8 Things Living in Guatemala Taught Me
My daily life in Guatemala is sweet, natural, colorful, and educational. I’ve lived here for 12 years, including three in the capital (Guatemala City), and 9 at Lake Atitlan in the western highlands. My mom often asks if I’ll live in Guatemala forever. Although I am a “permanent resident,” my answer is: ¿Quién sabe?Who knows? My main motivations for moving to Guatemala were...Read More
Spanish Colonization of an African Nation: Equatorial Guinea
When you think of Spanish colonization, Latin America probably comes to mind. Yet, the Spanish Empire also encompassed the Philippines and parts of Africa. Equatorial Guinea is arguably the least-known Spanish-speaking country in the world. Yet, the last Spanish colony to claim independence from Spain in 1968 was this petite West African territory. Spanish remains the official language in...Read More
10 Words to Know in Equatoguinean Spanish
Equatoguinean Spanish is absolutely one of a kind. Equatorial Guinea is the only country in Africa where Spanish is one of the official languages (in addition to French and Portuguese). Like every Spanish-speaking nation, this country has its own unique brand of accent, dialect, and slang. Equatorial Guinea’s rich history and cultural background led to its special version of Spanish....Read More
All About Colombia’s Impressive Flower Festival
La Feria de Las Flores—the 64th annual Flower Festival in Medellin, Colombia—is scheduled for August 12-22, 2021! Thousands foreign tourists and Colombian nationals attend this spectacular event each year. It’s one of Colombia’s key regional festivals and serves both a celebration of Medellín’s identity and a stunning display of the gorgeous flowers that are grown in the region. ...Read More
15 Totally Weird Facts About South America
Some facts about South America are standard. It’s the fourth largest continent on Earth and covers a land area of 17.84 million square kilometers, for example. Packed with picturesque places to visit from mountains to beaches, exhilarating activities to take part in, and beautiful cultures to get to know, South America is a gem for travelers. The 12 countries in South America are...Read More
The History and Dances of the Chilean Festival: Fiesta de la Tirana
La Fiesta de La Tirana is a giant annual Chilean festival held each July. The history of the festival dates back centuries (to 1540!), and it’s founded in both legend and truth. Where is it celebrated? In the tiny town of La Tirana—located in the Tarapacá region of Chile, about 70 kilometers inland from the coastal city of Iquique. The celebrations last 10 days and involve lots of...Read More
Which Pre-Teaching Strategies Work Best for Students Learning Spanish?
What is pre-teaching? Pre-teaching refers to teaching the vocabulary that learners need to know before a lesson or activity. Pre-teaching is a useful technique to help students draw on their previous knowledge and lay the foundation for future learning. It activates and primes students for the new Spanish vocabulary (or any subject) they’re learning. Why Spanish? Young children...Read More
25 of Our Favorite Spanish Idioms for Kids
Idioms for kids are age-appropriate phrases with a figurative meaning rather than a literal one. They tend to be tricky for language learners because they’re culture-specific, nuanced, and don’t always mean what they seem to mean. For example, I could say that I want to show you the ropes of Spanish idioms and phrases. This expression indicates that I’m offering to teach you how to...Read More
10 Characteristics of the Perfect Spanish Teacher
What are the ideal characteristics of a teacher? In the 21st century, someone who takes teaching as a vocation needs certain personal and professional characteristics to effectively connect with students and inspire lifelong learning. Great teachers work to create a challenging and nurturing environment for learners. Whether you’re looking for a Spanish teacher, already working as...Read More