Learn the Shapes (Free Spanish Lessons for Kids)
Geometry is a complex subject, but learning about the basic shapes can be truly entertaining for your kids!
In this blog post, I’ve prepared the vocabulary words you need to get started with your lesson! And I will give you some great tips on how to address this subject to make it entertaining and enriching for your children.
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Basic Geometric Shapes for Kids
While there are many shapes and topics about geometry, these are the basic shapes for your kids to learn about the figures that surround them every day.
English | Spanish |
circle | el círculo |
geometric shapes | las figuras geométricas |
parallelograms | los paralelogramos |
polygons | los polígonos |
rectangle | el rectángulo |
square | el cuadrado |
triangle | el triángulo |
Example Sentences in Spanish
¿Cuáles son las cinco figuras geométricas básicas?
Which are the five basic geometric shapes?
¿Qué figura geométrica tiene tres lados?
What geometric shape has three sides?
Include fun topics in your lessons: A Kid’s Guide to Musical Instruments
Explain What a Shape Is
Here are some words and adjectives that you can use to explain what a shape is and to explain each of the basic shapes for your kids to be engaged in your lesson!
English | Spanish |
angles | los ángulos |
area | el área |
boundary | el límite |
connected (by) | conectado por |
curves | las curvas |
geometry | la geometría |
length | la longitud |
lines | las líneas |
points | los puntos |
sides | los lados |
vertex | el vértice |
Explaining Shapes (Explicando las figuras)
But how do we use the words above for kids to understand the basic shapes?
Use these simple steps:
1. Explain What Geometry Is
¿Qué es la geometría?
What is geometry?
La geometría es la ciencia que estudia las figuras.
Geometry is the science of studying figures.
¿Qué es una figura geométrica?
What is a geometric shape?
Una figura geométrica es…
A geometric shape is…
Un área limitada por curvas, puntos y líneas.
An area bounded by curves, points, and lines.
2. Explain the Parts of Each Shape
¿Qué partes tiene una figura?
What parts does a shape have?
Las partes de una figura son…
The parts of a shape are…
Una figura tiene…
A shape has…
Una figura puede tener…
A shape can have…
Curvas, puntos, líneas, ángulos y lados.
Curves, points, lines, angles, and sides.
3. Explain Basic Concepts
¿Qué es un vértice?
What is a vertex?
Un vértice es el punto que conecta dos líneas.
A vertex is the point that connects two lines.
¿Qué es un ángulo?
What is an angle?
An angle is…
Un ángulo es…
El espacio entre dos líneas conectadas por un vértice.
The space between two lines connected by a vertex.
¿Qué es un lado?
What is a side?
Un lado es…
A side is…
Un segmento que une los puntos de una figura.
A segment that joins the points of a shape.
4. Explain How Shapes Are Different
Un círculo es un área rodeada de curvas conectadas.
A circle is an area surrounded by connected curves.
Un círculo no tiene ángulos.
A circle doesn’t have angles.
Un cuadrado tiene cuatro lados y cuatro ángulos.
A square has four sides and four angles.
Un triángulo tiene tres lados.
A triangle has three sides.
Un polígono es una figura con 5 lados o más.
A polygon is a shape with 5 sides or more.
Un paralelogramo es una figura con todos sus lados opuestos paralelos.
A parallelogram is a shape whose all opposite sides are parallel.
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Teaching Shapes
Now comes the tricky part! How do we create a fun lesson about basic shapes for our kids?
After all, geometric shapes are the ones on which our daily life objects were based. Therefore, comparing the basic shapes to objects we already know is the best way for kids to learn.
Here are some objects that you can use to compare geometric shapes!
English | Spanish |
ball | la pelota, el balón |
button | el botón |
car wheel | la llanta del auto |
door | la puerta |
hula hoop | el aro hula, el hula hoop |
notebook | el cuaderno |
table | la mesa |
tablet | la tablet |
slice of pizza | la rebanada de pizza |
sun | el sol |
window | la ventana |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Un botón tiene forma de círculo.
A button has the shape of a circle.
La tablet tiene forma de rectángulo.
The tablet has the shape of a rectangle.
La ventana tiene forma de cuadrado.
The window has the shape of a square.
¡Quiero una rebanada de pizza! Tiene forma de triángulo.
I want a slice of pizza! It has the shape of a triangle.
A more natural way of talking about the shapes of objects is using the following formula:
Object + tiene forma + name of the shape + suffix -ar
For example:
La mesa tiene forma rectangular.
The table is rectangular in shape.
El sol tiene forma circular.
The sun is circular in shape.
Another formula can be:
Object + es + name of the shape + suffix -ar
For example:
La llanta del auto es circular.
The car wheel is circular.
El cuaderno es rectangular.
The notebook is rectangular.
Make a Lesson on Basic Shapes for Kids
Visual Learning
Visual aids are always the key to fun, engaging lessons!
Check out these fun videos I’ve selected for you to make your classes about basic shapes the best ones for your kids:
- Shapes in Spanish | Language Learners
- Learn the Shapes in Spanish for Kids
- Learn the Basic Shapes in Spanish: Circle, Square & Triangle (Song)
Coloring is one of kids’ favorite activities! And because we can find shapes all around us, giving them worksheets with objects and toys they can color as they name each object and its corresponding shape is the perfect way to entertain your students and teach them at the same time!
Nothing like putting hands at work! Kids love getting creative, which is why our printable cutouts are perfect for them to decorate their surroundings and learn new words in Spanish! For each cutout, ask them to write the name of each shape in Spanish in the centre!
A guide for crafty kids: Art and Painting Vocabulary in Spanish
Tangram will surely grab your kids’ attention! It is a classic game where the goal is to replicate the shape that you receive using the basic polygons that the game includes.
It’s a great way to become familiar with the names and shapes and have a great time.
A geoboard is an excellent activity for kids to become familiar with basic shapes. With a low budget, you can ask your kids to get colorful pins and a pinboard to nail them on. Then, with a string or a strand of wool, they can create the basic shapes by tying the wool around the pins!
From Beginner to Expert
Basic subjects like shapes or colors are essential for kids to become familiar with a new language. However, we know you want your kids to become fluent Spanish speakers in no time!
The younger your kids become bilingual, the more proficient they will be. Being bilingual opens up great opportunities for your kids’ future, high paying jobs, the chance to travel more, and the opportunity to get to know more people.
HSA is here to help! Our group classes are intended to reduce the amount of students in your classroom as our native Spanish-speaking teachers take them in and further their learning.
What’s more, we can even help with your lesson planning! We’ve got great resources for you to get started. Sign your kids up for a free class today and see how HSA is the key to your lessons’ success.
Join one of the 40,000 classes that we teach each month and you can experience results like these
“This is the best way for your kid to learn Spanish. It’s one-on-one, taught by native Spanish speakers, and uses a curriculum.”
– Sharon K, Parent of 3
“My Son, Heath, is taking the classes. He’s been with Luisa the entire time and we absolutely love her. She is always patient and is a great teacher. Heath’s dad speaks Spanish so they get to have little conversations.”
– William R, Parent of 3
“It’s a great way to learn Spanish, from native Spanish speakers in a 1-on-1 environment. It’s been fairly easy to schedule classes around my daughter’s other classes. The best value for us has been ordering multiple classes at a time. All the instructors have been great!”
– Cindy D, Parent of 3
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