75 Special Valentine’s Day Messages in Spanish (Free Printable Cards)
Do you want to thank a dear friend for always being there for you? Do you like to express your love and admiration to a relative? Maybe you want to finally tell someone how you feel…in Spanish. February 14th is just around the corner, and to help you improve your Spanish, here are 75 Valentine’s Day phrases in Spanish. Aside from our word list, you’ll find...Read More
Zodiac Signs in Spanish: Your Personality and Horoscope Resources
Knowing about the Zodiac in Spanish will undoubtedly help you strengthen your Spanish-speaking skills and engage in meaningful conversations with other Spanish speakers! It will also let you go deeper into your and other people’s personalities. Now, you may know that Aries in Spanish is, well, Aries. Easy, right? In Spanish it’s pronounced Ah-ree-ehs. All zodiac signs in English are...Read More
20 Spanish Expressions That Mean “I Don’t Know” [Audio]
“I don’t know” in Spanish is probably an expression you’ve used at least once or twice. Doubt and insecurity are the same in every language. Not knowing something can sometimes be frustrating and poses a challenge. These are tough feelings to escape when it comes to learning. However, when it comes to Spanish you’ll be amazed by the different and unique ways you can say...Read More
25 Super Useful Ways to Use ‘Tal’ in Spanish
Hola! ¿Qué tal? (Hello! How are you?) This is just one of the many ways to use tal in Spanish. Tal in Spanish is one of my favorite words. It’s short yet versatile. Read this guide to discover the secrets of tal and how to use it in a sentence. If you’re wondering, “What does tal mean in Spanish?” keep reading to learn the answer, including ready-to-go expressions and...Read More
How Do You Ask Someone Out in Spanish? [A Tell-All Guide]
Ask someone out in Spanish without getting lost in translation! Maybe you are living in Latin America or met a special someone in your hometown who happens to speak Spanish. Either way, this article will come in handy for you. Keep reading to find how to ask your crush out, learn funny Spanish pick-up lines, and practice asking questions in Spanish about your date’s preferences and...Read More
How To Describe Animals in Spanish [List of Adjectives]
Spanish adjectives to describe animals are just what you need to talk about your favorite furry friends and nature in general. Animal lovers unite! Talking about your pet or those animals you love to admire is a powerful way of expanding your Spanish vocabulary. Learning Spanish adjectives is ideal for mastering descriptions in general of objects, places, and other living...Read More
How to Express Your Deepest Regrets in Spanish
Express your regrets in Spanish and feel relief over that catharsis! Feeling regret is unpleasant, but acknowledging our mistakes and wanting to take a different direction is a healthy thing to do. It’s what motivates us to do better, take chances, stop missing opportunities, and avoid bad choices. Living without regrets is unrealistic. We’re only human, and it’s perfectly...Read More
Royal Titles and Honors of the Aristocracy in Spanish
Spanish royal titles in Spain are given to people who have the legal status of nobility—using a system of honors and titles of Spain from former kingdoms. Some Spanish nobles have several titles they’ve inherited, but the creation of Spanish titles of nobility is at the grace of the King of Spain. When General Francisco Franco ruled, new hereditary titles were given to individuals. ...Read More
How to Use the Expression ‘Hacer Caso’ in Spanish
Hacer caso is a common Spanish phrase that means “to pay attention.” Let’s explore the world of idiomatic expressions in Spanish with the example of hacer caso. In this article, I cover all the details on its meaning and show you how to use it naturally in a conversation. I also throw in synonyms and antonyms to enrich your vocabulary. Learn more idiomatic expressions and find out...Read More