40+ Online Spanish Games for Kids That Are Educational and Fun
Who says learning is boring? Online Spanish games for kids are an awesome and entertaining part of language class and learning at home!
Games are one of the oldest forms of human interaction. The human brain is wired to learn through play. Children play naturally, and this is how they explore the world and learn new skills. Adults also benefit greatly from playtime!
Learning Spanish is a great adventure for kids, filled with new and exciting discoveries. But the truth is that learning Spanish can be discouraging for kids at times. That’s why online Spanish games for kids are so useful and powerful for learning!
How to Supplement Spanish Learning with Games
It’s not uncommon for kids to get distracted or frustrated while learning a new language. Difficult new vocabulary words and complex grammar rules may make them feel like giving up at first.
Help your child stay motivated while learning Spanish by supplementing their lessons with fun educational games at home. Playing Spanish learning games makes it interesting for kids, and they’re more likely to respond to studying in a positive way.
By playing engaging Spanish games, students work with essential vocabulary, grammar basics and sentence structure in an interactive and enjoyable manner as they gradually gain skills through practice.
Are you interested in downloading your free Spanish eBook called Weird & Wacky Spanish Stories for Beginners to lift your child’s spirit with some fun reading material? Click here to download it!
Children can learn while playing fun Spanish games on a phone, tablet, or computer. Meanwhile, they’re developing a slew of cognitive skills through game playing, including sportsmanship, critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork.
Online Spanish Games for Kids
The games on SpanishGames.net are free, simple to understand, and quick to play. Offering beginner and intermediate level, the games include Hangman, Four in a Row, Mix and Match, Pong, and more, centered around themes like colors, weather, school, etc.
Rockalingua offers an array of fun interactive games that are designed to assist kids with learning Spanish. There are loads of topics to choose from. Some of the games are free, while others require paid subscription. Full access subscriptions start at $20/month. Free games include: Los 10 Verbos Más Usados (Top 10 High Frequency Verbs); Los Números (1-50) (Numbers 1-50); Los Colores (Colors); Burbujas (Bubbles); and El Invierno (Winter).
PBS KIDS has games in Spanish featuring beloved characters from PBS shows such as the Cat in the Hat, Sid the Science Kid, and Curious George.
Digital Dialects has games that are free and suitable for kids of all ages. The simple, colorful Spanish games on offer are great for learners seeking an interactive visual learning experience. They assist with word memorization through repetition. Spanish teachers or homeschool parents can incorporate the games into lessons or assign them as homework.
Learn useful words from the sentence or word lists, and test your language skill level by playing Spanish learning games. For travelers to Spanish-speaking countries, the sections with phrases, numbers, and basic vocabulary will come in handy. Note that the audio, words, and phrases are in Castilian Spanish (from Spain). Here are some handy links to many of the games on this site:
- Numbers from 1-12 game
- Number from 13-20 game
- The 0-100 game teaches multiples of 10
- Beginner Spanish phrases game 1
- More advanced Spanish phrases game 2
- Colors in Spanish game
- Fruit and vegetables in Spanish game
- Food and drinks in Spanish game
- Animals in Spanish game
- Vocabulary game 1
- Vocabulary game 2
- To be and to have (a game to teach the crucial verbs ser y tener)
- Verbs game – infinitive form
- Days and months in Spanish game
- Vocabulary builder game 1 and the slightly more advanced vocabulary builder game 2 provide 48 additional words to learn as you begin to acquire more Spanish vocabulary. Match the written or spoken Spanish word with the corresponding English word.
- Words, colors and numbers 1 and words, colors and numbers 2 are beginners’ grammar games that introduce sentence structure, word order, and the use of adjectives in Spanish.
- Spanish spelling games – five games for spelling Spanish words, colors, verbs (infinitive form), animals, and other vocabulary. These games are also designed to help teach the user which nouns are masculine and which are feminine.
- Advanced Online Spanish games for kids
Spanish Classroom Games
Spanish Playground has loads Spanish games for kids organized into various categories. They provide helpful printable PDF sheets with game boards and instructions.
- Spanish vocabulary games organized by theme
- Spanish Verb Games: Conjugation Dominoes
- Spanish Verb Practice Game of Paper Basketball, an entertaining way to get in repetition of conjugations
- Spanish sentence building games with tener
- Printable tener expressions game to use with beginners, or add questions to use it with more advanced learners
- Spanish Powerpoint Games with Gustar
- Mirar y recordar Spanish Learning Game #1 and Mirar y Recordar Spanish Memory Game #2 are memory challenges where players look at a picture and then answer questions about it. Each link provides a download with 12 detailed pictures and questions cards.
- Printable Spanish Board Games with question cards at different levels.
- Spanish Question Game: El Repollo, a fun, fast-moving game from Nicaragua
- Spanish Trivia Questions: Printable Cards are ideal for improving Spanish comprehension and vocabulary.
- Spanish Question Words Practice – Dibujos Divertidos is a free 10-page activity book with pictures and questions.
- Spanish board games for language learners are excellent for small group work in class or an evening at home
- Spanish synonyms for elementary students with printable synonym cards.
- Printable Name 3 Things Spanish vocabulary game with categories
- Basta is a Spanish category game played in dozens of countries. Check out Basta Game for Spanish Vocabulary Practice.
- 5 Spanish Listening Games, complete with picture cards you can use to play
Traditional (Offline) Spanish Games
- Juguemos en el bosque is a traditional Spanish game that teaches vocabulary related to la ropa (clothing). It is a variation of tag, in which one player is a lobo (wolf) who chases the kids playing in the forest.
- Basta is a traditional category game with many names in Spanish. Children call it Tutti frutti, ¡Mercadito!, Stop, Lápiz quieto, Animales con E, Alto el fuego, or Ensalada rusa, depending on the country. Whatever the name, it is great fun and an excellent traditional Spanish game to share with language learners.
- Rock Paper Scissors in Spanish is another traditional game you can play with language learners. Piedra, papel y tijera makes for a fun standalone brain break by itself or a good way to make a choice between two options.
- Veo, veo is the Spanish equivalent of “I Spy,” and there is a fun song and rhyme to go with the game. It involves guessing and categories, so it is an excellent way to practice language skills.
- ¿Quién robó el pan? is a fun traditional game with a chant and rhythm. Kids catch on quickly and they love it!
Download FREE Spanish Basta Game for kids!
Type your name and email below to get your Spanish Basta Game for kids!
Last but not least, this super helpful blog post describes 18 Spanish games that parents or teachers can play with kids, including variations of Bingo, Scrabble, Pictionary, and Charades. It’s chock full of helpful ideas and instructions for creating simple Spanish games at home.
Enjoy Your Free Spanish eBook!
Homeschool Spanish Academy’s free eBook for beginners called Weird & Wacky Spanish Stories for Beginners is best suited for A2 level and above, but it’s also perfect for A1 learners who wish to improve their fluency through reading. It’s fun for kids and adults!
Get Your Free Copy of Weird & Wacky Spanish Stories for Beginners
Type in your name and email to get 6 weird, wacky, and super entertaining Spanish stories for you and your family! Enjoy a magazine-style eBook with pictures and English-Spanish parallel text. Start reading in Spanish today!
Let’s Play!
Bilingual children demonstrate greater cognitive flexibility, enhanced creativity, and superior reasoning skills. Spanish games for kids make learning Spanish fun! Homeschool Spanish Academy offers online classes for children of all ages and ability levels. Our teachers love incorporating games into the lessons. Set up a free trial class for your child today. ¡Vamos a jugar!
Want more Spanish resources for kids? Check these out!
- Doing Chores at Home (Free Spanish Lessons for Kids)
- How You Can Encourage Your Child To Speak Spanish at Home
- Keep Your Spanish Skills Sharp Over Summer Vacation
- Discover the Joy of Learning Spanish with Summer Fun Activities
- 7 Powerful Reasons Why Bilingualism in Children MattersPowerful Reasons Why Bilingualism in Children Matters
- Fall En Español: Exploring Autumn Activities for Kids
- Fun and Language: Spanish Playdates for Kids
- Milestone Moments: Tracking Kids’ Spanish Progress
- Ver Conjugation: Free Spanish Lesson, Exercises, and PDF - December 5, 2024
- What Are the Different Levels of Language Proficiency? - October 17, 2024
- Master All the Forms of Ser in Spanish: Your Ultimate Grammar Guide - July 18, 2024