What to Expect from a Year with Homeschool Spanish Academy
More and more parents are hearing about the incredible benefits of bilingualism. With over 40 million speakers, it’s no surprise that Spanish is the most sought-after language in the United States. From higher pay and expanded career opportunities to powerful multi-tasking skills and deep cultural awareness, there are dozens of concrete benefits to speaking a second language....Read More
Homeschool Spanish Lessons – A Hidden Gem
If you are like me, you are always looking for something different to entertain your kids outside of a cell phone. I just got my daughter her first cell phone for Christmas this past year and it will consume all of her free time if I allow it to. I came across Homeschool Spanish Academy and could not pass up virtual Spanish lessons for my daughter. My daughter is 8 years old, so I thought...Read More
How To Choose the Best Spanish Curriculum for Your Kids
Learning Spanish is a door to a better future for your kids, as it’s a global language that’s easy to learn and highly regarded among professional recruiters. So, the question isn’t why your kids should learn Spanish, but which is the best Spanish curriculum for them? Choosing the right curriculum for your kids matters greatly as an appropriate curriculum shapes how we understand a...Read More
7 Reasons To Become an HSA Affiliate Marketer [and Boost Your Income]
Here at Homeschool Spanish Academy (HSA) we want to find the most successful affiliate marketers and micro-influencers and reward them for helping to spread the word about our brand and our successful Spanish-learning system. For that reason, I interviewed Andrea Garcia, our Key Relationships & Outreach Coordinator at HSA’s Ambassadors Program who helped me better understand how this...Read More
How Our 7-Year-Old Got Fluent In Spanish With Homeschool Spanish Academy
We have always struggled to keep our 7-year-old, Kingston, interested and engaged in school. We’ve known since she started public school online that her needs were different from other students in her grade. She would be staring at the screen while the other kids were learning their ABCs. Meanwhile, she was doing double-digit addition and writing complete sentences. After...Read More
The Secret Formula to Teach Your Children Spanish When You Don’t Speak the Language
Last week we learned about the Hammurabi code in our homeschool. Hamurabi was the sixth king in the Babylonian dynasty, which ruled in Mesopotamia 1894 to 1595 B.C. His code of 282 edicts etched in stone bears great similarities to the laws outlined in the Old Testament and many of the influences of these laws can even be seen in modern legal systems around the world today. I am 37...Read More
How We Bring Native Spanish Home with Homeschool Spanish Academy
Homeschooling was never part of our plan. But, we all know what they say about plans. Over the last seven years of homeschooling my son and daughter, now in fifth grade and second grade, I’ve learned that flexibility is a critical part of the plan. Homeschooling is so much more than just educating your children at home, it’s truly a way of life and life is anything but...Read More
My Stepson’s Experience Learning Spanish with HSA
Recently my stepson was given the opportunity to participate in 1:1 Spanish lessons with Homeschool Spanish Academy. As a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and a former teacher, It intrigued me to see the methods and approaches used in teaching a “somewhat” foreign language to a student via online classes. I say “somewhat” because Thomas was born in a Cuban family and primarily...Read More
Get Spanish on Your Child’s Homeschool High School Transcript
Want to make sure that Spanish has a place on your child’s homeschool high school transcript? There are so many wonderful reasons to study Spanish. Speaking another language empowers you with new possibilities. In fact, high schools and colleges value world language so much that getting a high school diploma or a college degree usually requires a set number of world language credits....Read More