What Are the Different Levels of Language Proficiency?
Do you know your level of fluency according to official levels of language proficiency? The challenge of determining your language proficiency is due to a lack of universal standards of measurement. In fact, several similar frameworks are currently in use. According to Education.com, “Language proficiency is a measurement of how well an individual has mastered a language. Proficiency is...Read More
6 Compelling Reasons Why Your School Should Outsource Spanish Class
The issues educators and schools face today are more challenging than ever before. With major state and local budget cuts to education, many schools find themselves in desperate need of quality teachers and adequate resources. The lack of available professionals in education is rising as candidates who could be the perfect teacher are instead offering up their skills to other...Read More
What to Expect in Your Free Trial Spanish Class at HSA
Have you been thinking about taking a free trial Spanish class at HSA? Perhaps you have considered it, but haven’t made up your mind yet because you don’t want to deal with the hassle of signing up. But, what if it really isn’t a hassle? The fact is, our free class sign-up is so simple and easy, it takes less than 1 minute to complete, and doesn’t require any payments or...Read More
7 Reasons To Become an HSA Affiliate Marketer [and Boost Your Income]
Here at Homeschool Spanish Academy (HSA) we want to find the most successful affiliate marketers and micro-influencers and reward them for helping to spread the word about our brand and our successful Spanish-learning system. For that reason, I interviewed Andrea Garcia, our Key Relationships & Outreach Coordinator at HSA’s Ambassadors Program who helped me better understand how this...Read More
My Stepson’s Experience Learning Spanish with HSA
Recently my stepson was given the opportunity to participate in 1:1 Spanish lessons with Homeschool Spanish Academy. As a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and a former teacher, It intrigued me to see the methods and approaches used in teaching a “somewhat” foreign language to a student via online classes. I say “somewhat” because Thomas was born in a Cuban family and primarily...Read More
Learn Spanish from Home: What Do You Need to Know?
If you want to learn Spanish from home, you’ve come to the right place. Now is a great time to learn Spanish from home. Not only because of the growing importance of the language but also because of the specific circumstances of the current pandemic. Make the most of your free time at home, and learn the language you have always wanted to learn. What’s not to like? In...Read More
by Luis F. DominguezMarch 29, 2020 Homeschooling, HSA News and Reviews, Learning Strategies0 comments
How to Add Spanish Classes to Your (Coronavirus) Homeschool Routine
Are you staying at home with kids, attempting at homeschool, during the unexpected coronavirus crisis? Well, you are not alone. I’m at home with kids myself and let me tell you, it’s not gonna be easy. But with the right homeschool routine, you can make the most of the coronavirus lockdown and even improve your kids’ Spanish by the time life goes back to normal. My...Read More