May the 4th Be With You: Star Wars in Spanish
George Lucas built a multibillion-dollar branding empire through his universe of charismatic characters and battling galactic forces. Today, we celebrate Star Wars in Spanish to pay tribute to this glorious cinematographic creation. As you may know, May 4th has become an official holiday for Star Wars fans since it’s a memorable pun on the wildly popular catchphrase “May the force be with you.”
Let’s explore another side of the highest-grossing series in the history of cinema: Star Wars in Spanish!
Star Wars Vocabulary in Spanish
The iconic figures of Star Wars include larger-than-life characters, lightning-fast starships, and other high-tech tools of the galactic era. Let’s take a look at a list of Star Wars vocabulary in Spanish to see how our favorite terms from the movie translate!
English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
lightsaber | el sable de luz | sah-blay day loos |
droid | el androide | an-droy-day |
storm troopers | las tropas de la tormenta | troh-pahs day la tor-mane-tah |
Millenium Falcon | Halcón Milenario | al-kohn meel-ay-nah-ree-oh |
the force | la fuerza | fware-sah |
Jedi knight | el caballero jedi | Kah-bah-yeh-roh djeh-dai |
bounty hunter | el cazador de recompensas | Kah-sah-dor day ray-kome-pen-sahs |
planetary system | el sistema planetario | See-stay-mah plah-nay-tah-ryoh |
hyperspace | el hiperespacio | ee-pair-ay-spah-syoh |
The Empire | el Imperio | eem-pay-ryoh |
Sith Lord | el señor sith | sen-yor seet |
clones | los clones | klohn-ays |
pod race | la carrera de naves | kahr-ray-rah day nah-vase |
Death Star | la Estrella de la muerte | es-tray-ah day lah mwer-tay |
Star Destroyer | el Destructor estelar | day-strook-tor eh-stay-lar |
The Alliance | la alianza | ah-lyan-sah |
Intergalactic Senate | el Senado intergaláctico | say-nah-do en-ter-ga-lak-tee-koh |
Padawan / Jedi Apprentice | el padawan / el aprendiz jedi | pah-dah-wan / ah-pren-dees djeh-dai |
Sand People | el pueblo de la arena | pway-bloh day lah ah-ray-nah |
Star Wars in Spanish According to Fundéu BBVA
In late 2019, la Fundación del Español Urgente (Fundéu BBVA, also the Foundation of Urgent Spanish in English) made official notes on how to discuss Star Wars in Spanish. As an affiliate of the Real Academia Española (RAE), Fundéu BBVA is a known authority in upholding certain standards for the Spanish language. So, what do they say? If you find yourself trying to talk or write about Star Wars in Spanish, keep the following details in mind:
Write the title in lower case, except the first word:
La guerra de las galaxias
Discuss Star Wars using new words that have been added to the Spanish language because of the films:
secuela (sequel) and precuela (prequel)
The word episodio (episode) must be written in lowercase when it’s not being used within the title, for example:
La guerra de las galaxias: Episodio II (uppercase in the title)
Me gustó más episodio VI de todos. (lowercase in discussion about the episode)
Creatures and ethnic groups add only an -s in plural, defying the typical rule that plurals ending with a consonant add an -es. For example:
el ewok – los ewoks (not los ewokes)
el kaadu – los kaadus
The word láser is written with a tilde.
El láser can refer to both swords and lightsabers.
Friki is better than friqui
In reference to Star Wars fanatics, the Spanish word friki (meaning “geek”) is often used. The spelling with “k” is preferred to friqui.
Spanish Star Wars Titles
Many novice Star Wars fans want to know in which order are you supposed to watch Las guerras de las galaxias? Here’s the list of Star Wars movies and their Spanish titles in the order they are intended to be watched!
- Star Wars: Episodio IV – Una nueva esperanza (1978)
- Star Wars: Episodio V – El imperio contraataca (1980)
- Star Wars: Episodio VI – El retorno del jedi (1983)
- Star Wars: Episodio I – La amenaza fantasma (1999)
- Star Wars: Episodio II – El ataque de los clones (2002)
- Star Wars: Episodio III – La venganza de los sith (2005)
- La guerra de los clones (2008)
- Star Wars: Episodio VII – El despertar de la Fuerza (2015)
- Rogue One: una historia de Star Wars (2016)
- Star Wars: Episodio VIII – Los últimos jedi (2017)
- Han Solo: una historia de Star Wars (2018)
- Star Wars: Episodio IX – El ascenso de Skywalker (2019)
Popular Spanish Star Wars Quotes
Part of what makes the Star Wars series so popular are the quotes that stick with us long after the movies end. Here are some of the most well-known quotes in Spanish and English. Enjoy!
Que la Fuerza te acompañe.
May the Force be with you.
El miedo es el camino hacia el Lado Oscuro. El miedo lleva a la ira, la ira lleva al odio, el odio lleva al sufrimiento. Percibo mucho miedo en ti. —Yoda a Anakin
Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. I see much fear in you.
El apego está prohibido, la posesión está prohibida, la compasión, por contra, que para mí no sería sino el amor incondicional es primordial en la vida de un Jedi. Así que podría decirse que se nos alienta a amar. —Anakin Skywalker
Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to a Jedi’s life. So, you might say that we are encouraged to love.
Los mentores suelen ver nuestros errores más de lo que desearíamos. Así es como se madura. —Padmé Amidala
Mentors often see our mistakes more than we would like. This is how we mature.
Paciencia, utiliza la Fuerza. Piensa. —Obi-Wan Kenobi
Patience, use the Force. Think.
Sin duda, maravillosa la mente de un niño es. —Maestro Yoda
Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.
El Lado Oscuro de la Fuerza es un camino que puede aportar facultades y dones que muchos no dudan en calificar de antinaturales. —Canciller Palpatine
The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
La muerte una parte natural de la vida es. Regocíjate por los que te rodean y en la Fuerza se transforman. Llorarlos no debes, añorarlos tampoco. El apego a los celos conduce, la negra sombra de la codicia es. —Maestro Yoda
Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is.
Si no estás conmigo ¡Eres mi enemigo! —Anakin Skywalker
If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy!
La Fuerza es lo que le da al Jedi su poder. Es un campo de energía creado por todas las cosas vivientes. Nos rodea, nos penetra, y mantiene unida la Galaxia. —Obi-Wan Kenobi
The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.
Me he recorrido esta galaxia de un extremo a otro. He visto cosas muy raras, pero nunca nada que me hiciera creer que haya una única fuerza todopoderosa que lo controla todo. Ningún campo de energía mística controla mi destino. —Han Solo
Kid, I’ve flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I’ve seen a lot of strange stuff, but I’ve never seen anything to make me believe there’s one all-powerful force controlling everything. There’s no mystical energy field that controls my destiny.
El amo Luke estará bien… para tratarse de un ser humano, es bastante ingenioso. —C-3PO
Master Luke will be fine… for a human being, he is quite resourceful.
La Fuerza está contigo joven Skywalker, pero todavía no eres un Jedi. —Darth Vader
The Force is with you young Skywalker, but you are not yet a Jedi.
Únete a mí y juntos dominaremos la Galaxia como padre e hijo. —Darth Vader
Join me and together we will dominate the Galaxy as father and son.
Luke, yo soy tu padre. —Darth Vader
Luke, I am your father.
Nunca. Nunca me convertiré al Lado Oscuro. Ha fallado, su alteza. Soy un Jedi, como mi padre antes de mí. —Luke Skywalker
Never. I will never convert to the Dark Side. You have failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.
Chewie, ¡estamos en casa! —Han Solo
Chewie, we’re home!
Follow Star Wars in Spanish on Social Media
Keep up-to-date with information about the series and the franchise through these popular social media accounts dedicated to Star Wars in Spanish:
- Instagram: @starwarsspain
- YouTube: Star Wars Latinoamérica
- Facebook: Star Wars España
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I love star wars so much who is with me? my favorite character is han solo and luke skywalker.
I love Star Wars too! My favorite character is Han Solo too! He’s a complex character with plenty of flaws but who believed in galactic freedom.