How To Talk About Your Spanish Class in Spanish
Talking about Spanish class in Spanish is an excellent practice strategy for improving your fluency.
As a language learner you often find that your conversations revolve around what goes on in Spanish class. Your peers, friends, and family are interested in what you do and what you’re learning.
Being able to describe what goes on in your Spanish classroom can even motivate others to learn with you.
Start telling others about your lovable Spanish class in Spanish thanks to this practical vocabulary guide packed with useful words, expressions, and examples.
It’s time for you to master how to talk about your Spanish class in Spanish.
Describing Classes in Spanish Is Important
Describing in Spanish what you do in Spanish class works as proof you’re actually learning.
Your Spanish class has plenty of topics, people, and items that are important elements to your objective.
While your goal is to become a fluent Spanish speaker, being able to describe to others what goes on in this part of your life, can be even more motivating.
Learning a language can often be thrilling, interesting, tedious, easy, and so much more. Understanding how your Spanish class makes you feel allows you to examine what you can do for improvement.
Also, talking about your feelings and what you like doing is an excellent conversation starter with Spanish speakers.
By now, learning Spanish is an important part of your life. Sharing this portion of your journey should be a priority whenever the mood strikes or the opportunity pops up.
In the end, these opportunities you have for sharing are great ways you can practice conversation.
Let’s examine useful phrases you can use to talk about Spanish class in Spanish.
Spanish Class in Spanish Phrases
Estoy en clase de español.
I am in Spanish class.
Hoy tengo clase de español.
I have Spanish class today.
Me gusta la clase de español, es mi favorita.
I like Spanish class, it’s my favorite.
Bienvenidos a la clase de español.
Welcome to Spanish class.
¿Has tomado una clase de español?
Have you taken a Spanish class?
¿Tú estás en mi clase de español?
Are you in my Spanish class?
Te quiero contar de mi salón de clases en español.
I want to tell you about my classroom in Spanish.
Styles of Spanish Class in Spanish
Las clases de español (Spanish classes) are now available in a variety of modalities. There are different teaching methods and ways to learn a language that adapt to your possibilities and goals.
Los estudiantes (students) and los profesores (teachers) have proved their capability to adapt and make the most of both virtual and in person learning.
Both online Spanish classes and in person learning bring fantastic results to language learners.
Online Spanish Class in Spanish
Las clases virtuales (virtual classes) or las clases en linea (online classes) are personalized and comfortable.
In this day and age, there’s no need for you to leave your house anymore. You can learn Spanish from the comfort of your home.
Access to platforms like zoom, makes it possible for you to attend Spanish class from your computer, phone, or tablet. You also use less supplies and almost everything is handled digitally by email, chat, or video calls.
Virtual classes usually have a strict schedule because they have limited timeframes. However, you’ll find the majority of online Spanish learning is practical and highly accessible.
Before we move on to vocabulary, keep in mind that talking about technology in Spanish has made native speakers use Americanisms for certain items that don’t always have a direct Spanish translation.
Many words in English have transformed into the Spanish form, making the use of such words widely accepted among Spanish-speakers around the world.
Online Spanish Class in Spanish Vocabulary Part 1
English | Spanish |
camera | la cámara |
chair | la silla |
computer | la computadora |
desk | el escritorio |
discussion board | el foro, el panel de discusión |
document | el documento |
el correo electrónico, el email | |
file | el archivo |
folder | el folder, la carpeta |
group call | la llamada grupal |
group chat | el chat grupal, el chat de grupo |
headphones | los audífonos |
images | las imágenes |
internet | el internet |
Example Sentences
Estoy tomando clases virtuales de español.
I’m taking virtual Spanish classes.
Yo aprendo español desde mi computadora.
I learn Spanish on my computer.
Mi cámara no funciona. ¿Puedo tenerla apagada durante clase?
My camera doesn’t work, ¿can I keep it off during class?
En el correo electrónico hay una carpeta con las tareas.
In the email there’s a folder with the assignments.
Enviaron las imágenes de la tarea en el chat grupal.
They sent the homework images on the group chat.
Yo recibo clases de español en mi escritorio usando audífonos.
I receive Spanish classes at my desk wearing headphones.
Mi internet está fallando, ¿podemos agendar la clase de español para otro día?
My internet is failing, can we reschedule this Spanish class for another day?
Online Spanish Class in Spanish Vocabulary Part 2
English | Spanish |
keyboard | el teclado |
laptop | la computadora portátil, la laptop |
live classes | las clases en vivo |
microphone | el micrófono |
mouse | el ratón, el mouse |
platform | la plataforma |
screen | la pantalla |
slide show | la presentación |
speaker | el altavoz |
tablet | la tableta |
template | la plantilla |
to charge | cargar |
to download | descargar |
Example Sentences
Yo recibo clases de español en vivo en mi laptop.
I receive live Spanish classes on my laptop.
El micrófono de mi tableta no funciona entonces tengo que usar el altavoz.
The microphone on my tablet doesn’t work so I have to use the speaker.
La plataforma de la clase de español es muy fácil de usar.
The platform for Spanish class is very easy to use.
La presentación de hoy ya está en la pantalla.
Today’s slide show is already on the screen.
Tengo que cargar mi laptop para la clase de español.
I have to charge my laptop for Spanish class.
Voy a descargar mi lectura para clase de español.
I’m going to download my lecture for Spanish class.
Online Spanish Class in Spanish Vocabulary Part 3
English | Spanish |
to log in | iniciar sesión, conectarse |
to log off | cerrar sesión, desconectarse |
to post | publicar |
to research | buscar, investigar |
to scan | escanear |
to share | compartir |
to type | teclear |
to upload | subir |
video | el video |
video call | la videollamada |
website | el sitio web, la página web |
Example Sentences
Tengo que iniciar sesión para la clase de español.
I have to log in for Spanish class.
Ya no vi la tarea, me tenía que desconectar.
I missed the assignment, I had to log off.
La maestra publicó la tarea de gramática de esta semana.
The teacher posted this week’s grammar assignment.
¿Me puedes escanear este documento para mi clase por favor?
Can you please scan this document for my class?
Necesito compartir el sitio web en mi pantalla.
I need to share the website on my screen.
¿Van a grabar la videollamada y subir el vídeo?
Are you recording the video call and uploading the video?
In-Person Spanish Class in Spanish
In person learning is the chosen form of learning for many. Especially for those who have the option of taking Spanish class as part of a school curriculum.
La clase de español (the Spanish classroom) is where the magic happens for language learners.
Being in a physical space allows you to experience hands-on learning and activities that require energy and sometimes movement.
Here’s a list of in person Spanish class phrases you can use for describing what goes on when you’re learning.
In-Person Spanish Class in Spanish Vocabulary Part 1
English | Spanish |
backpack | la mochila |
chair | la silla |
chalkboard | el pizarrón, la pizarra |
classmates | los compañeros |
clock | el reloj |
desk | el pupitre, el escritorio |
eraser | el borrador |
flashcards | las tarjetas didácticas |
folder | el folder, la carpeta |
glue | la goma |
homework | la tarea, los deberes |
marker | el marcador |
notebook | el cuaderno |
paper | el papel |
pen | el lapicero, el bolígrafo, la pluma |
Example Sentences
Tengo mis tarjetas didácticas de español en mi mochila.
I have my Spanish flashcards in my backpack.
La palabra del día está escrita en la pizarra.
The word of the day is written on the chalkboard.
Mis compañeros de español son mis amigos.
My Spanish classmates are my friends.
Hice la tarea de español en mi pupitre.
I did my Spanish homework on my desk.
¿Me prestas un lapicero?
Can I borrow a pen?
Perdí mi cuaderno de español.
I lost my Spanish notebook.
In-Person Spanish Class in Spanish Vocabulary Part 2
English | Spanish |
pencil | el lápiz |
pencil case | el estuche |
quiz | el cuestionario |
scissors | las tijeras |
sharpener | el sacapuntas |
sheet of paper | la hoja de papel |
shelf | la librera |
stapler | la engrapadora |
student | el estudiante, el alumno |
teacher | el maestro, el profesor |
test | el examen |
textbook | el libro de texto |
whiteboard | el pizarrón blanco, la pizarra de marcadores |
Example Sentences
¿Tienes un lápiz extra dentro de tu estuche?
Do you have an extra pencil inside your pencil case?
Hoy tuvimos un cuestionario sorpresa de ortografía.
Today we had a surprise spelling quiz.
La librera tiene libros muy buenos de literatura Latinoamericana.
The shelf has really good Latin American literature books.
Para esta actividad necesitamos tijeras y una hoja de papel.
For this activity we need scissors and a sheet of paper.
El maestro de español tiene mucha experiencias.
The Spanish teacher has plenty of experience.
Si no leíste el libro de texto, no vas a ganar el examen.
If you didn’t read the textbook, you’re not passing the test.
Discover other fun Spanish class items in The Essential List of Classroom Objects.
Spanish Class in Spanish Topics
What is your favorite part of Spanish class? Are they Spanish songs? Spanish verbs? Are you in love with a particular part of the language?
Spanish class has so many different topics you can tell others about. Covering such a rich and diverse language requires your Spanish lessons to be engaging, clever, and interactive.
Here are some Spanish class vocabulary words for talking about the different topics you dive into in the classroom.
Spanish Class in Spanish Topics
English | Spanish |
conversation | la conversación |
culture | la cultura |
expressions | las expresiones |
fluency | la fluidez |
grammar | la gramática |
history | la historia |
lesson | la lección, la clase |
level | el nivel |
literature | la literatura |
pronunciation | la pronunciación |
reading | la lectura |
spelling | la ortografía |
vocabulary | el vocabulario |
writing | la escritura |
Example Sentences
Me gusta practicar conversación fuera de clase de español
I like practicing conversation outside of Spanish class.
En clase de español nos enseñan historia y cultura hispana.
In Spanish class they teach us about Hispanic history and culture.
Muchas expresiones en español son memorables y únicas.
Many Spanish expressions are memorable and unique.
La lección de gramática es muy entretenida.
The grammar lesson is very entertaining.
Cada vez que termino la clase, siento que tengo más fluidez y un mayor vocabulario.
Each time I finish class, I feel like I have more fluency and a broader vocabulary.
Tengo español nivel A1.
I have level A1 Spanish.
La clase de Literatura Hispana es muy interesante.
Hispanic Literature class is highly interesting.
Poco a poco, he mejorado mi pronunciación.
Little by little, I have improved my pronunciation.
Me gusta la lectura en español, especialmente las novelas.
I enjoy Spanish literature, especially novels.
La ortografía aún se me dificulta un poco.
Spelling is still a bit difficult for me.
La escritura es mi pasión, estoy escribiendo un cuento corto para mi clase de español.
Writing is my passion, I’m writing a short story for my Spanish class.
If you also have a passion for writing you can draw inspiration from 15 Simple Tips to Improve Your Spanish Writing.
Words for Describing Classes in Spanish
Learning a language can be an adventure. Your Spanish class probably awakens different emotions and moods for you.
Talk about the feelings your class evokes with this list of adjectives for Spanish class in Spanish.
Spanish Class in Spanish Adjectives
English | Spanish |
amusing | divertida |
boring | aburrida |
challenging | desafiante |
difficult | difícil |
dynamic | dinámica |
easy | fácil |
educational | educativa |
enriching | enriquecedora |
entertaining | entretenida |
immersive | inmersiva |
interesting | interesante |
motivating | motivante |
productive | productiva |
Example Sentences
Las canciones de la clase de español son divertidas.
The Spanish class songs are fun.
La lección de gramática me pareció un poco aburrida.
The grammar lesson felt a little boring.
Este tema es muy desafiante.
This topic is very challenging.
Mi clase de español es dinámica y enriquecedora.
My Spanish class is dynamic and enriching.
Mi clase de español es fácil y productive.
My Spanish class is easy and productive.
Quiero una experiencia más inmersiva así que me voy un mes a España.
I want a more immersive experience so I’m going to Spain for one month.
La clase de hoy fue entretenida.
Class today was entertaining.
Mi maestra de español es muy motivate.
My Spanish teacher is highly motivating.
Stay motivated in Spanish class with these 12 Proven Methods For Reading Better in Spanish.
Spanish Class Conversations
The Spanish classroom is a place of learning and where knowledge is shared with others. You ask questions, you listen, you read, and you find yourself surrounded by multiple conversations and actions.
Share with others how the learning is done and what happens in your Spanish classroom thanks to these vocabulary words and phrases.
Spanish Class Conversation Vocabulary Part 1
English | Spanish |
to answer | contestar, responder |
to ask | preguntar, hacer una pregunta |
to be able to | poder |
to enjoy | disfrutar |
to fail | fallar, reprobar |
to forget | olvidar |
to help | ayudar |
to like | gustar |
to listen | escuchar |
to offer | ofrecer |
to participate | participar |
Example Sentences
¿Ya respondiste la primera pregunta?
Have you answered the first question?
A mí me gusta preguntar cuando no entiendo.
I like to ask when I don’t understand.
Voy a poder deletrear en español al final de esta lección.
I’ll be able to spell in Spanish after this lesson.
Tengo que disfrutar el poco tiempo que me queda de clase de español.
I have to enjoy the little time I have left of Spanish class.
No creo fallar en el examen, he estudiado mucho.
I don’t think I’ll fail the exam, I’ve studied a lot.
Tengo que estudiar o se me va a olvidar el tema.
I have to study or I’ll forget the topic.
¿Alguien me puede ayudar con esta palabra?
Can someone help me with this word?
Voy a escuchar cuidadosamente el acento.
I’m going to listen carefully to the accent.
Me gusta participar en la clase de español.
I like participating in Spanish class.
Take your participation in Spanish class to the next level thanks to this amusing article on How To Write Dates in Spanish.
Spanish Class Conversation Vocabulary Part 2
English | Spanish |
to pass | pasar, ganar |
to pronunciate | pronunciar |
to put | poner |
to raise your hand | levantar la mano |
to read | leer |
to solve | resolver |
to spell | deletrear |
to talk | hablar, speak |
to understand | entender |
to work | trabajar |
Example Sentences
Voy a pasar al siguiente nivel en clase de español.
I’m passing to the next level in Spanish class.
¿Puedes pronunciar esa palabra?
Can you pronounce that word?
Tienes que levantar la mano para hablar en clase.
You have to raise your hand to speak in class.
Tengo que leer tres capítulos para mi clase de mañana.
I have to read three chapters for my class tomorrow.
No entiendo esta palabra.
I don’t understand this word.
Tenemos que trabajar en equipo y hacer un resumen.
We have to work in teams and write a summary.
You can do this individually as well! Learn How to Summarize in Spanish with these exceptional recommendations.
Talk About Language Learning in Spanish Class
Spanish learners are able to communicate with people from multiple nationalities and cultures. Once you master the Spanish language, you’ll find traveling and exploring the world comes with more simplicity.
Elevate your Spanish by practicing conversation at any opportunity. Put this lesson to practice and invite others to join you on your Spanish-speaking journey.
Share your passion for Spanish class with our team of certified teachers from Guatemala. The different Spanish programs we offer adapt to your needs and schedule.
At Homeschool Spanish Academy, you’ll encounter like-minded people with a passion for learning. Sign up for a free trial class and let us show you new resources and efficient strategies for improving your Spanish fluency and confidence.
Join one of the 40,000 classes that we teach each month and you can experience results like these
“It’s a great way to learn Spanish, from native Spanish speakers in a 1-on-1 environment. It’s been fairly easy to schedule classes around my daughter’s other classes. The best value for us has been ordering multiple classes at a time. All the instructors have been great!”
– Cindy D, Parent of 3
“My Son, Heath, is taking the classes. He’s been with Luisa the entire time and we absolutely love her. She is always patient and is a great teacher. Heath’s dad speaks Spanish so they get to have little conversations.”
– William R, Parent of 3
“HSA offers very affordable, quality, one on one classes with a native speaker. My son has greatly benefited from taking classes. We have seen his confidence increase as well as his pronunciation improve, because he learns from a native Spanish speaker. HSA has quick, personal customer service. Our family has been very pleased with our experience so far!”
– Erica P. Parent of 1
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- 200+ Beginner Spanish Vocabulary Words PDF: Learn Spanish Fast!
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- 29 Cool and Catchy Spanish Phrases To Use With Friends [+Audio] - January 8, 2023
- A Fun Kids’ Guide to Opposites in Spanish (Free Lesson and Activities) - December 29, 2022
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