10 Helpful Homeschool YouTube Videos
Have you ever watched homeschool Youtube videos? There are so many hard-working, talented homeschooling parents out there sharing their sage advice, encouragement, and practical tips for homeschooling. That’s why today we wanted to share 10 videos we think would be helpful for any homeschooling parents who want to improve their routines or parents who are thinking about making the switch...Read More
16 Helpful Insights from Seasoned Homeschoolers
Beginning to homeschool can feel overwhelming. How do you choose the curriculum? How do you fit everything in? Can you really educate your kids well?! You are not alone with these questions, and you can glean the wisdom from those who have come before you and have their experience to share. Here are 16 ideas from seasoned homeschoolers that can help your homeschool thrive. Who Is...Read More
Top 11 Websites for Free Homeschooling Materials
What if I told you that it was possible to provide your children a quality home education without spending an arm and a leg on curriculum? Don’t think it’s possible? It is! There are so many fabulous free resources available to homeschoolers online! As a homeschooling mom and vlogger over at The Homeschool Convert, I love discovering new gems I can use in my home...Read More