Sandwich Lovers’ Vocabulary Guide in Spanish
It’s no longer an opinion, it’s just a fact—sandwiches are the best. And since you’re also learning Spanish, it makes sense that you’re ready to talk about your favorite sandwich in Spanish.
A sandwich is as unique as its maker. For us sandwich lovers, it’s impossible to resist the delicious aroma of freshly baked bread that begs to be filled with crisp cold cuts, sharp cheese, and the perfect combo of condiments.
Each bite is heaven.
But we’re not here to simply drool over our favorite sandwiches. We’re going to talk about them, learn to order them, and get all the details about sandwiches in Spanish.
In this blog post, I answer the following questions:
- What’s the history of the sandwich?
- What are the ingredient names for every delicious layer of a sandwich in Spanish?
- How do you order a sandwich in Spanish?
Let’s go!
Quick Back Story: What’s the Origin of the Sandwich?
The sandwich we know and enjoy today gained popularity during the 16th century thanks to John Montagu, the 4th Earl of Sandwich. He liked them so much that the beloved snack was named after him!
From there, the sandwich has become so popular that people have been asking themselves “what makes a sandwich a sandwich”?
The Merriam-Webster dictionary definition defines a sandwich as “when two or more slices of bread or a split roll have a filling in between.”
It can also be one slice of bread topped with food—otherwise known as an open-face sandwich.
This means we can prepare sandwiches from almost anything we want!
Different Names for ‘Sandwich’ in Spanish
Among the different ways to say “sandwich” in Spanish, the most common is el sándwiche (pronounced “sand-weech-ay”) or sándwich, which are adaptations of the English word (using a Spanish accent, of course).
Other common examples include:
- el panito
- la torta
- el pancito
- el emparedado
Example Sentences in Spanish
¿Me daría un panito con pollo, por favor?
Would you give me a chicken sandwich, please?
Se me antoja un pancito con mantequilla de maní.
I am craving a peanut butter sandwich.
Mi mamá me compró en el mercado una torta de jamón deliciosa.
My mom bought me a delicious ham sandwich in the market.
Types of Sandwiches (Tipos de sándwiches)
Sandwiches are so versatile that you can find almost as many types as there are people!
Here are some of the most popular types of sandwich in Spanish you might want to try:
Types of Sandwiches in Spanish
English | Spanish |
avocado toast | el sándwich tostado con aguacate |
BLT sandwich | el sándwich BLT |
cheese sandwich | el sándwich con queso |
club sandwich | el club sándwich |
croque monsieur | el croque monsieur |
Cuban sandwich | el sándwich cubano |
grilled cheese sandwich | el sándwich de queso asado |
ham sandwich | el sándwich con jamón |
ham and cheese sandwich | el sándwich con jamón y queso |
ice cream sandwich | el sándwich de helado |
peanut butter and jelly sandwich | el sándwich de mantequilla de maní con jalea |
submarine | el submarino |
toast | el pan tostado |
Ingredients for Sandwiches
Ingredients are the lifeblood of every sandwich. They bring flavor combinations to the table, in a very literal way!
The perfect sandwich contains:
- Bread – el pan
- Cheese – el queso
- Some kind of meat – algun tipo de carne
- Condiments – los condimentos
- Dressing – los aderezos
Let’s get into the details on how to identify these sandwich ingredients in Spanish.
Bread (El pan)
One of the most important elements to prepare a sandwich in Spanish is to choose el pan (bread). And there are dozens, if not hundreds, of different types of bread.
From the type of flour used to how it’s prepared and how they’re eaten, the versatility of a sandwich depends largely on the part of the world you’re in and its local conventions.
Thanks to the internet we now have access to a lot of recipes on how to make bread from all around the world. However, the bread we grew up eating is sometimes the one we want to keep using for comfort food.
So, here are some of the most common breads we can use to make a sandwich in Spanish!
Types of Bread in Spanish
English | Spanish |
banana bread | el pan de banano |
baguette bread | el pan baguette |
bread roll | el panecillo |
brioche bread | el panecillo |
buns bread | el bollo |
challah bread | el pan jalá |
ciabatta bread | el pan ciabatta |
cornbread | el pan de maíz |
focaccia bread | el pan focaccia |
multigrain bread | el pan multigranos / integral |
pita bread | el pan pita |
pumpernickel bread | el pan integral de centeno |
rye bread | el pan de centeno |
sourdough bread | el pan de masa fermentada |
whole wheat bread | el pan blanco/ de grano entero |
If you are interested in learning how to make a sandwich with brioche bread from scratch, check out Mexican chef Guzzi’s video!
Meats (Las carnes)
What kind of carne (meat) do you want to eat in your sandwich?
Almost any kind of meat is great to make a sandwich. Even leftovers from celebrations like Thanksgiving and Christmas are perfect to eat as a sandwich!
Check the next vocabulary list to find your favorite meat options for making a sandwich in Spanish.
Meats for Sandwiches in Spanish
English | Spanish |
bacon | el tocino |
bologna | la bolonia |
chicken | el pollo |
chicken ham | el jamón de pollo |
chorizo | el chorizo |
ham | el jamón |
mortadella | la mortadella |
pate | el paté |
pepperoni | el pepperoni |
roast beef | la carne asada |
salami | el salami/ salchichón |
turkey | el pavo |
turkey ham | el jamón de pavo |
Cheeses (Los quesos)
What would a sandwich be without el queso?
There are hundreds of different kinds of cheese around the world.
Some people think that Spanish cheese is the best out there, while others argue that French cheese is incomparable. And while some people like hard cheeses that you can melt over almost anything, others prefer soft cheeses perfect to eat with fruits and honey.
Which kind of cheese is your favorite?
As for me, I like any cheese that can be grilled, gratinated or melted! And if you’re like me, the next vocabulary list of cheeses in Spanish is not only going to improve your language fluency, but also make your mouth water!
Cheese for Sandwiches in Spanish
English | Spanish |
American sliced cheese | el queso en rebanadas/ kraft |
cheddar | el queso cheddar |
cream cheese | el queso crema |
fresh cheese | el queso fresco |
gouda | el queso gouda |
mozzarella | el queso mozzarella |
pepper jack | el queso pimienta |
raclette | el queso raclette |
ricotta | el queso ricotta |
Vegetables (Los Vegetales)
Los vegetales (vegetables) are a nice touch you can give to your sandwich, while making it more tasty and healthy.
Not everyone likes vegetables in their sandwiches, but they can be really yummy when prepared and seasoned correctly.
Here is a list of the most delicious vegetables you can add to your meal when making a sandwich in Spanish.
Vegetables for Sandwiches in Spanish
English | Spanish |
avocado | el aguacate |
chard | la acelga |
cucumber | el pepino |
endive | la endibia / la escarola |
lettuce | la lechuga |
olives | las aceitunas |
onion | la cebolla |
pepper | los pimientos |
pickles | el pepinillo |
spinach | la espinaca |
tomato | el tomate |
Condiments and Dressings (Los condimentos y aderezos)
Los condimentos (condiments) and aderezos (dressings) are the “it factor” of every sandwich—thanks to their subtle flavor combinations, they make a sandwich truly delicious and unforgettable.
This short list of condiments and dressings will help you to make your sandwiches even better.
Condiments for Sandwiches in Spanish
English | Spanish |
guacamole | el guacamole / guacamol |
herbs | las hierbas |
hummus | el humus |
ketchup | la catsup/ salsa de tomate |
mayonnaise | la mayonesa |
mustard | la mostaza |
yogurt dressing | el aderezo de yogurt |
Side Dishes (Acompañantes)
Are you a “french fries on the side” type or more of a salad person?
Sandwiches are adaptable enough to act as a side dish, but for sandwich lovers like you, the sandwich is the main event. And as such, your side dishes serve only to enhance the experience of eating the sandwich.
So which is it? Warm and crunchy french fries or cool, crisp salad loaded with your favorite veggies?
This table will help you describe your favorite sandwich side-kicks in Spanish.
Side Dishes for Your Sandwich in Spanish
English | Spanish |
french fries | las papas fritas |
potato chips | las patatas fritas/ lays/ papalinas |
potato salad | la ensalada de papa |
salad | la ensalada |
sauteed vegetables | los vegetales salteados |
soup | la sopa |
How To Order Your Sandwich in Spanish
When you visit new places and countries, the new flavors and textures of food may get a bit too overwhelming. Finding something familiar to eat can become a challenge if you don’t speak the local language.
Luckily for you, you’re already on top of it. You’re learning all the necessary vocabulary to not only identify your favorite ingredients, but to order it.
Here are a few example questions and statements to get you started:
¿Me daría un combo de sandwich de jamón y queso con sopa de tomate por favor?
Can you please give me a ham and cheese sandwich with tomato soup?
¿Puede agregar aguacate y aceitunas?
Can you add avocado and olives?
¿Qué tipos de fiambres ofrecen para el sándwich?
What kind of deli do you offer for the sandwich?
¿Qué precio tiene el queso importado español?
How much is the imported Spanish cheese?
Quiero el pan de centeno tostado.
I want toasted rye bread.
Sin pepinillos y mostaza, por favor.
Without pickles and mustard, please.
Now you are ready to ask for your dream sandwich in any Spanish-speaking country!
Hungry for More?
Food is an essential way to connect with those around you. By combining your love for Spanish with your foodie sensibilities, you’re creating the perfect opportunity to meet new friends while traveling around Latin America or other Spanish-speaking regions of the world.
While many Spanish speakers know how to speak English, most of them feel more comfortable with Spanish. Connect better with those you meet in your journey by smashing the language barrier and having more meaningful interactions.
What’s more, learning Spanish not only improves your cognition and decision-making abilities, but also your ability to earn more money.
Wow, did you make the best choice ever to study Spanish!
Are you ready to go to the next level? Build your fluency with native Spanish speakers before your big trip. Sign up today for a free 1-to-1 class with a certified native Spanish-speaking teacher at Homeschool Spanish Academy and level up!
Check out our programs and take a peek at our affordable prices to begin a new adventure into speaking fluent Spanish.
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