An Uplifting Vocabulary Guide to Baking in Spanish
Grab a cookie, take a seat, and have fun baking in Spanish!
Did you know that baking can also be a powerful teacher? Recipes are a great source of new, useful vocabulary—especially for ingredients, kitchenware, and kitchen verbs. With a few essential tools to bake and some basic ingredients, you can kick-start baking at home.
There is no comparison to fresh baked goods. The aroma and freshness of each sweet will make your kitchen smell amazing.
Baking (or hornear in Spanish) is a great way to bring people together. Baking with Spanish and Latin American recipes is an excellent excuse to prepare delightful desserts and snacks while strengthening your Spanish skills.
In this guide, you’re going to learn vocabulary to talk about baking in Spanish. Keep reading to learn from an essential ingredient list to fun decoration vocabulary to top your desserts and have the time of your life while baking and speaking Spanish!
Ingredients Vocabulary in Spanish
Learning to bake in Spanish can be an adventure! The next time you go to the supermarket make sure to grab the following items to make some flavorful recipes.
English | Spanish |
baking powder | la levadura en polvo |
butter | la mantequilla |
baking flour | la harina para hornear |
yeast | la levadura |
baking soda | el bicarbonato |
sugar | el azúcar |
baking shortening | la manteca para hornear |
cocoa powder | el cacao en polvo |
vanilla extract | el extracto de vainilla |
eggs | los huevos |
milk | la leche |
cinnamon | la canela |
chocolate chips | las chispas de chocolate |
buttermilk | el suero de la leche |
vegetable oil | el aceite vegetal |
Example Spanish Sentences
¡Mi abuela hace las mejores galletas con chispas de chocolate del mundo!
My grandma makes the best chocolate chip cookies in the world!
¿Cuántas tazas de harina para hornear debo usar para hacer los bollos de fresa?
How many cups of baking flour should I use to make the strawberry scones?
Mi ingrediente secreto para hacer sabrosas galletas de mantequilla es agregar una cucharadita de extracto de vainilla a la mezcla.
My secret ingredient to make flavorful butter cookies is adding a teaspoon of vanilla extract to the mixture.
Todas las mañanas para el desayuno, había rollos de canela recién hechos con chocolate caliente.
Every morning for breakfast, there were fresh hot cinnamon rolls with hot cocoa.
Kitchen Appliances and Utensils in Spanish
Baking requires the right tools for success. These are the essential kitchen tools you must have to start baking your favorite recipes and their translation in Spanish:
English | Spanish |
baking pan | la bandeja para hornear |
rolling pin | el rodillo |
baking paper | el papel de hornear |
baking dish | el plato para hornear |
cookie cutters | el cortador de galletas |
mixer | la batidora |
whisk | el batidor |
oven | el horno |
pastry brush | el pincel de cocina |
muffin pan | el molde para magdalenas |
oven glove | el guante para horno |
apron | el delantal |
measuring spoons | las cucharas medidoras |
measuring cups | las tazas medidoras |
piping bag | la manga pastelera |
Example Spanish Sentences
Compré cortadores de galletas navideños porque estaban rebajados en la tienda.
I bought Christmas cookie cutters because they were on sale at the store.
Si vas al supermercado, ¿podrías comprar una manga pastelera? Quiero decorar las galletas.
If you go to the supermarket, could you buy a piping bag? I want to decorate the cookies.
Coloque los panecillos congelados en una bandeja para hornear engrasada y hornee a 350 grados durante 30 minutos.
Place the frozen rolls on a greased baking pan and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Utilizo papel para hornear para que la limpieza sea rápida y eficiente, pero también puedes usar una bandeja para hornear engrasada.
I use baking paper to make the cleanup fast and efficient, but you could also use a greased baking pan.
Verbs for Baking in Spanish
Do you have your ingredients and cooking tools ready? Before diving into recipes in Spanish, it is worth studying some of the most common related verbs to bake in Spanish. Here is a list of the main baking verbs that will help you prepare any delight!
- Cocinar – to cook
- Extender – to roll out
- Hornear – to bake
- Medir – to measure
- Calentar – to heat
- Cortar – to cut
- Extender – to spread
- Espolvorear / esparcir – to sprinkle
- Mezclar – to blend
- Enfríar – to chill
- Verter – to pour
- Amasar – to knead
Example Spanish Sentences
Tengo que medir los ingredientes para asegurarme de tener suficiente para los bollos de arándanos.
I have to measure the ingredients to make sure I have enough for the blueberry scones.
Huele bien en la cocina porque mi mamá está horneando una tarta de manzana.
It smells good in the kitchen because my mom is baking an apple pie.
Dejaré que la tarta de queso se enfríe en la nevera mientras los invitados vienen a la fiesta.
I’ll let the cheesecake chill in the fridge while the guests come to the party.
Tengo que verter los huevos, el azúcar, la leche y las chispas de chocolate en la batidora.
I have to pour the eggs, sugar, milk, and chocolate chips into the mixer.
Mi mejor amigo es de México y estoy aprendiendo a hornear en español. ¡Es muy divertido!
My best friend it’s from Mexico and I’m learning how to bake in Spanish, It’s really fun!
Decorating Your Baked Goods in Spanish
The possibilities are endless when it comes to decorating desserts. Whether you are preparing something special for your family, friends, or just for yourself (you deserve it), It can also be a great way to introduce Spanish into your vocabulary.
English | Spanish |
food coloring | el colorante alimenticio |
honey | la miel |
shredded coconut | el coco rallado |
icing sugar | el azúcar glas |
buttercream | la crema de mantequilla |
sprinkles | las chispas |
frosting | el glaseado |
cream | la nata |
meringue | el merengue |
whipped cream | la crema batida |
caramel | el caramelo |
cream cheese | el queso para untar |
glazed fruit | la fruta glaseada |
raisins | las pasas |
nuts | los frutos secos |
Example Spanish Sentences
En la panadería, sirven la tarta con crema recién batida y una bola de helado.
In the bakery, they serve the pie with fresh whipped cream and a scoop of ice cream.
Mi abuela siempre cubre la parte superior del pastel de vainilla con azúcar glas y fruta fresca.
My grandma always tops the vanilla cake with icing sugar and fresh fruit.
Cuando los rollos de canela están listos, espolvoreo algunas nueces tostadas y picadas encima.
When the cinnamon rolls are ready, I sprinkle some roasted chopped nuts on top.
Extienda el glaseado sobre los brownies en una capa delgada, solo lo suficiente para cubrir, y déjelo a un lado para que se enfríe.
Spread the frosting on the brownies in a thin coat, only enough to cover, and set aside to chill.
Adjectives for Baking in Spanish
There are so many ways to describe baking in Spanish, including texture and preparation style. Whether you’re looking to spice up your food related vocabulary or you’re simply looking for the right words to describe pastry, there are plenty of options to consider.
To describe textures
- Pegajoso / viscoso – gooey
- Tierno – tender
- Cremoso – creamy
- Crujiente – crispy
- que se desmiga – crumbly
- Seco – dry
- Esponjoso – fluffy
- Blando – soft
- Pegajoso – sticky
- Húmedo – moist
- Mantecoso – buttery
To describe the preparation style
- Horneado – baked
- Asado – broiled
- Caramelizado – caramelized
- Infundido – infused
- Batido – whipped
- Glaseado – glazed
- Rallado / triturado – shredded
- Hervido – boiled
- Empanizado – breaded
- Tostado – roasted
Example Spanish Sentences
Para el almuerzo, comí una papa al horno y pollo empanizado en mi restaurante favorito.
For lunch, I had a baked potato and breaded chicken at my favorite restaurant.
Usé mozzarella recién rallada para la pizza, ¡y fue una delicia!
I used fresh shredded mozzarella for the pizza, and it was delightful!
Pedí como postre una tarta de arándanos cubierta con crema batida recién hecha y menta.
I ordered as a dessert blueberry pie topped with fresh whipped cream and mint.
Quiero que mi pastel de cumpleaños tenga sabor a vainilla con un relleno cremoso de caramelo.
I want my birthday cake to be vanilla flavor with a creamy caramel filling.
Si tienes demasiadas semillas de calabaza, quedan deliciosas en guisos o tostadas encima de sopas.
If you have too many pumpkin seeds, they are delicious in stews or roasted on top of soups.
Para la cobertura de los waffles, ¿puedo pedir manzana y pera caramelizadas con una mezcla de especias y canela?
For the topping of the waffles, can I have caramelized apple and pear combined with mixed spices and cinnamon?
Baking In Spanish Is a Piece of Cake!
Now you’re all set to talk about your favorite recipes, discuss the joys of baking, and describe your experience in the kitchen—all in Spanish.
Isn’t it sweet?
Spanish is one of the most common spoken languages in the world, in fact, in the United States alone, there are approximately 41 million native Spanish speakers! This means you could also communicate better with people and expand your network enormously just by knowing Spanish.
To start speaking Spanish with a certified native Spanish-speaking instructor, sign up for a free class to practice your conversational skills, take your Spanish to a whole new level, and become part of the Spanish-speaking community!
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I studied abroad in the United States and Spain. Since then, I live and breathe for travel and became an enthusiast of learning from different cultures and trying their cuisines.
I strongly believe in the power behind passion, and I’m highly passionate about creating fun, meaningful content.
- An Uplifting Vocabulary Guide to Baking in Spanish - July 24, 2021