Art and Painting Vocabulary in Spanish
If you’re looking for a creative way to learn Spanish, read this post on Spanish painting vocabulary! Spanish art words are similar to their English counterparts, making them fun and easy to remember.
We’ll cover the basic Spanish words that mean art, along with artistic places and attributes. You’ll also learn the technical words related to art materials, equipment, and techniques, as well as painting vocabulary terms on artistic movements, styles, and finished works.
Keep reading to learn about art history in Spanish and access interesting way of learning this beautiful language.
¡Aprendamos vocabulario de pintura en español!
Let’s learn painting vocabulary in Spanish!
Basic Painting Vocabulary
In this section of basic Spanish art words, notice how many of the words resemble each other in Spanish and English.
English | Spanish |
art | el arte |
art movement | el movimiento artístico |
artist | el artista |
creativity | la creatividad |
exhibit | la exhibición, la exposición |
famous | famoso/a |
illustrator | el ilustrador |
painter | la pintora, el pintor |
studio | el estudio |
theme | la temática |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Deberíamos ir a la exposición a disfrutar del arte.
We should go to the exhibit to enjoy the art.
Este famoso artista fue un ilustrador y pintor.
This famous artist was an illustrator and a painter.
No entendí la temática de la obra.
I didn’t understand the theme of the piece.
Painting Materials and Equipment
The next section of Spanish painting vocabulary relate to an artist’s materials and equipment.
English | Spanish |
brush | la brocha, el pincel |
canvas | el lienzo |
easel | el caballete |
frame | el marco |
oil paint | el oleo |
paint | la pintura |
painting knife, palette knife | la espátula |
palette | la paleta |
pen | la pluma |
pencil | el lápiz |
sponge | la esponja |
stencil | la plantilla |
watercolors | las acuarelas |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Este objeto es perfecto para pintura al óleo.
This object is perfect for oil painting.
¿Te gusta la paleta de colores de este dibujo de acuarela?
Do you like the color palette of this watercolor drawing?
¿Cuál es el precio de la espátula?
What’s the price of this painting knife?
Compré muchas plumas y lápices por si las dudas.
I bought many pens and pencils just in case.
Let’s get technical with Spanish art words dedicated to the technical aspects art.
English | Spanish |
colors | los colores |
drawing | el dibujo |
geometry, geometric figures | la geometría, las figuras geométricas |
illustration | la ilustración |
line | la línea |
marbled | jaspeado |
shape | la forma |
space | el espacio |
stippling | el punteado |
symmetry | la simetría |
technique | la técnica |
texture | la textura |
Example Sentences in Spanish
El dibujo tiene una simetría evidente.
The drawing has an evident symmetry.
Me gusta la textura de este punteado.
I like the texture of this stippling.
Estoy buscando un cuadro con figuras geométricas.
I am looking for a painting with geometric figures.
La técnica es la parte más importante de la ilustración.
The technique is the most important part of the illustration.
Finished Pieces
These Spanish art words are meant to be about finished works that are on exhibit or for sale.
English | Spanish |
available | disponible |
for sale | en venta |
gallery | la galería |
museum | el museo |
painting | la pintura |
portrait | el retrato |
signed | firmado |
sketch | el boceto |
sold | vendido |
Example Sentences in Spanish
El retrato fue pintado por un artista desconocido.
The portrait was drawn by an unknown artist.
El boceto firmado estaba a la venta.
The signed sketch was for sale.
Me gustaron más las pinturas de la galería que las del museo.
I liked the gallery paintings more than the ones at the museum.
Vendí todo en mi primera noche en la galería.
I sold everything on my first night at the gallery.
Styles and Artistic Movements
These painting vocabulary words are about styles and artistic movements. These Spanish art words are perfect if you’re visiting museums or critiquing art.
See also: Frida Kahlo and Diego: Legends and Icons of Mexican Culture
English | Spanish |
abstract | abstracto/a |
cubism | el cubismo |
dadaism | dadaismo |
gothic | el gótico |
impressionism | el impresionismo |
landscape painting | el paisajismo |
modernism | modernismo |
muralism | el muralismo |
neoclassicism | el neoclasicismo |
post impressionism | el postimpresionismo |
realism | el realismo |
romanticism | el romanticismo |
surrealism | el surrealismo |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Picasso era uno de los mayores expositores del cubismo.
Picasso was one of the greatest exhibitors of cubism.
El muralismo mexicano fue un importante movimiento artístico.
Mexican muralism was an important artistic movement.
Un ejemplo de surrealismo es la obra de Salvador Dalí.
An example of surrealism is the work of Salvador Dali.
Al impresionista Claude Monet y al postimpresionista Vincent Van Gogh les gustaba el paisajismo.
Impressionist Claude Monet and post Impressionist Vincent Van Gogh liked landscape painting.
Si te gusta el realismo y el romanticismo, tienes que ir al Louvre.
If you like realism and romanticism, you have to visit the Louvre.
See also: 15 Extraordinary Museums to Visit on Your Next Trip to Mexico City.
Now the missing part of the painting vocabulary: the verbs. I wrote some example sentences at the end of this section. To learn about their conjugation, I linked some of them to articles with all the information you need.
English | Spanish |
to appreciate | apreciar |
to draw | dibujar |
to hang | colgar |
to know | conocer |
to learn | aprender |
to mix | mezclar |
to paint | pintar |
to place | colocar |
to select | seleccionar |
to splatter | salpicar |
to understand | entender |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Cuelga toda tu obra en esta habitación.
Hang all your artwork in this room.
Quiero seleccionar algunas de mis obras para venderlas.
I want to select some of my work to sell.
Después de dibujar el primer boceto, necesitas detallar las figuras.
After drawing a first sketch, you need to detail the figures.
Necesitas aprender antes de empezar a dibujar.
You need to learn before you start drawing.
Color Your World in Spanish
Now that you’ve learned these Spanish art words, the next step is to practice saying them and using them in conversation. Learning Spanish is a brilliant idea! Being bilingual is a great tool for your life and career.
By learning Spanish, you’ll also be unlocking the door to literature, architecture, dance, paintings created by Hispanic artists or written in Spanish. If you travel to Spain or Latin America to see the art first hand, you’ll travel easier knowing how to communicate. Get ready for an adventure loaded with experiences that will enrich your life.
Where to start? Let Homeschool Spanish Academy help you with this task! Open the door to the Hispanic art world by signing up for a free trial class today! Become part of our more than 24,000 monthly enrolled students who trust our decade of experience. We’ll tailor a Spanish package that suits your interests and needs through individualized, flexible sessions. Check out our affordable pricing and flexible programs.
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