Nature Printables and Activities (Free Spanish Lessons for Kids)
Nature lesson plans are an exceptional resource for elevating environmental education and Spanish immersion in young students. Nature is where children play games and discover colorful living beings and unique places. Teaching nature for kids vocabulary in Spanish is a fantastic opportunity for elevating your child’s language and communication skills.
Keep reading for a whimsical Kid’s Guide to Nature in Spanish packed with vocabulary, nature lesson plans, and engaging activities for the classroom.
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What Is Nature for Kids?
La naturaleza (nature) is everything you know that hasn’t had any human intervention. It’s a collection of living beings, inanimate objects, elements, and places that give life to our environment.
La naturaleza and its elements were formed spontaneously on our planet. Nature and all of its components are essential for the balance of our planet, and for humans to thrive. Nature gives us food, water, fresh air, and raw materials for manufacturing things we use on a daily basis.
Nature gives plenty to the living beings on our planet, however this isn’t always taken with proper care. Abusing los recursos naturales (natural resources) we get from nature brings a huge toll on our planet.
La educación ambiental (environmental education) is an essential portion of nature lesson plans. It creates awareness of the impact certain types of human activity have.
Encouraging your children to care for nature teaches them the value of natural resources, and the long term impact harming nature has on life on Earth.
Nature for Kids Basic Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
air | el aire |
animals | los animales |
ecosystem | el ecosistema |
elements | los elementos |
fire | el fuego |
humans | los humanos |
life | la vida |
living beings | los seres vivos |
mushrooms | los hongos |
natural resources | los recursos naturales |
plants | las plantas |
soil | la tierra |
trees | los árboles |
water | el agua |
weather | el clima |
Example Sentences
La naturaleza es el conjunto de seres vivos, elementos y recursos naturales.
Nature is a collection of living beings, elements, and natural resources.
El agua, el fuego, el aire y la tierra son elementos de la naturaleza.
Water, fire, air, and soil are elements of nature.
Los recursos naturales se utilizan para obtener materiales necesarios para la industrial.
Natural resources are used to obtain materials for industry.
Los animales, los humanos, los árboles, los hongos y las plantas son seres vivos.
Animals, humans, trees, mushrooms, and plants are living beings.
El clima es parte importante de la naturaleza.
The weather is an important part of nature.
Un ecosistema es un conjunto de seres vivos y su entorno.
An ecosystem is a set of living beings and their environment.
Los minerales son recursos naturales.
Minerals are natural resources.
La naturaleza es esencial para la vida.
Nature is essential for life.
Living Beings in Nature for Kids
Nature is everywhere you go! All nature lesson plans should start off by highlighting the value of life in nature.
Los humanos (humans), los animales (animals) y las plantas (plants) all have life and are a part of nature for kids. Los seres vivos (living beings) require food, air, water, and a suitable habitat for existing.
Animals (Los animales)
Los animales exist in every corner of our planet. They have the capacity to adapt and reproduce in different environments and weather.
You see animals when you go to the zoo, in the comfort of your home, and pretty much anywhere life can thrive. Scientists even believe that 80% of animal species in the world are still undiscovered.
Los animales are an essential part of nature for kids. They have specific functions to fulfil in la cadena alimenticia (food chain). They maintain the balance of los ecosistemas (ecosystems).
Animals are classified into two large groups: los animales invertebrados (invertebrate animals) and los animales vertebrados (vertebrate animals).
Los animales vertebrados are those animals that have a bony skeleton and backbone.
Types of animales vertebrados include:
- el delfín (dolphin)
- el elefante (elephant)
- las iguanas (iguanas)
- los pericos (parakeets)
- los perros (dogs)
- las ranas (frogs)
Los animales invertebrados are animals that don’t have a backbone, or spinal cord. They make up the largest group of animals in nature!
Types of animales invertebrados include:
- las arañas (spiders)
- los corales (coral)
- el erizo (sea urchin)
- las lombrices (worms)
- la medusa (jellyfish)
- el pulpo (octopus)
Try these insightful and complete nature lesson plans about Vertebrate Animals in Spanish and Invertebrate Animals in Spanish with your kids.
Plants and Trees (Las plantas y los árboles)
Las plantas (plants) and los arboles (trees) make nature lush and green. Plants and trees produce oxigeno (oxygen) we breathe in the air. Oxygen is essential to all living beings and their survival.
Plants and trees also provide food to living beings. Taking care of plants and trees is highly important. They are our main source of food and fresh air. They even provide shelter and homes to smaller animals. Plants produce vegetales (vegetables), fruta (fruits), and semillas (seeds) we consume for nourishment.
Teach your children all the wonders of Trees and their Parts in Spanish with entertaining nature lesson plans.
Humans (Los humanos)
Los humanos are the dominant species in nature. We have the capacity to make decisions and superior intelligence to other living beings.
Humans are able to harvest and rely on los recursos naturales (natural resources) to manufacture materials for building, objects, clothing, and chemicals.
Unfortunately humans push the boundaries on how to use nature to their advantage. Respecting all living beings and natural resources is key to any lifeform, and the balance of our planet.
Natural Resources in Nature for Kids
Los recursos naturales (natural resources) are elements of nature used by humans to satisfy basic needs. The water you drink, the soil used for farming, and the lumber used to build houses are all recursos naturales.
Los recursos naturales are divided into recursos naturales renovables (renewable natural resources) and recursos naturales no renovables (non-renewable natural resources).
The incorrect use of natural resources accelerates el cambio climático (climate change) which causes extreme weather and desastres naturales (natural disasters)
Renewable Natural Resources
Los recursos naturales renovables are those you can find in nature spontaneously. They grow and reproduce, so you’re able to use them several times.
Renewable Natural Resources Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
agriculture | la agricultura |
biofuel | el biocombustible |
biomass | la biomasa |
geothermal energy | la energía geotérmica |
sunlight | la luz solar |
tide | la marea |
water | el agua |
wind | el viento |
woods | los bosques |
Example Sentences
Los recursos naturales renovables se regeneran y se reproducen.
Renewable natural resources regenerate and reproduce.
Los biocombustibles son una alternativa amigable con la naturaleza.
Biofuels are a nature-friendly alternative.
La energía geotérmica proviene del calor interno de la Tierra.
Geothermal energy comes from the internal heat of the Earth.
La luz solar puede brindar electricidad.
Sunlight can provide electricity.
Los bosques pueden regenerarse gracias a la reforestación.
Forests can regenerate thanks to reforestation.
El agua es un recurso natural muy valioso.
Water is a valuable natural resource.
Teach your child about the value of water with the nature lesson plans in this Kid’s Guide to the Water Cycle in Spanish.
Non-renewable Natural Resources
Los recursos naturales no renovables are those that will eventually run out. They exist in limited capacity. They are often overused and take many years to replenish.
Non-renewable Natural Resources Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
coal | el carbón |
diamonds | los diamantes |
drinking water | el agua potable |
gold | el oro |
lumber, wood | la madera |
natural gas | el gas natural |
petroleum | el petróleo |
silver | la plata |
soil | el suelo |
Example Sentences
Los recursos naturales no renovables tienen un límite de uso.
Non-renewable natural resources have a use limit.
Los recursos naturales no renovables toman mucho tiempo en regenerarse.
Non-renewable natural resources take a lot of time to regenerate.
El carbón es un recurso natural no renovable que produce contaminación.
Coal is a non-renewable natural resource that produces contamination.
No todas las fuentes de agua en la naturaleza contienen agua potable.
Not all water sources in nature contain drinking water.
Talar mucha madera daña los bosques.
Cutting down a lot of lumber damages forests.
El suelo necesita regenerarse o se gasta.
Soil needs to regenerate or it wears out.
El oro, los diamantes y la plata son rocas y minerales.
Gold, diamonds, and silver are rocks and minerals.
El uso de recursos naturales no renovables acelera el cambio climático.
The use of non-renewable natural resources accelerates climate change.
Explore the world of Rocks and Minerals in Spanish for Kids with amusing activities and captivating nature lesson plans.
Enjoy over 70 unique lessons + free activity packets to download.
Places in Nature for Kids
Kids and adults love being outdoors. Nature for kids is fantastic for entertainment, relaxation, and fun!
Children connect with nature on a whole other level. Relating to nature enhances cognitive skills and psychomotor stimulation. Los lugares de la naturaleza (places in nature) allow kids to play games, explore, and discover the world around them.
Places in nature where plants and animals coexist are known as biomas (biomes). These places come in all shapes, colors, and weather.
Places in Nature Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
beach | la playa |
desert | el desierto |
jungle | la jungla, la selva |
lake | el lago |
marsh, swamp | el pantano |
mountain | la montaña |
ocean | el océano |
prairie, grassland, meadow | la pradera |
river | el río |
tundra | la tundra |
valley | el valle |
volcano | el volcán |
waterfall | la cascada |
wetland | el humedal |
woods, forest | el bosque |
Example Sentences
La playa es un lugar para toda la familia.
The beach is a place for the whole family.
El desierto es un lugar de la naturaleza muy caluroso.
The desert is a very hot place of nature.
La jungla tiene muchos tipos de animales y plantas.
The jungle has many types of animals and plants.
Los lagos pueden ser de agua dulce o agua salada.
Lakes can be freshwater or saltwater.
La pradera es un lugar cubierto de hierba en el campo.
The prairie is a place in the field covered in grass.
Los ríos fluyen a los océanos.
Rivers flow to oceans.
La tundra ártica está cubierta de hielo y nieve.
The arctic tundra is covered by ice and snow.
Los volcanes tienen rocas y minerales.
Volcanos have rocks and minerals.
Mi bosque favorito tiene una hermosa cascade.
My favorite forest has a beautiful waterfall.
Los humedales son mis lugares favoritos de la naturaleza.
Wetlands are my favorite place in nature.
Explore other fascinating places of nature for kids in this educational Kid’s Guide to Biomes and Habitats in Spanish.
Taking Care of Nature for Kids
The benefits of nature for kids are just a few of the reasons why it’s so important. Cuidar la naturaleza (caring for nature) is essential for teaching them the value of resources and life.
Here are 7 tips for your kids on how to care for nature.
1. Get your kids familiarized with caring for las plantas de la casa (house plants). Show them their parts and purpose.
2. Teach your kids to recognize la contaminación (pollution), el ruido (noise), los humos (smoke), and la suciedad (filth).
3. Share the value of the work done by city public servers. People who take care of sanitation and cleaning are key to taking care of nature.
4. Connect your kids to los animales (animals). Visit a zoo or museum; or get a mascota (pet) they can be responsible and care for.
5. Watch documentales de naturaleza (nature documentaries) together.
6. Encourage the use of eco-friendly products and produce less basura (waste) at home. Teach them the value of reusar (reusing), reciclar (recycling), and reducir (reduce).
6. Include educación ambiental (environmental education) in outdoor activities, and in the Spanish classroom.
Nature Lesson Plans and Activities
Word Search
Download our sopa de letras (word search) template for enhancing your child’s Spanish grammar and reading comprehension. Sopa de letras requires concentration and improves your child’s capacity of retaining concepts from nature lesson plans.
A game of fill-in-the-blanks is a fun challenge for improving your child’s Spanish spelling and writing. Our template comes with 10 clues you can use for playing a game of hangman about nature.
DIY Bins
For this nature for kids activity, you’ll need to source the following:
- 4 plastic containers (yogurt or ice cream)
- acrylic paint and brushes
- labels and markers
Wash and clean the plastic containers before. The students will use the acrylic paint to decorate each container and label them accordingly:
- azul para papel (blue for paper)
- amarillo para aluminio y vidrio (yellow for aluminum and glass)
- rojo para plástico (red for plastic)
- verde para basura orgánica (green for organic waste)
This hands-on activity will allow students to share their creativity and art skills. You can make a classroom calendar for when each bin must be emptied. Teaching your kids the value of recycling is excellent for reinforcing the understanding of natural resources.
Field Trips
Plan a field trip where students can put these nature lesson plans to practice as a group. Here’s a list with a few places you can visit.
- el zoológico (the zoo)
- el acuario (the aquarium)
- un parque nacional (a national park)
- el museo de historia natural (the natural history museum)
Show and Tell
Have your students share with the classroom their favorite place in nature. Show and tell allows them to share their experience and practice Spanish fluency.
Use this set of questions for this entertaining conversational activity.
¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito de la naturaleza?
What is my favorite place in nature?
¿Por qué es tu favorita?
Why is it my favorite?
¿Dónde queda?
Where is it located?
¿Qué es lo que más te gustó?
What did you like the most?
¿Qué animales viste?
What animals did you see?
¿Qué recursos naturales había?
What natural resources were there?
Nature for Kids Videos
Videos are a visual and accessible Spanish resource for students. They can watch videos on their phones, tablets, computers, and tv. They bring great results to visual learners and support children with Spanish immersion. Ultimately, videos improve Spanish listening, pronunciation, and fluency.
Here’s a list of YouTube videos you can use.
- Esto es la naturaleza (This is Nature)
- La naturaleza para niños (Nature for Kids)
- Los 5 reinos de la naturaleza para niños (The 5 Realms of Nature for Kids)
- Cuidemos la naturaleza (Let’s Take Care of Nature)
- Los recursos naturales para niños (Natural Resources for Kids)
- El reino de las plantas para niños (The Kingdom of Plants for Kids)
- Los animales del mundo para niños (The Animals of the World for Kids)
- ¿Qué son los ecosistemas? (What are Ecosystems?)
- ¿Qué son los hongos? (What are Mushrooms?)
- El cambio climático para niños (Climate Change for Kids)
Teach Spanish in Nature
Teach your students Spanish in nature, and everywhere else, thanks to our affordable and unique group classes.
Our team of professionals from Guatemala will equip you with the best strategies and nature lesson packs for your classroom. If you’re in need of support, they provide 1-on-1 or 2-on-1 online Spanish classes for K-12 students. They can alleviate the challenge of having different-level students.
Kids have the capacity of becoming fluent faster than adults. Take advantage of their ability to learn and sign up for a free class.
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“My Son, Heath, is taking the classes. He’s been with Luisa the entire time and we absolutely love her. She is always patient and is a great teacher. Heath’s dad speaks Spanish so they get to have little conversations.”
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– Erica P. Parent of 1
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