45+ Mission Trip Spanish Phrases You Need To Know
Do you want to learn Spanish for your mission trip to Latin America? Use this handy learning guide to prepare to do ministry in Spanish.
If you’re going on a mission trip, it’s ideal to be able to communicate with the locals in their native language.
An international mission trip is a way to immerse yourself in Latin American culture while giving back to local communities. You’ll be sharing fellowship, meals at communal tables, and helping to build a new church or homes.
Keep reading for practical vocabulary and phrases to use on your mission trip!
Going on a Mission Trip in Spanish
First, how do you say mission trip in Spanish? El viaje de misión.
Estoy aquí para un viaje de misión.
I’m here on a mission trip.
Regardless of your Spanish level, you need to know the basics to be ready for your mission trip in Spanish.
See also: 200+ Spanish Christian Words for Religious Learners
Basic Sentences in Spanish for Missionaries
Me llamo _______ y soy un misionero (de) __________ (name of your institution).
My name is ______, and I am a __________ missionary .
Common Christian denominations include:
- Baptist – bautista
- Catholic – católico/a
- Christian – cristiano/a
- Jehovah’s Witness – testigo de Jehová
- Mormon – mormón/a
- Protestant – protestante
¡Que Dios te bendiga!
God bless you!
Dios siempre está contigo.
God is always with you.
Dios te ama.
God loves you.
Rezamos todos los días.
We pray every day.
Yo creo que la Biblia es la palabra de Dios.
I believe the Bible is the word of God.
Activities and Outreach
Estamos repartiendo comida gratis.
We are giving out free food.
Estamos construyendo casas.
We are building houses.
Vamos a construir una iglesia nueva.
We will build a new church.
Estamos haciendo una jornada médica.
We are doing a medical outreach.
Mañana hay una actividad con los niños.
There’s an activity for kids tomorrow.
¡Todos son bienvenidos!
Everyone is welcome!
More Ministry Sentences
Sigo la Biblia y el Libro de Mormón.
I follow the bible and the Book of Mormon.
Estamos aquí para ministrar a la gente.
We are here to minister to the people.
Aquí está una Biblia para ti y tu familia.
Here’s a Bible for you and your family.
No importa tu pasado.
Your past doesn’t matter.
God and Jesus
Dios te ama tal y cómo eres.
God loves you just as you are.
Jesús murió en la cruz por tus pecados.
Jesus died on the cross for your sins.
Jesús resucitó y está vivo.
Jesus resurrected and is alive.
Dios quiere una relación contigo.
God wants a relationship with you.
Questions Missionaries Ask
While on your mission trip in Spanish, use these questions to invite people in and make them feel welcome.
¿Tienes un momento para hablar?
Do you have a moment to talk?
¿Crees en Dios?
Do you believe in God?
¿En qué crees?
What do you believe in?
¿Eres cristiano?
Are you a Christian?
¿Tienes una Biblia?
Do you have a Bible?
¿Asistes a alguna iglesia?
Do you go to church?
¿Quieres ir a la iglesia el domingo?
Do you want to go to church on Sunday?
¿Quisiera ir a la misa conmigo?
Would you like to go to Mass with me?
¿Te unirás a nosotros en oración?
Will you join us in prayer?
¿Estás disponible para asistir a un servicio?
Are you available to attend a service?
¿Te puedo contar lo que hizo Dios en mi vida?
Can I tell you about what God did in my life?
Simple Bible Verses in Spanish
Salmos 118:6 – Dios está conmigo; no tendré miedo.
Psalm 118:6 – The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.
Actos 16:31 – Ellos respondieron: ‘Cree en el Señor Jesús, y serás salvo, tú y tu casa’.
Acts 16:31 – They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”
Lucas – 6:31 Haz a los demás lo que quieras que te hagan a ti.
Luke – 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Praying in Spanish
¿Puedo orar por ti?
Can I pray for you?
¿Tienes alguna petición específica?
Do you have a specific prayer request?
Let’s pray.
Dios, te doy gracias por este día.
God, I thank you for this day.
Gracias por la oportunidad de conocer a ___.
Thank you for the opportunity to meet ___.
Te pido que le ayudes, que le des fuerza.
I ask that you help him/her, that you give him/her strength.
Dale consuelo en tiempos difíciles.
Give him/her comfort in difficult times.
Bendiga su vida, su familia y su trabajo.
Bless his/her life, family, and job.
Da a conocer tu presencia en su vida.
Make your presence known in his/her life.
En el nombre de Jesús oramos, amén.
In Jesus’s name we pray, amen.
Useful Learning Resources for Mission Trips in Spanish
Check out these links for free resources online.
1. Spanish with a Mission is a textbook and workbook for volunteers who go on mission trips in Latin America (or do community outreach in the U.S. with Spanish speakers).
This Spanish textbook contains material written from a Christian perspective, including religious words and phrases, mission vocabulary, cultural insights, and key Bible verses for Christian outreach and leading someone to Christ.
It also contains Christian choruses and praise songs to sing with children or adults, as well as biographies of Hispanic Christian musicians. These songs are often heard in Hispanic churches and consequently, used in ministry. They also are a fun way to learn Spanish.
2. Spanish for Mission Trips PDF Guide: this one-page cheat sheet is chock full of useful words and phrases in Spanish and English for missionaries
3. Spanish for Mission Trips Audio File: one hour of listening and pronunciation practice specific to mission trip vocabulary
4. Spanish Listening Materials for Mission Trips: conversation between a mission trip volunteer and a local woman
Hand-picked for you: 12 of the Best Spanish Vocabulary Building Apps for Adults in 2021
Go On Your Mission Trip Speaking Spanish
Whether you’re volunteering in your community, witnessing to a Spanish-speaking neighbor, or joining in on a mission trip, the more fluently you communicate in Spanish, the more effective your ministry in Spanish will be.
Polish your Spanish-speaking skills before you travel to Latin America on your mission trip.
Becoming bilingual will even help you minister within the United States, where approximately 53 million people speak Spanish. The U.S. is actually the second-largest Spanish-speaking country in the world with 41 million native speakers who speak Spanish in their homes.
Sign up for a free trial class at Homeschool Spanish Academy before your trip to improve your comprehension skills and learn to communicate fluently in Spanish. Check out our flexible programs and affordable prices and choose what works best for you!
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