The Four Seasons (Free Spanish Lessons for Kids)
Teaching the seasons in Spanish can be quite entertaining and there are a lot of fun facts you can use to reinforce your lessons!
Check out this detailed guide to teach the seasons in Spanish and many other topics related to them!
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What Is a Season?
A season simply refers to a period of the year that has particular conditions—temperature, light, and other natural phenomena like rain or wind.
Seasons in Spanish translates to las estaciones or las estaciones del año.
Let’s begin with some vocabulary words to warm up your lesson!
Seasons in Spanish
English | Spanish |
autumn | el otoño |
natural phenomena | los fenómenos naturales |
season of the year | la estación del año |
spring | la primavera |
summer | el verano |
weather | el clima |
winter | el invierno |
Example Sentences
¿Cuál es tu estación favorita del año?
Which one is your favorite season of the year?
¡Ya quiero que sea verano!
I can’t wait for summer!
¿Cómo está el clima?
How’s the weather?
What Causes Seasons?
An imaginary line called the Equator divides Earth into two hemispheres, the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Earth rotates on its axis, the invisible vertical line that runs through its center from the Northern to the Southern pole. When the Earth is tilted on its axis, it means that one hemisphere is facing the Sun or away from it.
When a hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun, it’s summer, and if it is tilted away from the Sun, it is winter.
Check out this vocabulary about the causes for the seasons in Spanish!
More Seasons Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
axis | el eje |
earth | la Tierra |
equator | el Ecuador |
northern hemisphere | el hemisferio norte |
pole | el polo |
southern hemisphere | el hemisferio sur |
sun | el sol |
to face (something) | mirar hacia (algo), estar frente (a algo) |
to tilt | inclinar |
Example Sentences
El Ecuador divide la Tierra en dos hemisferios.
The equator divides Earth into two hemispheres.
La Tierra gira sobre su eje.
The Earth rotates on its axis.
Cuando un hemisferio mira hacia el sol, es verano.
When a hemisphere faces the sun, it is summer.
Why Are They Different?
As we saw above, the times of the year on planet Earth are different according to the hemispheres’ direction.
For example, Summertime begins in June in the United States because the Northern Hemisphere is facing the sun during that time. The sun hits this area for a longer period than it does in winter—which means longer days to enjoy the pool!
Solstice or Equinox?
A solstice marks the beginning of winter or summer. The winter solstice occurs on December 21st or 22nd, marking the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
In contrast, the summer solstice–which happens on June 20th or 21st—marks the beginning of the summer in such hemisphere.
What about spring and fall?
The beginning of these seasons is called an equinox. The spring equinox happens on March 20th or 21st, and the autumnal equinox happens on September 22nd or 23rd.
Ready for a fun lesson? Here are some useful vocabulary words.
Beginning of Seasons in Spanish
English | Spanish |
autumnal equinox | el equinoccio de otoño |
beginning | el inicio |
equinox | el equinoccio |
solstice | el solsticio |
spring equinox | el equinoccio de primavera |
summer solstice | el solsticio de verano |
winter solstice | el solsticio de invierno |
Example Sentences
Un equinoccio o solsticio marca el inicio de una estación
An equinox or solstice marks the beginning of a season.
El solsticio de invierno es en diciembre.
The winter solstice is in December.
That Time of the Year
What is the season that makes you say, “It’s that time of the year again!”? Kids love a certain season for a reason, whether it’s for endless days at the pool or gifts on Christmas.
Let’s take a look at some useful words in Spanish to describe the four seasons and what characterizes them.
As seen above, autumn begins on September 22nd and ends on December 20th. What mainly indicates autumn are the beautiful colors nature offers us, yellow, brown, red, and orange.
The leaves change and eventually fall from the trees, temperatures drop, and we can enjoy rainy days with a cup of hot chocolate and our favorite book.
Windy days call for heavy coats and scarfs, birds emigrate, and farmers enjoy harvesting for fresh produce.
Did you know that the full moon closest to the beginning of autumn is known as the Harvest Moon?
Prepare your next lesson with this awesome vocabulary!
Autumn Season in Spanish
English | Spanish |
birds | las aves |
brown | café |
cold weather | el clima frío |
crocus (providing saffron) | el azafrán |
harvest | la cosecha or cosechar |
harvest moon | la luna de la cosecha |
leaves | las hojas |
orange | naranja |
pumpkins | las calabazas |
rain | la lluvia |
red | rojo |
to shed (leaves) | botar (hojas) |
trees | los árboles |
wind | el viento |
yellow | amarillo |
Example Sentences
Los árboles botan sus hojas en otoño.
Trees shed leaves in autumn.
El viento es fuerte en noviembre.
Wind is strong in November.
Las calabazas son típicas del otoño.
Pumpkins are typical of autumn.
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As we know, spring is the season for blooming flowers and summer is making its way into the year!
March 20th marks the beginning of this wonderful season, and during three months, temperatures slowly rise until they meet summertime.
Heavy rainfalls may come in the spring, helping plants to thrive after a cold winter! Animals appreciate the warmth to come out of their hibernation and enjoy this lovely weather.
Sadly, because of the combination and exchange of temperatures, tornadoes may hit some states in the country.
Get ready for spring and awesome lessons with this vocabulary!
Spring in Spanish
English | Spanish |
cherry blossom | el árbol de cerezo |
chipmunks | las ardillas |
daylight | la luz del día |
ducks | los patos |
Easter | la pascua cristiana |
fresh air | el aire fresco |
outdoor activities | actividades externas |
passover | la pascua judía |
rabbits | los conejos |
spring break | el descanso de primavera |
to bloom | florecer |
to grow back | crecer de nuevo |
tornadoes | los tornados |
warm temperatures | las temperaturas cálidas |
Example Sentences
Las temperaturas cálidas empiezan en primavera
Warm temperatures begin in spring.
Las actividades externas son lo mejor en primavera.
Outdoor activities are the best during spring!
Los cristianos celebran la Pascua en estos meses.
Christians celebrate Easter these months.
For those in the Northern Hemisphere, beach days and tanning are a must from June to September.
With long hours of sunlight, plants grow and animals seize the day to feed on fresh food.
Take out the swimsuits, towels, sunscreen, and book your next trip to the beach with this summer vocabulary!
Summer Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
beach | la playa |
droughts | las sequías |
dry season | la temporada seca |
heat | el calor |
heatwave | la ola de calor |
high temperatures | las temperaturas altas |
sunlight | la luz del sol |
to hydrate | hidratarse |
vacation | las vacaciones |
Example Sentences
El verano es perfecto para las vacaciones.
Summer is perfect for vacation.
¿Vamos a la playa?
Are we going to the beach?
Es importante hidratarse en la temporada seca.
It is important to hydrate during the dry season.
This is the season of snow! For those in the Northern Hemisphere, December 21st marks the beginning of winter and the perfect time to take out our coats, scarves, gloves, and hats!
If you are in the Southern Hemisphere, winter time starts around June 21st.
Frozen rivers, dry weather, and hibernating animals characterize the chilly sceneries of winter.
With this vocabulary, teaching about this lovely season will be extremely practical and fun!
Winter Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
chilly temperatures | las temperaturas frías |
cold wave | la ola helada |
extreme temperatures | las temperaturas extremas |
frozen | congelado or congelada |
hypothermia | la hipotermia |
low temperatures | las temperaturas bajas |
snow | la nieve |
snow storm | la tormenta de nieve |
to hibernate | hibernar |
Example Sentences
Debemos tener cuidado con las tormentas de nieve.
We need to be careful with snowstorms.
Los animales hibernan durante el invierno.
Animals hibernate during winter.
El invierno es de diciembre a marzo.
Winter is from December to March.
Enjoy Every Season
Not sure about what your plans are for next season? Fear not! Here we have great activities you can do during all seasons in Spanish!
Make the Best of Autumn
Though you might want to take a sweater everywhere you go, there is an abundance of activities to do during this season!
Check out how to say all these fun customs in Spanish!
To pick pumpkins – Escoger calabazas
¡Tenemos que ir a escoger algunas calabazas para hacer la tarta!
We have to go pick some pumpkins to make the pie!
To carve pumpkins – Tallar calabazas
Preparémonos para Halloween. Empecemos a tallar calabazas.
Let’s get ready for Halloween. Let’s start carving pumpkins.
To walk in the woods – Caminar en el bosque
Vamos a caminar por el bosque para relajarnos.
Let’s take a walk in the woods to relax.
To harvest – Cosechar
¡Vamos a la feria de la cosecha a escoger frutas!
Let’s go to the harvest fair to pick up fruits!
To collect pine cones – Recolectar piñas
Me encanta recolectar piñas para decorar mi casa con ellas.
I love to collect pine cones to decorate my house with them.
To dress up – Disfrazarse
Lo mejor de Halloween es decidir de qué disfrazarse.
The best part of Halloween is deciding what to dress up as.
Don’t let the wind catch you off-guard! Check out this awesome list of autumn-appropriate clothes!
Autumn Clothes in Spanish
English | Spanish |
boots | las botas |
coat | el abrigo |
gloves | los guantes |
hat | el gorro |
jacket | la chaqueta |
raincoat | el impermeable |
scarf | la bufanda |
sweater | el suéter |
sweat pants | los pantalones deportivos |
Seize Springtime
Check out all these cool activities to make the best of the lovely spring weather!
To plant a garden – Plantar un jardín
Hay que plantar un jardín para aprovechar la primavera.
We have got to plant a garden to seize the spring.
To ride your bike – Montar tu bicicleta
Disfruta el aire fresco al montar tu bicicleta.
Enjoy the fresh air when you are riding your bike.
To feed ducks – Alimentar a los patos
Los patos se reproducen durante la primavera. ¡Vamos a alimentarlos!
Ducks reproduce during spring. Let’s go feed them!
To go on vacation – Irse de vacaciones
El descanso de primavera es ideal para irnos de vacaciones.
Spring break is ideal to go on vacation.
To visit the zoo – Visitar el zoológico
El clima es perfecto para visitar el zoológico hoy.
The weather is perfect to visit the zoo today.
Make the best of spring’s warmth and sunlight with this cool clothes vocabulary!
Spring Clothes in Spanish
English | Spanish |
cap | la gorra |
dress | el vestido |
jeans | los jeans |
rain boots | las botas de lluvia |
skirt | la falda |
sneakers | las zapatillas |
t-shirt | la playera |
umbrella | la sombrilla |
Stay Cool in the Summer
Forget about school and think about spending your days in the pool with these activities to do in the Summer.
To eat ice cream – Comer helado
Necesito comer un helado. ¡Qué calor!
I need to eat ice cream. It’s so hot!
To have a picnic – Hacer un pícnic
Mañana haremos un picnic bajo la sombra de un árbol.
Tomorrow, we will have a picnic under the shadow of a tree.
To stargaze – Ver las estrellas
Ver las estrellas es muy entretenido.
Stargazing is very entertaining!
To go to the pool – Ir a la piscina
¿Cuándo iremos a la piscina? El clima está genial.
When are we going to the pool? The weather is great.
To go to the water park – Ir al parque de agua
¡No puedo esperar para ir al parque de agua!
I can’t wait to go to the water park!
To turn on the sprinklers – Encender los aspersores
¡Enciende los aspersores! Jugaremos en el jardín.
Turn on the sprinklers! We will play in the yard.
Stay fresh with this cool vocabulary for summer clothes in Spanish!
Summer Clothes in Spanish
English | Spanish |
flip flops | las chanclas |
sandals | las sandalias |
shorts | los pantaloncillos |
straw hat | el sombrero de paja |
sunglasses | los lentes de sol |
sunscreen | el protector solar |
swimsuit | el traje de baño |
tank top | la camiseta sin mangas |
towel | la toalla |
water shoes | los zapatos de agua |
Suit up for Winter
Don’t let the cold stop you from enjoying winter! There are plentiful activities to do!
To make snow angels – hacer ángeles de nieve
Hoy es un día perfecto para hacer ángeles de nieve.
Today is a perfect day to make snow angels.
To drink hot chocolate – Beber chocolate caliente
El clima de hoy es ideal para beber una taza de chocolate caliente.
Today’s weather is ideal to have a cup of hot chocolate.
To go skiing – Ir a esquiar
Mi familia va a esquiar todos los años.
My family goes skiing every year.
To go sledding – Ir en trineo
¡Mira esa montaña! Hay que ir en trineo.
Look at that mountain! We have got to go sledding.
To go ice skating – Ir a patinar en hielo
Hoy por la noche iremos a patinar en hielo.
Tonight we will go ice skating.
Stay warm with this useful vocabulary!
Winter Clothes in Spanish
English | Spanish |
cardigan | el cárdigan |
earmuffs | las orejeras |
fleece jacket | la chaqueta polar |
mittens | los guantes |
socks | las calcetas |
vest | el chaleco |
Make Learning Fun
As you see, there is an extensive vocabulary associated with the seasons in Spanish! Kids can also engage in many activities both outdoors and indoors to learn while having fun!
Draw the Seasons
As they are learning the name of each season and some characteristics about them, ask them to draw everything they can from each season in Spanish. That way they will associate images with the seasons and what characterizes them! Check out our downloadable worksheets for this activity!
Pick an Outfit in Spanish
The next time you are going out, ask your kid if they remember what the clothes are called in Spanish! That way, they will begin to think about these day-to-day items in Spanish in no time!
Seasons Bingo
Everyone gets excited about a fun game of family bingo! What better way to enjoy a game night than to play bingo with tons of vocabulary about seasons in Spanish! Your kids will love our downloadable bingo game as they learn nonstop.
Seasons Clock
Let’s get crafty! With any type of color paper, you can find, ask your kids to draw a circle and then a big letter X across it from end to end. In a clockwise direction write the four seasons in Spanish inside each of the triangles:
- invierno
- primavera
- Verano
- otoño
Finally, include the first letter of each month—in Spanish—starting from December to February in the triangle for invierno and continue on in a clockwise direction.
This easy craft will be an effective way to remember the names of the months and seasons in Spanish! The kids can hang it up on the wall to decorate their room and have a daily reminder of the topic.
Fun Videos
There are many videos available for you to teach your children and students about this interesting topic.
Here are a few of them:
- Seasons of the Year – Song in Spanish
- Las estaciones (The Seasons of the Year)
- Learn the Months of the Year in Spanish Song
Sources To Teach Seasons in Spanish
Here are some great bilingual books you can purchase to dive deeply into fun and useful Spanish vocabulary for your next lesson!
The Four Seasons: It’s Summer (Las cuatro estaciones. Estamos en verano.)
Estamos en otoño (It’s Fall)
Estamos en primavera (It’s Spring)
Estamos en invierno (It’s Winter)
Un día de nieve (A Snowy Day)
Start Your Kids’ Learning Journey
Learning a new language can be fun and exciting! And even more for kids who are curious about every single new thing they encounter.
Our academy HSA offers endless possibilities for discovering a new language and learning exciting topics along the way! Become a part of our community by signing your students or children up for a free class today!
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“It’s a great way to learn Spanish, from native Spanish speakers in a 1-on-1 environment. It’s been fairly easy to schedule classes around my daughter’s other classes. The best value for us has been ordering multiple classes at a time. All the instructors have been great!”
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– Erica P. Parent of 1
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- How You Can Encourage Your Child To Speak Spanish at Home
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