30 Clean Jokes in Spanish You’ll Want to Teach Your Kids
Funny jokes for kids in Spanish are ideal for both entertaining and educating your Spanish students!
How do you say “joke” in Spanish? El chiste. Chistes are important in Hispanic culture since Latin American people (like most people) love to laugh.
These Spanish jokes for the classroom reflect the culture around the language you tell them in. There are easy Spanish jokes, Spanglish jokes, and even Mexican jokes for kids.
If you’re ready to discover a treasure trove of the best kid-friendly Spanish riddles and jokes (with English translations and explanations), keep reading for 35 hilarious jokes, clean jokes, kid jokes, family jokes and jokes for teens!
Spanglish Jokes
Let’s start off easy with a few simple, short Spanglish jokes.
1. The Jaguar Joke
¿Qué le dijo un jaguar a otro jaguar?
Jaguar yu?
What did a jaguar tell the other jaguar?
How are you?
This silly funny joke for kids in Spanish, is funny because it plays with Spanish phonetics. Since the j in Spanish sounds like an “h” in English, it sounds like jaguar in Spanish and not English. You could even call it one great pun for kids.
PRO TIP: Jaguar yu is not an actual word in Spanish.
2. The Skunk Joke
¿Qué le dijo un zorrillo a otro zorrillo?
-Am sou sorri
What did a skunk tell the other skunk?
-I’m so sorry.
This is another silly funny joke for kids in Spanish that plays with phonics. It’s funny because the Spanish word zorrillo (skunk) and the English word sorry sound similar.
Bilingual Jokes
Check out these silly bilingual jokes! You could consider this next badge as Spanish teacher jokes! Let’s continue with these funny jokes for kids in Spanish!
3. The Milk Joke
-How does milk introduce itself in Spanish?
-Soy milk
This joke makes no sense in English. In Spanish, however, when you say the word soy it means “I am”—hence, the punchline of the joke.
4. The Breakfast Joke
-¿Nivel de inglés?
-Responda en inglés, ¿qué desayunó hoy?
-Web us come ham on.
-English level?
-Answer in English, what did you have for breakfast today?
-Web us come ham on.
The funny part on this joke is the final answer. Web us come ham on, actually means huevos con jamón (Eggs with ham).
5. The Never Joke
This joke plays with adverbs. Check it out.
-¿Sabes inglés?
¿Qué significa never?
-Y ¿never ever?
-Nunca unca.
-Do you speak English?
-Of course
-What does “never” mean?
-And never ever?
-Nunca unca
The funny part of this funny joke for kids in Spanish is that, we, Spanish-speakers do not have a specific word for “ever” like English speakers. So the person answering this question doesn’t know much English, because they just took the n out of nunca and thought that it would work.
6. The Shoe Joke
Another joke that plays with phonetics.
¿Nivel de inglés?
-Traduzca “un zapato”
-A shoe
-¿Estoy contratado?
-English level?
-Translate “a shoe”
-A shoe
-Bless you!
-Am I hired?
Why is this funny? Because when we sneeze we say “a shoe!”
7. The Toy Joke
-¿Nivel de inglés?
-Traduzca “juguete”
-Úselo en una frase.
-Toy bien guapo/a.
-English level?
-Translate “toy”
-Use it in a phrase.
-”Toy” very handsome.
This joke is funny because Spanish speakers sometimes say “toy” instead of the real word estoy (I am). That’s why in this joke this person is saying that he is very handsome or she is very pretty.
8. The Chain Joke
By this time you can already see that all of these jokes begin with the classic ¿Nivel de inglés? -Alto (English level? -High). So from now on we’ll skip that part.
-Traduzca ‘cadena’.
-Úselo en una frase.
-Chain brait laik a daimond.
-Translate “chain”
-Use it in a phrase.
-Shine bright like a diamond.
The funny part of this joke is that sometimes, Spanish speakers pronounce the “sh” as a “ch” and the person confused the word chain (which in Spanish you would pronounce like cha-een) with the word shine.
9. The Cabbage Joke
This joke is a classic by now.
-¿Cómo se dice “pollo” en inglés?
-¿Y repollo?
-Re chicken.
-How do you say “chicken” in English?
-And cabbage?
-Re chicken.
This one is funny because the person thought that they could just add the prefix “re” in front of the word “chicken” and not learn any more vocabulary.
10. The 1 a.m. Joke
-¿Qué significa “I am”?
-¡Una de la mañana!
-What does “I am” mean?
-One a.m.
This joke is corny. The person who read it misunderstood the I and confused it as a “one” and since they have no idea of English they thought “am” meant “a.m.”
11. The Carmen Joke
-Traduzca “carro” y “hombre”.
-Car, men.
-Úselo en una oración.
-¡Carmen! se me perdió la cadenita, que tú me regalaste Carmen…
-Translate “car” and “man”
-Car, men.
-Use it in a phrase
-¡Carmen! I lost the little chain that you gave me Carmen…
The English words “car” and “men” make up the Spanish name “Carmen.” But it is also funny because it quotes the lyrics of a famous Mexican song.
12. The Sport Joke
-Traduzca “deporte”
-Úselo en una frase.
-Y sport i, que late mi corazón
-Translate “sport”
-Use it in a phrase.
-Y sport i, que late mi corazón.
This joke uses the English word “sport” as the Spanish words es por (it is for). It refers to a famous song by Juanes called Es por ti (It’s because of you).
13. The Place Joke
-¿Cómo se dice lugar en inglés?
-Úselo en una frase.
-Me compré la place steichon cuatro.
-How do you say place in English?
-Use it in a phrase.
-I bought the place station four.
The funny part about this joke is that this non-English-speaking person confused the word “place” to “play-s” in “Playstation.”
14. The Dog Joke
-¿Cómo se dice perro en inglés?
-¿Y veterinario?
-How do you say dog in English?
-And veterinarian?
This is a great pun that combines the words doctor and dog to make “dogtor.”
15. The Death Joke
-¿Cómo se dice memoria en inglés?
-Úselo en una oración,
-El otro día me aventé de la ventana y casi memory.
-How do you say “memory” in English?
-Use it in a phrase.
-The other day I threw myself out of the window and I almost “memory”.
This joke is really funny because it turns the English word “memory” and turns it into the Spanish words me morí (I died) saying actually: The other day I threw myself out the window and I almost died.
16. The Confused English Joke
-¿Nivel de inglés?
-No le podemos dar el trabajo.
-Salga de la oficina.
-English level?
-We can’t give you the job.
-Leave the office.
This joke is hilarious because this Spanish-speaking person is trying to speak English but isn’t getting how grammar works in English. In Spanish the word alto is both tall and high, the word “because” is porque but it is closely related to the words por qué (why?).
17. The ‘Up in these Cities’ Joke
-Traduzca ‘arriba en éstas ciudades’.
-Up in these cities.
-Úselo en una frase.
-Me operaron de up in these cities.
-Translate “up in these cities”.
-Up in these cities.
-Use it in a phrase.
-I was operated on for “up in these cities”.
The funny part about this joke is that the words “up in these cities” sounds like the word “appendicitis” (ap-uhn-thee-cee-tees) in Spanish.
18. The Star Joke
-Traduzca estrella.
-Úselo en una frase.
-Yo debería star durmiendo.
-Translate “star”
-Use it in a phrase.
-I should “star” sleeping.
This joke is funny because the English word “star” is almost the same word as the Spanish verb estar (to be). That’s why he actually answered “I should be sleeping.”
19. The “2” Joke
This is a bit of a silly joke but it’s great for five-year-olds.
-¿Cómo se dice pintar?
-To paint.
-¿Y pared?
-Haga una frase con las dos.
-Las dos es una buena hora para comer.
-How do you say “to paint”?
-To paint.
-And “wall”?
-Make a phrase with the two (of them).
-Two is a good time to eat.
This funny joke for kids in Spanish is funny because this person knows English but they got confused because las dos (the two). He thought that the other person was saying “2 p.m.” and they were actually asking about the two words he previously had mentioned.
20. The “To Run” Joke
-¿Cómo se dice correr en inglés?
-To run
-Úselo en una frase.
-Para Navidad prefiero turrón de almendras.
-Ya le llamaremos.
-How do you say to run in English?
-To run
-Use it in a phrase
-For Christmas I prefer almond “to run”.
-We’ll call you.
The fun part about this joke for kids in Spanish is that the person is confusing the English infinitive “to run” and confusing it with the Spanish dessert turrón.
21. The Nose Joke
-¿Cómo se escribe nariz en inglés?
-¿Tú tampoco? Parece que nadie lo sabe.
-How do you spell nose in English?
-You don’t either? It seems nobody knows.
The word “nose” in English reads like the Spanish words no sé, which means “I don’t know.”
22. The Table Joke
-Conseguí trabajo de maestro de inglés.
-¿Trabajo estable?
No, mesa es table, trabajo es work.
-I got a job as an English teacher.
-A stable job?
-No, table is table and work is work.
This joke is funny when you read it because it messes with how you read the words in both languages. The second person is asking if the other person got a stable job, but the other person thought that he was asking “is work table?”.
23. The Monday Joke
-¿Cómo se dice ‘yo libro los lunes’ el inglés?
-I book on Mondays.
-How do you say I am free on Mondays in English?
-I book on Mondays.
The funny part about this joke for kids in Spanish is that the person who translated this confused the colloquial verb librar (to bear) with the noun libro which is the first person of the verb librar and translated the noun instead of the verb, saying “I book on Monday”.
Dad Jokes
Here are some corny and self-explanatory dad jokes in Spanish.
24. The Keys Joke
-He dejado las llaves y no puedo abrir.
-¿Y no sabes inglés?
-No, ¿que más da?
-Dicen que el inglés abre muchas puertas.
-I have left the keys and I cannot open (the door).
-Don’t you know any English?
-No, what does it matter?
-They say that English opens doors for you.
25. The “Gel” Joke
Un inglés y un español están en un barco. El inglés cae al agua y comienza a gritar ‘help, help, help’. El español responde, ‘gel no tengo, pero te puedo dar shampoo’.
A British and a Spaniard are on a ship. The British falls on the water and starts screaming “help, help, help”: The Spaniard replies, “I have no gel, but I can give you shampoo”.
Pepito Jokes
Pepito jokes are an important part of Latin American culture. Pepito is a “smart” kid who always has the punchline to jokes. These are kid jokes about school! Let’s wrap up these funny jokes for kids in Spanish!
26. The Grades Joke
-Mamá, mamá aquí traigo las notas.
-Pepito estas notas son para un castigo.
-¿Verdad que sí? Ven conmigo mamá, yo sé donde vive la profe.
-Mom, mom, I have the grades here.
-Pepito, these grades deserve some kind of punishment.
-Right? Come with me mom, I know where the teacher lives.
27. The Bell Joke
-Papá, ¿cómo se escribe ‘campana’?
-Pepito, se escribe como suena.
-Entonces ¿’talán, talán’?
-Dad, how do you spell bell?
-Pepito, you spell it like it sounds.
-So “ring ring”?
The funny part about this joke is that Pepito believes that you can write the word campana (bell) as its onomatopeya, which in Spanish would be talán.
28. The Donkey Joke
-Maestra, ¿a qué edad se muere un burro?
-¿Por qué, Pepito? ¿Ya te sientes mal?
-Miss, how long do donkeys live?
-Why Pepito, are you already feeling bad?
This joke is funny because the teacher is calling Pepito a donkey.
29. The Homework Joke
-Maestra, ¿me castigaría por algo que no hice?
-Claro que no, Pepito.
-Perfecto, porque no hice la tarea.
-Miss, would you punish me for something I didn’t do?
-Of course not, Pepito.
-Perfect, because I didn’t do my homework.
30. The School Joke
-Pepito, ¿cómo te imaginas la escuela ideal?
-Cerrada, maestra.
-Pepito, how do you imagine the ideal school?
-Closed, miss.
Learn to Pronounce These Jokes in Spanish
Now it’s time to learn how to pronounce all the hilarious jokes you just read and to polish your Spanish!
Sign up for a free trial class at Homeschool Spanish Academy to learn more jokes in this amazing language. If you’re an adventurer, learn how Spanish can open up the door for you to more than 21 countries on three continents (the Americas, Europe and Africa). And did you know that Spanish is the third most used language on the internet.
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