20 Spanish Class Memes to Use as Educational Devices
These days, kids of all ages love memes, which means that Spanish class memes are a perfect fit for educational purposes.
Best of all, Spanish memes let students have some fun while learning Spanish. They also have a way of inspiring your students to understand what they’re reading so they can enjoy a laugh.
In the list below, I’ve compiled a list of 20 Spanish class memes I found by scouring the internet that you can use to motivate your class!
I’ve divided each section by age groups (preschool, elementary, middle school, high school), so you can gather up the Spanish class memes that relate specifically to your educational target.
Memes for Preschool
Fruit Vocabulary
1. ¿Cuál es la fruta más paciente? ¡Es pera!
The English translation of this is “What’s the most patient fruit? It’s pear!” This is funny because Es pera (it’s pear) and espera (wait) sound exactly the same.
2. ¿Cuál es la fruta que más se ríe? La naranja jajaja
This translates into “What’s the fruit that laughs the most? The orange hahaha.”
When we write a laugh in Spanish we use jajaja which is exactly how the word for “orange” in Spanish ends.
3. ¿Usted espera? No, soy manzana.
This Spanish class meme translates into “Are you waiting? No, I’m apple.”
Once again, espera (waiting) and es pera (it’s pear) sound similar in Spanish. In the meme, the banana asked the apple if she was waiting. However, the apple thought the banana was asking her if she was a pear, so she replied that she’s an apple.
Animal Vocabulary
4. ¿Te cuento una historia? Había una vez…truz.
This Spanish class meme is a funny play on words. The phrase había una vez means “once upon a time,” but it adds …truz to make it sound like the Spanish name for “ostrich,” which is avestruz. So, the person starts the joke saying, “Can I tell you a story?” and in responding to their own question, it sounds like they’re going to say “once upon a time,” but instead they say “There was an ostrich.” This works because una vez… truz sounds identical to un avestruz.
5. ¿Qué le dice un pez a otro? ¡Nada!
This translates into: ¿What does a fish say to another one? ¡Nothing!
This is funny because the Spanish word for “nothing” and “swim” is the same: Nada.
Memes for Elementary
Greetings and Introductions
6. ¿Hola? ¡Adios!
Some kids may still know about the powerpuff girls if they watch reruns on the TV! If so, they’ll identify the character of this meme right away. This meme can help them remember the Spanish greetings or start picking up on preterite endings in the past tense.
7. ¿Quién eres? Soy sauce.
The Spanish word for “soy sauce” is salsa soya. However, soy also means “I am.” If you’re teaching your students how to introduce themselves, this Spanish class meme may give them a laugh and help them remember what to say.
8. Pepito, dime cinco cosas que contengan leche. ¡Cinco vacas maestra!
If you’re teaching numbers in your classes, this meme will come in handy.
The translation of this meme is:
Teacher: Pepito, tell me five things that have milk.
Pepito: Five cows, teacher.
Days of the Week
9. Martes
This Spanish class meme is cute because it uses images to say a word. The Spanish word for “sea” is mar. So using images of the sea may help your students remember the word martes, or Tuesday.
10. Miércoles
Just like the previous one, this meme is using images to say a word. The Spanish name for “cabbages” is coles. This meme will help them remember how to say “Wednesday” in Spanish!
Memes for Middle School
Gender of Spanish Words
11. El papa, la papa
Learning the gender of words in Spanish is tricky. Teach your students how important it is to use the correct gender when they’re using nouns. Show them this example to teach them what a difference it makes to use el or la.
Past Tense Verbs
12. Leía
Any Star Wars fan will know who Princess Leia is. Do you know what’s cool? The spelling of “read” and the princess’ name is the same!
13. La gota que derramó el vaso.
In Spanish, we use this phrase the same way we use “the last straw” in English. It is a common phrase that your students may already know. This funny image will help them remember that the past tense of derramar (spill) is derramó (spilled.)
14. Él lo hizo
This cute image says “He did it!” This is a phrase that everyone has used before, especially if you have siblings! Use this Spanish class meme to teach your student that the past tense of hacer is hizo.
Future tense Verbs
15. Volveré
Everyone knows that boomerangs come back. So a boomerang using a famous phrase from the movie Terminator is super funny! Use this cute and funny meme to teach your students the future tense of the word volver.
Memes for High School
Teach Science
16. ¿Cómo se despiden dos químicos? Ácido un placer.
Why not use a mix of Spanish and science classes? The Spanish word for “acid” sounds just like saying ha sido (it’s been). Do you get it?
17. ¡Devuélveme mi oro! Mi au
This Spanish class meme is hilarious. In English it says “Give me back my gold! My au!”
It is funny because it is a cat saying it and the chemical symbol of gold is Au. When you say Mi au in Spanish, it sounds like a cat’s meow. Isn’t that cute?
18. Vamos a comer niños. Vamos a comer, niños.
Punctuation is very important when we’re writing in any language. Using a punctuation mark incorrectly could give the wrong idea. High school students who are learning to use the comma and other punctuation marks in Spanish will understand this meme and find it funny.
19. Creo que lo mejor es darnos una pausa…No, este es el final
High school students are probably going through their first relationships, so they’ll understand the sentiment behind this meme.
Comma: “I think having a pause it’s for the best.”
Dot: “No, this is the end.”
This meme is funny because, while it is dramatic, it explains exactly what each punctuation mark does in a sentence.
20. Campaña contra la descriminación de letras y signos
This meme advocates against the descrimination of letters and signs, especially the opening question mark! Since that punctuation mark doesn’t exist in English, students may forget to use it in Spanish. This meme will help them remember to use it every time!
Aren’t Memes Fun?
There are countless memes online and you can use them all for your classes! These memes help make your classes more interesting, fun, and relevant. Students will easily think you’re the coolest teacher!
Also for you: 10 Funny Spanish Memes You Can Share With Your Kid
Which one was your favorite? Leave us a comment with your thoughts on these Spanish class memes!
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