Exploring Ancient Greece (Free Spanish Lessons for Kids)
Ancient Greece for kids is a fascinating topic for teaching world history in the Spanish classroom. It allows you to show your kids and students new Spanish vocabulary that takes their language skills to a whole new level.
Ancient Greece is responsible for laying the foundations of civilization and society. Politics, math, art, literature, and many other topics have influences from Ancient Greece.
Show your children the impact of this inspiring civilization with this activity-packed kid’s guide to ancient Greece in Spanish.
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Ancient Greece for Kids in the Spanish Classroom
Whether you’re a homeschool parent or Spanish educator, getting your hands on unique and fascinating subjects is essential for engaging young students.
Kids have minds like sponges, they’re able to absorb large quantities of information through engaging lessons with amusing activities. Children who are learning Spanish benefit from constant exposure to native vocabulary, grammar, and conversational activities.
What’s more, your kids can develop fluency even faster than adults. By creating consistent Spanish classroom habits you’re preparing them for the future and for a more valuable education.
Ancient Greece for kids is a go-to topic for teaching them history. Although Greek civilization dates thousands of years back, the impact and legacy it left for today’s society prevails.
Let’s travel back in time and revisit ancient Greek history for kids.
Introduction to Ancient Greece for Kids
La antigua Grecia (ancient Greece) was a civilization in the Mediterranean that dominated the majority of its territory. They ruled a large part of Europe and western Asia.
The ancient Greece map places it in southeastern Europe, formed by several islands. The Greeks were colonizers and explored new lands in search of territory for expanding their civilization.
The Greeks began to thrive as early as 800 BC. They saw the rise of majestic cities like Atenas (Athens), a place where over 200,000 people once lived. Los griegos (greeks) took part in epic battles against egipcios (egyptians), espartanos (spartans), and persas (persians) as a result of their expansion.
Ancient Greece for Kids Spanish Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
ancient civilization | la civilización antigua |
Greece | Grecia |
Greek | el griego, la griega |
Greek city | la ciudad griega |
Greek society | la sociedad griega |
Mediterranean | el Mediterráneo |
territory | el territorio |
to colonize | colonizar |
to explore | explorar |
war | la guerra |
Example Sentences
Grecia fue una civilización antigua de Europa.
Greece was an ancient civilization of Europe.
La ciudad griega más majestuosa fue Atenas.
The most majestic Greek city was Athens.
La sociedad griega tuvo muchos aportes a la humanidad.
Greek society had many contributions to humanity.
Los griegos exploraron el Mediterráneo.
The Greeks explored the Mediterranean.
Los griegos colonizaron nuevos territorios.
The Greeks colonized new territories.
Fueron a la guerra en múltiples ocasiones.
They went to war on multiple occasions.
Take your Spanish classroom even further into the past with this amusing and educational Kid’s Guide to the Stone Age in Spanish.
Society of Ancient Greece for Kids
La antigua sociedad griega (ancient Greek society) was mostly devoted to commerce, farming, and artisan work. People in Greece produced different foods and drinks that are unique to the Mediterranean.
The Greeks possessed strong armies with powerful war tactics. Their society was organized and was ruled by democracy. Both Greek men and women were entitled to specific rights, privileges, and protection. In spite of having a structured state many people in Greece were still poor and enslaved. These people weren’t allowed to vote and did forced labor.
Wealthy Greeks had schools, specialized academies, and enjoyed cultural activities. People of ancient Greece also spoke their own language: Griego antiguo (ancient Greek).
Ancient Greek society is remembered for their impressive and rich culture. Their contributions to literature, philosophy, sports, theater, and food are still valued in our time.
Society of Ancient Greece Spanish Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
agriculture, farming | la agricultura |
armies | los ejércitos |
artisan work | la artesanía |
arts | las artes |
commerce | el comercio |
culture | la cultura |
democracy | la democracia |
education | la educación |
Greek food | la comida griega |
language | el idioma |
literature | la literatura |
philosophy | la filosofía |
sports | los deportes |
theater | el teatro |
Example sentences
Las personas de la antigua Grecia se dedicaban a la agricultura, la artesanía, el comercio y las artes.
People of ancient Greece were dedicated to farming, artisan work, commerce, and the arts.
La antigua Grecia tenía grandes ejércitos.
Ancient Greece had large armies.
El sistema político de la antigua Grecia era la democracia; había elecciones.
The political system of ancient Greece was democracy—there were elections.
Los griegos tenían escuelas y academias para la educación.
The Greeks had schools and academies for education.
La sociedad griega disfrutaba de la literatura, el teatro, los deportes y la cultura.
Greek society enjoyed literature, theater, sports, and culture.
Ancient Greek Arts and Architecture
Ancient Greece was surrounded by las artes (arts). Los artistas griegos (Greek artists) created fascinating detailed sculptures, paintings, mosaics, metalwork, literature, and pottery.
El teatro (theater) was a passion for people of ancient Greece. Plays about tragedy and comedy highlighted important events, social, and political issues.
La arquitectura griega (Greek architecture) continues to be highly influential. The use of columns and carvings was consistent in Greek major cities. The Greeks built temples, theaters, markets, gyms, and government buildings.
People of ancient Greece lived in mud houses with clay tiles. The houses were built around a courtyard and had defined baños (bathrooms), habitaciones (bedrooms), cocina (kitchen), and different rooms for men and women.
Greek Arts and Architecture Spanish Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
columns | las columnas |
comedy | la comedia |
courtyard | el patio |
gyms | los gimnasios |
ironworks | la herrería |
markets | los mercados |
mosaics | los mosaicos |
painting | la pintura |
play | la obra de teatro |
pottery | la cerámica |
sculpture | la escultura |
temples | los templos |
theaters | los teatros |
to carve | tallar |
tragedy | la tragedia |
Example sentences
La antigua arquitectura griega utilizaba columnas.
Ancient Greek architecture used columns.
En la antigua Grecia, las personas disfrutaban ver obras de teatro de comedia y tragedia.
In ancient Greece, people enjoyed watching plays of comedy and tragedy.
Las casas de la antigua Grecia tenían un patio.
The houses of ancient Greece had a courtyard.
Los templos griegos eran adornados por mosaicos, esculturas y pinturas.
Greek temples were adorned with mosaics, sculpture, and paintings.
Los griegos tallaron esculturas de los dioses y diosas.
The Greeks carved sculptures of the gods and goddesses.
Los griegos utilizaban la herrería para elaborar espadas y armaduras.
The Greeks used ironwork to make swords and armors.
Las ciudades griegas tenían gimnasios y mercados.
Greek cities had gyms and markets.
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Ancient Greek Food
In ancient Greece, people ate a large variety of delicious foods. They ate vegetales (vegetables), frutas (fruits), and nueces (nuts).
Their most important foods were las aceitunas (olives) and la miel (honey). Both were strongly tied to Greek stories and myths.
El aceite de oliva (oil), el pan (bread), el vino (wine), and los mariscos (seafood) were also an essential part of the healthy and savory Mediterranean diet.
Example sentences
La dieta mediterránea era nutritiva y saludable para los griegos.
The Mediterranean diet was nutritious and healthy for the greeks.
Los griegos consumían aceitunas y miel.
Greeks consumed olives and honey.
Los griegos acompañaban sus comidas con aceite de oliva, pan y vino.
The Greeks had their food with olive oil, bread, and wine.
La cocina de la antigua Grecia utilizaban vegetales, frutas, nueces, carnes y mariscos.
The cuisine of ancient Greece used vegetables, fruits, nuts, meats, and seafood.
Discover even more exotic flavors and ingredients with this yummy Kid’s Guide to Spanish Cooking Vocabulary.
Ancient Greek Sports
The first olimpiadas (olympics) were held in 776 BC. They were originally part of a festival. The contestants participated in lucha libre (wrestling), salto largo (long jump), carreras (running), disc and spear throwing.
The games were held in the Olympia sanctuary to honor the God of lightning, Zeus. Those ancient olympics didn’t have medals; the prize was a wreath of olive leaves from a sacred tree.
Example sentences
Los primeros juegos olímpicos se celebraron en la antigua Grecia.
The first Olympic games were celebrated in ancient Greece.
Los atletas competían en eventos de lucha libre, salto largo, carreras, lanzamiento de lanza y disco.
The athletes would compete in wrestling, long jump, running, spear and discus throw events.
Las olimpiadas se celebraban en honor a Zeus, dios del rayo.
The Olympics were celebrated in honor of Zeus, god of lighting.
Ancient Greek Celebrations
Los antiguos griegos loved celebrating carnavales (carnivals) and festivales (festivals). They enjoyed la música (music), dancing, and wearing disfraces (costumes). Some celebrations even went on for days, weeks, and months.
Most of the celebrations were in honor of ancient Greek gods and goddesses.
Example sentences
Los carnavales y festivales de la antigua Grecia eran religiosos.
The carnivals and festivals of ancient Greece were religious.
Los griegos celebraban con baile, música y disfraces.
The Greeks celebrated with dancing, music, and costumes.
Algunas celebraciones duraban días, semanas y meses.
Some celebrations went on for days, weeks, and months.
Ancient Greece Religion
The religion of ancient Greece was politeísta (polytheism), meaning they believed in several dioses y diosas (gods and goddesses).
These gods were believed to be in control of el clima (weather), la salud (health), el dinero (money), feelings, and of almost everything that affected the Greeks. To honor them and keep them happy, people would build sanctuaries and shrines in their houses.
In those days, every misfortune was attributed to punishment from the Gods. People believed the most admired gods and goddesses lived in El Monte Olimpo (Mount Olympus) of the skies as a family.
English | Spanish |
Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love | Afrodita, diosa de la belleza y el amor |
Apollo, god of medicine | Apolo, dios de la medicina |
Athena, goddess of wisdom | Atenea, diosa de la sabiduría |
Hades, god of the underworld | Hades, dios del inframundo |
Hephestus, god of fire | Hefesto, dios del fuego |
Hera, goddess of Olympus | Hera, diosa del Olimpo |
Poseidon, god of the ocean | Poseidón, dios del océano |
Zeus, god of the sky and lightning | Zeus, dios del cielo y rayo |
Example sentences
La religión de la antigua Grecia tenía varios dioses y diosas.
The religion of ancient Greece had several gods and goddesses.
Los dioses eran responsables del clima, dinero, fortuna, y todo lo que ocurría.
The gods were responsible for the weather, money, fortune, and everything that went on.
Para mantener felices a los dioses, los griegos hacían templos y altares.
To keep the gods happy, the Greeks made temples and altars.
Los griegos creían que los dioses vivían en los cielos en el Monte Olimpo.
The Greeks believed that the gods lived in the skies on Mount olympus.
Zeus, dios del cielo y el rayo, era el más adorado.
Zeus, god of the sky and lightning, was the most adored.
Fun Facts and Curiosities About Ancient Greece for Kids
- Alejandro el grande (Alexander the Great) was a Greek ruler who expanded the empire to Egypt, Europe, and Southeast Asia.
- The Greeks were very supersticiosos (superstitious) and believed in folk tales and mythological creatures. These stories are called la mitología griega (Greek mythology).
- Ancient Greeks used la mitología griega for explaining the existence of their gods. In these stories, their gods and goddesses faced monsters like el minotauro (minotaur), medusa, and los titanes (titans).
- Los romanos (Romans) copied a lot from Greek culture. Both cultures have similar architecture, religion, among other things.
- When there was crime, the Greeks held juicios (trials) with jurados (jurys) of up to 500 people.
- Los filósofos griegos (Greek philosophers) were very important to world history. They spent their time trying to make sense of the world through theories and reasoning.
- Aristoteles (Aristotle), Platón (Plato), and Socrates were all ancient Greek philosophers.
- The ancient Greek empire declined after being conquered by the ancient Romans. It lasted until 146 BC.
Ancient Greece for Kids Spanish Classroom Activities
Classroom Spanish Olympics: Flashcards and Challenges
Celebrate the Spanish olimpiadas with your students in the comfort of your class.
Our juegos olimpicos template is divided into three events for your students to compete. The categories are:
- spelling bee
- complete the sentence
- word match
Use our set of flashcards as support for this hands-on activity. You can include prizes to encourage healthy competition and participation.
Word Search
Test your child’s concentration and knowledge of Spanish words with our sopa de letras (word search) activity. A word search strengthens reading, writing, and Spanish pronunciation.
Ancient Greece Quiz and Crossword Puzzle
Use our ancient Greece for kids quiz as a reading comprehension test of the lesson.
Our template comes with 10 questions and crossword puzzle for kids to complete. This activity is a worthwhile challenge for students to enjoy and test their knowledge and understanding of concepts.
Videos About Ancient Greece for Kids
YouTube has dozens of videos about ancient Greece for kids in Spanish you can use for this lesson. Videos are an accessible and comfortable learning strategy for kids to enjoy at any point of the day. They are ideal for visual learners and keep students engaged with learning without even noticing.
Choose from this list of entertaining ancient Greece for kids videos.
- La antigua Grecia: 5 cosas que deberías saber (Ancient Greece: 5 Things you Should Know)
- La antigua Grecia (Ancient Greece)
- ¿Quién era Pericles? (Who was Pericles?)
- La democracia (Democracy)
- Mitología griega: dioses del Olimpo para niños (Greek Mythology: The Gods of Olympus for Kids)
- Mitología para niños (Mythology for kids)
- El caballo de Troya (The Trojan Horse)
- El origen de las olimpiadas (The origin of the olympics)
Ancient Greece Story Time
The wonders of ancient Greece are guaranteed to keep any young student amused with learning.
Greek mythology and tales are a fantastic resource you can use to compliment this lesson. Depending on your student’s Spanish level, you can assign these books as an assignment or read them together in story time.
Here’s a list of ancient Greece for kids books you can use in this lesson.
- La odisea contada para niños (The Odyssey for Kids)
- La iliada contada para niños (The Iliad for Kids)
- Por todos los dioses…! (For All the Gods)
- Las historias más bellas de la mitología griega (The Most Beautiful Stories of Greek Mythology)
- El gran libro de la mitología (The Big Book of Mythology)
- Percy Jackson y los dioses del Olimpo (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
- La cultura de la antigua Grecia para niños (The Culture of Ancient Greece for Kids)
Stay On the Path to Fluency
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