50 Useful Spanish Transition Words for Everyday Speech and Writing
You use transition words regularly in your everyday speech and writing, whether you recognize it or not! In every language, transition words are beautiful tools that help us to connect our ideas and give a natural flow to the rhythm of our speech—and they’re vital to learn to improve your Spanish fluency. Keep reading to learn all there is to know about transition words in...Read More
All About Adverbial Clauses in Spanish
There is time in every Spanish learner’s life when you need to go through the adverbial clauses. Students fear it before even starting the topic, but I’ll show you that it’s totally unnecessary. The adverbial clauses in Spanish are quite logical in their use, and I’m sure you will learn quickly and start using them sooner than later. First, I’ll remind you what an adverb and clause is, and...Read More
The Ultimate Guide to the Differences Between ‘Pero’ and ‘Sino’ in Spanish
The difference between pero and sino in Spanish is real, although both of these words translate to “but” in English. Many students of Spanish struggle with the distinction, and even native Spanish speakers make mistakes with the use of these conjunctions. However, it’s easy to learn when you should use pero in Spanish and when to use sino in Spanish. Don’t believe me?...Read More
Ver Conjugation: Free Spanish Lesson, Exercises, and PDF
Let’s see what we can learn about ver conjugation! The Spanish verb ver means “to see,” “to view,” and “to watch.” Ver conjugation is mostly regular, although the pattern varies in the past participle, visto (“seen”), and the first-person singular present, veo (“I see”). Verbs derived from ver include prever (“to preview” or “to foresee”) and entrever (“to glimpse” or “to...Read More
A Complete Guide to Imperfect Conjugation for Beginners
Do you already know about “imperfect conjugation”? If you’re starting to learn Spanish, you’re probably already familiar with its grammar and how complicated it can be. But don’t worry. Learning to use each Spanish structure, such as the “imperfect conjugation,” will help you build a strong foundation in Spanish verb conjugation. So, keep reading this comprehensive guide to...Read More
How to Talk About the Temperature in Spanish: Fahrenheit, Celcius, and Descriptions
Learning to discuss the temperature in Spanish enables you to converse about food, thermostats, and, of course, the weather! No small talk is complete without an introduction about the weather! In this post, I teach you how to discuss the temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit. I also explain each verb option and how to use them with lots of examples. Finally, I share some essential...Read More
A Complete Guide to Preterite Conjugation for Beginners
Would you like to master the preterite conjugation in Spanish? How about learning to deal with regular and irregular verbs in the preterite tense? Well, today is your lucky day! In this lesson, you’ll learn all about the preterite Spanish tense, how to conjugate it in regular and irregular verbs, and even some of the most common mistakes to avoid when using it. Join...Read More
How Many Words Are in the Spanish Language? Really?
In this article, we will try to solve the big question: how many words are in the Spanish language? It’s a somewhat complicated question since languages are constantly evolving since they’re one of the most important forms of human communication. To keep a specific count of how many words the Spanish language has is a complex endeavor. Spanish is one of the most spoken in...Read More
El or La? Mastering Spanish Gender and Articles
Spanish gender and articles are essential if you are learning this beautiful language. As a learner, you might find yourself pondering whether to use el or la, struggling to decide whether a noun is masculine or feminine in Spanish. Fear not! In this article, we will unveil the mystery of Spanish gender and articles, providing you with a comprehensive guide to navigating this...Read More