How To Discuss Your Parenting Style in Spanish
What is your parenting style?
Four main styles of parenting—or, estilos de crianza—exist according to psychology:
- authoritative – autoritativo
- permissive – permisivo
- authoritarian – autoritario
- uninvolved – negligente
While most parents encompass a mix of multiple styles, research has found the authoritative style to be the most effective for children. Let’s explore the definitions and outcomes of each of the four parenting style theories.
Keep reading to access a helpful vocabulary guide to use to identify and discuss your parenting style with the Spanish speakers in your life.
What Is Your Parenting Style?
Parents may be strict, lenient, vigilant, or distant, but they all aim to raise strong, balanced, happy, and healthy children.
Developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind initially developed her theory of parenting styles in the 1960s.
According to Baumrind’s parenting styles theory, the concept of parental control (that is, adults being authority figures) had fallen by the wayside. In that era, many people equated “control” with blind obedience, harsh punishment, and manipulation.
To avoid being authoritarian, some parents instead put few demands on their children and let go of parental control. Baumrind’s theory of parental styles sought a middle ground that would foster self-discipline, responsibility, and independence in children.
Example Sentences in Spanish
Los cuatro estilos básicos de crianza representan un continuo.
The four basic parenting styles represent a continuum.
Algunos padres pueden cruzar la línea entre el autoritarismo y la autoridad.
Some parents might straddle the line between authoritarianism and authoritativeness.
Otros padres pueden encontrarse en el límite entre la autoridad y la permisividad.
Other parents might find themselves on the border between authoritativeness and permissiveness.
See also: Talk About Your Family in Spanish
4 Styles of Parenting in Spanish
Now, let’s take a closer look at the basics of the 4 different parenting styles in Spanish and English. Note that although authoritative and authoritarian sound almost the same (in both English and Spanish), they are quite different.
Authoritative Parenting Style – Estilo de crianza autoritativo
Alta calidez, alto control.
High warmth, high control.
Authoritative parents are nurturing, supportive, and attentive to their children’s needs. They teach their children values and reasoning through open and honest discussions. Kids with authoritative parents tend to be self-disciplined and can think for themselves.
Los padres autoritativos establecen reglas claras para sus hijos, pero también son flexibles y comprensivos.
Authoritative parents set clear rules for their kids, but they’re also flexible and understanding.
Escuchan y toman en cuenta los pensamientos, sentimientos y opiniones de sus hijos.
They listen to and take their children’s thoughts, feelings, and opinions into account.
Utilizan las oportunidades de aprendizaje para ayudar a sus hijos a reflexionar y crecer.
They use learning opportunities to help their kids reflect and grow.
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Los niños de familias autoritativas generalmente se portan bien y tienen éxito en la escuela.
Kids from authoritative families are usually well-behaved and successful at school.
Tienden a ser emocionalmente sanos, ingeniosos y socialmente hábiles.
They tend to be emotionally healthy, resourceful, and socially-adept.
See also: A psychologist shares the 4 types of parenting styles
Permissive Parenting Style – Estilo de crianza permisivo
Alta calidez, bajo control.
High warmth, low control
Permissive parents frequently take on a “best friend” role with their children, rather than a parenting role. They avoid conflict and allow their kids to do whatever they want.
Los padres permisivos ofrecen poca guía o dirección.
Permissive parents offer little guidance or direction.
No establecen o rara vez imponen reglas y expectativas.
They either do not set or seldom enforce rules and expectations.
Se comunican abiertamente y, por lo general, dejan que sus hijos tomen sus propias decisiones.
They communicate openly and usually let their kids make their own decisions.
En comparación con los niños de familias autoritarias, es menos probable que los niños con padres permisivos experimenten problemas de conducta.
Compared with kids from authoritarian families, children with permissive parents may be less likely to experience behavior problems.
También podrían tener menos problemas emocionales.
They might also have fewer emotional problems.
Tienden a tener más problemas que los niños criados por padres autoritativos y pueden tener menos logros en la escuela.
They tend to have more troubles than children raised by authoritative parents, and they may achieve less in school.
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Authoritarian Parenting Style – Estilo de crianza autoritario
Alto control, baja calidez.
High control, low warmth.
Children whose parents have an authoritarian parenting style can be traumatized by it. In an attempt to be in control, authoritarian parents enforce strict rules with little consideration of their child’s needs or feelings.
Los padres autoritarios suelen decir “porque yo lo digo” cuando se les pregunta sobre las razones detrás de una regla o consecuencia.
Authoritarian parents often say “because I said so” when questioned about the reasons behind a rule or consequence.
La mayor parte de la comunicación es unidireccional, de padres a hijos.
Most communication is one-way, from parent to child.
Este estilo de crianza rígido utiliza una disciplina estricta, a menudo justificada como “amor duro”.
This rigid parenting style uses strict discipline, often justified as “tough love.”
Los niños de familias autoritarias son más propensos a mostrar un comportamiento agresivo o desafiante con el tiempo.
Kids from authoritarian families are more likely to display aggressive or defiant behavior over time.
También es más probable que sufran ansiedad, depresión o baja autoestima.
They’re also more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, or poor self-esteem.
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Uninvolved Parenting Style – Estilo de crianza negligente
Baja calidez, bajo control.
Low warmth, low control.
This parenting style is exemplified by an overall sense of indifference. Neglectful parents have limited engagement with their children and rarely implement rules. They may be seen as cold and uncaring—usually because they are struggling with their own issues.
Los padres negligentes y permisivos ofrecen poco apoyo, orientación o atención.
Permissive neglectful parents offer little nurturance, guidance, or attention.
Son indiferentes a sus necesidades o están abrumados con otras cosas.
They are either indifferent to their needs or overwhelmed with other things.
Pueden tener dificultades con sus propios problemas de autoestima y tener dificultades para formar relaciones cercanas.
They may struggle with their own self-esteem issues and have difficulty forming close relationships.
Los niños de familias no involucradas son los que están peor en todos los aspectos.
Kids from uninvolved families are the worst off in all respects.
La mayoría de los delincuentes juveniles tienen padres no involucrados.
Most juvenile offenders have uninvolved parents.
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Talk About Your Parenting Style in Spanish
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