opens in front of our eyes. Even knowing just a bit about another language, opens your world wide.
12. ¿Sabes qué es un acento extranjero? Es un signo de valentía. – Amy Chua
You speak with an accent because you know another language. Nothing to laugh at. And you’re brave to use it.
13. El lenguaje claro genera un pensamiento claro y el pensamiento claro es el beneficio más importante de la educación. – Richard Mitchell
The better you know a language, the better you’ll be able to think and learn in it.
14. ¡No tengas miedo de cometer errores! En el aprendizaje de idiomas nada se siente mejor que hacerlo bien después de haberlo hecho mal. – Professor Usama Soltan
Easy things don’t bring satisfaction.
15. Vives una nueva vida por cada nuevo idioma que hablas. Si solo conoces un idioma, sives solo una vez. – Czech proverb
Again, the more languages you know, the more you’ll be able to live.
16. Quien habla un solo idioma es una persona, pero quien habla dos idiomas es dos personas. – Turkish proverb
Why are you just being one person if you can be two? Definitely an advantage.
17. El lenguaje es el vestido del pensamiento. – Samuel Johnson
I would say, thoughts are impossible without words.
18. Habla un nuevo idioma para que el mundo sea un mundo nuevo. – Rumi
A new language is a new world. New expressions, new structures, new literature, new cultural experiences.
19. Cuantos más idiomas sabes, más humano eres. – Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk
Sounds logical. Only humans can speak a language with words, the more you speak, the more human you are.
20. Cada idioma es un modo distinto de ver la vida. – Federico Fellini.
It’s amazing how much your outlook can change with a new language.
What Do You Think?
Did you feel inspired by the quotes about learning? Which one is your favorite? Leave me a comment below to let me know!
Don’t forget to save them to your drive and download them in a poster version. Use them in your class and for your personal advantage. If you want to check other uplifting quotes in Spanish, have a look at 20 Inspirational Quotes in Spanish for Your Classroom During National Foreign Language Week.
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