Christmas Words in Spanish: A Vocabulary Guide
The holidays have arrived, and you’re just in time to practice Christmas words in Spanish!
December is the most festive month of the year because it contains many holidays across varied religions and cultures. Just about anywhere in the world, it’s a month to spend quality time with family and friends, connect with our faith or culture, exchange gifts, and indulge in special foods and treats.
Christmas words in Spanish and every other language are part of everyday conversation during these festivities. The holidays bring us together with our loved ones and allow us to enjoy quality time and make special memories.
Take your Spanish expertise a step forward and welcome the season with a lesson on how to say Christmas words in Spanish.
Vocabulary Guide: Christmas Words in Spanish
The holidays are celebrated in diverse ways. The activities, foods, and themes often vary according to weather, religion, and more.
Here’s a full vocabulary guide of Christmas words in Spanish with examples.
English | Spanish |
Christmas | la Navidad |
Christmas day | el día de Navidad |
Christmas eve | la Nochebuena |
Christmas party | la fiesta de Navidad |
festivities | las festividades |
holidays | los días festivos |
midnight Mass | la misa de gallo |
Example Sentences in Spanish
La navidad es mi festividad favorita.
Christmas is my favorite festivity.
La nochebuena es muy importante en Latino América.
Christmas Eve is very important in Latin America.
Los católicos vamos a la misa de gallo en Nochebuena.
We Catholics go to the midnight Mass on Christmas eve.
Ya estoy listo para los días festivos.
I’m ready for the holidays.
En año nuevo celebramos con fuegos artificiales.
For the new year, we celebrate with fireworks.
English | Spanish |
bow | el moño |
candles | las velas |
Christmas lights | las luces, los foquitos |
Christmas tree | el árbol de navidad |
decorations, ornaments | los adornos |
garland | la guirnalda |
mistletoe | el muérdago |
ribbon | el listón |
star | la estrella |
stocking | el calcetín navideño |
tinsel | el oropel |
wreath | la corona |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Mi mamá coloca una estrella sobre el árbol de navidad.
My mom puts a star on top of the Christmas tree.
La corona de adviento tiene candelas.
The advent wreath has candles.
La casa está cubierta con luces de Navidad.
The house is covered in Christmas lights.
En las escaleras hay una guirnalda preciosa.
There’s a beautiful garland on the staircase.
Christmas Activities
English | Spanish |
carols | los villancicos |
gift exchange | el intercambio de regalos |
secret Santa | Santa secreto |
to bake cookies | hornear galletas |
to cook Christmas dinner | hacer la cena navideña |
to decorate | decorar |
to enjoy | disfrutar |
to gift | regalar |
to gift wrap | envolver los regalos |
to open presents | abrir los regalos |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Me encanta cantar villancicos.
I love singing Christmas carols.
En mi trabajo hacemos un intercambio de regalos.
At my workplace, we do a gift exchange.
Vamos a hornear galletas navideñas con mi hijo este año.
We’re baking Christmas cookies with my son this year.
El árbol de navidad lo decoramos en familia.
We decorate the Christmas tree as a family.
Christmas Words in Spanish: Characters
English | Spanish |
baby Jesus | el niño Jesús |
elf | el elfo |
gingerbread man | el hombre de jengibre |
Joseph | José |
Mary, mother of Christ | María, madre de Cristo |
Mrs. Claus | La señora Claus |
nutcracker | el cascanueces |
reindeer | los renos |
Rudolph, the rednosed reindeer | Rodolfo el reno |
Santa Claus | Papa Noel, Santa Claus |
Santa’s helper | el ayudante de Santa |
snowman | el muñeco de nieve |
Example Sentences in Spanish
En navidad conmemoramos el nacimiento del niño Jesús.
On Christmas, we commemorate the birth of baby Jesus.
El cascanueces y Rodolfo el reno son mis personajes navideños favoritos.
The nutcracker and Rudolph the rednosed reindeer are my favorite Christmas characters.
Hacer un muñeco de nieve es divertido.
Making a snowman is fun.
La señora Claus es la esposa de Papá Noel.
Mrs. Claus is Santa Claus’ wife.
Christmas Food and Treats
English | Spanish |
candy cane | el bastón de caramelo |
chestnuts | las castañas |
chocolates | los chocolates |
cider | la sidra |
cookies | las galletas |
egg nog | el ponche de huevo |
gingerbread house | la casa de jengibre |
hot cocoa | el chocolate caliente |
mashed potatoes | el puré de papa, el puré de patatas |
nougat | el turrón |
nuts | las nueces |
turkey | el pavo |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Los bastones de caramelo son mis dulces favoritos de navidad.
Candy canes are my favorite Christmas candies.
En España se comen castañas para navidad.
In Spain, people eat chestnuts for Christmas.
Vamos a hacer una casa de jengibre mañana con mi hermana.
We’re going to make a gingerbread house tomorrow with my sister.
Mi abuela prepara un pavo delicioso.
My grandma prepares a delicious turkey.
Christmas Words in Spanish: Other Elements
English | Spanish |
bells | las campanas |
chimney | la chimenea |
Christmas card | la tarjeta navideña |
North pole | el polo norte |
presents, gifts | los regalos |
sleigh | el trineo |
snow | la nieve |
wrapping paper | el papel de regalo |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Santa Claus baja por la chimenea a dejar regalos.
Santa Claus goes down the chimney to leave gifts.
La tarjeta navideña que me enviaste es linda.
The Christmas card you sent me is nice.
Santa Claus vive en el polo norte.
Santa Claus lives at the North pole.
Dónde está el papel de regalo con diseño de trineo?
Where is the wrapping paper with the sleigh design?
Spread Holiday Spirit with Christmas Words in Spanish
Take this list of Christmas words in Spanish for a spin at your favorite parties and celebrations this season.
When you speak Spanish, you’re able to start the conversation with more people than you might imagine. Spanish is one of the most commonly spoken languages around the world. In the United States alone, there are more than 40 million native Spanish speakers, and this number is bound to keep growing.
Expand your communication possibilities and sign up for a free trial class at Homeschool Spanish Academy with our certified teachers from Guatemala. Practicing with a native speaker is proven to enhance fluency and confidence. Explore our unique programs and choose the one that fits your needs as a holiday gift to yourself!
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