Teach Spanish Months of the Year: September in Spanish
El mes de Septiembre, or September in Spanish, is the 9th month of the Gregorian and Julian calendar and has 30 days. September marks the end of the summer season and is an important month for harvesting.
The name of this month came from the latin “septem,” which means seven. September was the seven month of the Roman calendar. After January and February were added, it became the ninth month of the year. “Septem” later evolved to September in English and septiembre in Spanish.
September is a month of changes and transitions. That’s why it is full of events, celebrations, and commemorations. Want to learn more about it? Let’s begin!
September in Spanish: Weather
September marks a seasonal change around the world. In the north, summer gives way to autumn, and the hot days slowly become cooler.
On the other hand, in the Southern hemisphere, September marks the beginning of spring and the cold winter gives way to more enjoyable, mild weather.
Here are some words to talk about the weather during September in Spanish:
Spanish | English |
el otoño | autumn/fall |
la primavera | spring |
la comida de la época | seasonal food |
el viento | wind |
ventoso/a | windy |
frío/a | cold |
nublado/a | cloudy |
la llovizna | drizzle |
las hojas caídas | fallen leaves |
soleado/a | sunny |
florido/a, floreado/a | flowery |
templado | mild weather |
el clima agradable | pleasant weather |
el clima cálido | warm weather |
On September 22, the astral phenomenon known as Equinox takes place. It’s considered the official beginning of spring in the southern hemisphere and fall in the northern hemisphere.
September in Spanish: Events
This section centers on the celebrations that are important to Latin American and Spain and how to talk about them in Spanish.
Independencia de Centroamérica
In colonial times, Central America was a Spanish captaincy that consisted of the provinces of Guatemala, Chiapas, Comayagua, San Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.
But the leaders of those provinces weren’t happy with the Spanish administration. That’s why, on September 15 of 1821, they signed a declaration to make Centroamérica independent from Spain.
The commemoration of Centroamérica is celebrated annually on September 15, and the Independence of Mexico on the 16th. The celebration involves marching bands, parades, family vacations, and official government events. In Mexico, there is a tradition of recreating el grito de independencia (Cry of independence) at midnight on September 16.
Here is some vocabulary to talk about Independence Day in Central America and Mexico without a hitch.
Spanish | English |
La Independencia | Independence |
el grito de independencia | cry for independence |
el acta de independencia | declaration of independence |
independizarse | to become independent |
los movimientos de independencia | independence moves |
próceres de la independencia | heroes of independence |
la conmemoración | commemoration |
conmemorar | to commemorate |
la banda marcial | marching band |
el feriado nacional | national holiday |
las bandas escolares | school bands |
los conciertos | concerts |
la convivencia familiar | family time |
el feriado largo | long holiday / long weekend |
Día Internacional de la Paz
Known in English as the International Day of Peace, this event has been commemorated every September 21 since 1981 and is promoted by the United Nations.
The observance of this day is dedicated to world peace, especially the absence of war and violence for humanitarian aid access and is commemorated by all UN member states.
You may need to talk about this event while learning or discussing September in Spanish, so here is a vocabulary list to help you out:
Spanish | English |
la paz | peace |
pacificamente | peacefully |
cese al fuego | ceasefire |
la guerra | war |
el conflicto | conflict |
Organización de las Naciones Unidas | United Nations |
pacífico/pacífica | peaceful |
la convivencia | coexistence |
la empatía | empathy |
la tolerancia | tolerance |
Día Internacional de la Bisexualidad
Commemorated on September 23 annually since 1999, el Día Internacional de la Bisexualidad, known as Celebrate Bisexuality Day is observed to recognize and celebrate bisexual people, the bisexual community and the history of bisexuality.
Even though Latin America is conservative, several organizations and collectives organize events for the recognition and celebration of the bisexual people.
If you ever want to talk about this commemoration that takes places in September in Spanish, use these words:
Spanish | English |
bisexualidad | bisexuality |
bisexuales | bisexuals |
el género | gender |
bifobia | biphobia |
la sexualidad | sexuality |
el conversatorio | conversation |
conversar | to converse |
los colectivos | collectives |
las organizaciones | organizations |
centrar la atención | bring the attention |
“no es una fase” | “is not a phase” |
válido/a | valid |
ser visto | being seen |
orgullo | pride |
aceptación | acceptance |
¡Regreso a Clases!
In September, many places in the U.S. began a new school cycle. In Latin America, Cuba, Ecuador and Venezuela also began classes this month.
Use these back-to-school words when talking about September in Spanish:
Spanish | English |
la escuela, el colegio, el instituto | school |
la escuela primaria | elementary school |
la secundaria | middle school |
el bachillerato | high school |
la universidad | university |
el estudiante universitario / la estudiante universitaria | college student |
el/la estudiante, el alumno, la alumna | student |
el maestro/ la maestra | teacher |
el director/ la directora | principal |
el sub-director/ la sub-directora | vice principal |
los salones de clase | classrooms |
los compañeros / las compañeras | classmates |
las asignaturas | subjects |
el regreso a clases | back to school |
la mochila | backpack |
la lonchera | lunch box |
la caja de lápices | pencil box |
la graduación | graduation |
los creditos extra | extra credit |
estudiante de primer año | freshman |
estudiante de segundo año | sophomore |
estudiante de tercer año | junior |
graduado / estudiante de cuarto año | senior |
Activities To Do During September
Here are some ideas to enjoy the 9th month of the year and learn more about September in Spanish!
1. Celebrate Hobbit Day
Hobbit Day is celebrated on September 22, and is a fan event to celebrate the birthday of two characters from the book The Lord of the Rings, called Señor de los anillos in Spanish, which is one of the most iconic sagas ever! Whether you’re a fan of Tolkien or casually enjoy the movies and the books, these two simple recipes are marvelous!
Hongos Silvestres Asados (Roasted Wild Mushrooms)
Ingredientes — Ingredients
- 2 libras de diferentes tipos de champiñones y hongos
2 pounds of different mushrooms - ½ taza de aceite de oliva extra virgen
½ cup of extra-virgin olive oil - Sal Kosher al gusto
Kosher salt to taste - Jugo de limón fresco
Fresh lemon juice
Instrucciones — Instructions
- Precalienta el horno a 450 F.
Preheat the oven to 450 F. - En un bol grande poner los hongos y el aceite de oliva, y sazonar con sal Kosher.
In a large bowl toss the mushrooms and the olive oil, and season with Kosher salt. - Poner en dos bandejas para hornear y rostizar por 30 minutos, revolver una vez y dejar en el horno hasta que se doren.
Spread on 2 large rimmed baking sheets and roast for about 30 minutes, stirring once, until golden. - Sacar del horno y sazonar con limón al gusto. ¡A disfrutar!
Take out of the oven and season with lemon juice to taste. ¡Enjoy!
Papas sucias (Dirty Potatoes)
Ingredientes — Ingredients
- 2 libras de papas tempranas de mediano tamaño
2 pounds new potatoes of a medium size - 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva extra virgen
½ tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil - ⅓ de taza de aceitunas Kalamata sin hueso
⅓ cup pitted Kalamata olives
Instrucciones — Instructions
- Precalienta el horno a 400F.
Preheat the oven to 400F. - Pon las papas en una bandeja para hornear grande y rocía con aceite de oliva y mezcla para que queden bien cubiertas.
Put the potatoes on a large baking sheet, drizzle with oils and toss to coat. - En un procesador de comida haz puré las aceitunas.
In a food processor, puree the olives - Pon el puré de las aceitunas sobre las papas y mezcla bien.
Scrape the puree over the potatoes and toss well. - Sirve caliente o a temperatura ambiente.
Serve hot or at room temperature.
2. Practice Yoga
September is National Yoga Month in the United States, so why not take advantage of the cool weather and change of season for spiritual practice?
If you are interested in learning basic poses, watch this video. Remember to be cautious and gentle with your body to avoid injuries!
3. Boost Your Mental Health
September 10 is Suicide Prevention Day in the United States, but it has also expanded through Latin America. Suicide is a serious matter and should be treated as such. Poor mental health can drive people to make tragic decisions—and this is preventable.
Check with your family and friends to make sure they’re okay. Ask for help if you need it. You are not alone, and no one should ever feel ashamed for struggling with their mental health. Remember that you are not alone.
Practice Your Spanish!
Now is the perfect time to learn Spanish and practice your fluency. Sign up today for a 1-on-1 free Spanish class with a certified native Spanish-speaking teacher. Become one of more than 24,000 monthly students at Homeschool Spanish Academy. You’ll become so fluent in Spanish that no one will believe you’re not a native speaker! What are you waiting for?
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