The Essential List of Classroom Objects in Spanish
Students interact with classroom objects every day at school. That’s why it’s useful for them to learn the names of all those items in Spanish.
Now, if you or your kids are learning Spanish or plan to study abroad in a Spanish-speaking country, it’s a great idea to learn all the names of classroom objects in Spanish. The goal of this blog post is to help you learn about everyday objects in a school classroom in an engaging and fun way. Let’s begin!
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Classroom Infrastructure in Spanish
La infraestructura, (infrastructure) includes the classroom’s technical elements, services, and installations. Check out this list of all the elements that make a classroom function.
Spanish | English |
El salón de clases | Classroom |
La puerta | Door |
Las ventanas | Windows |
El techo | Ceiling |
El piso | Floor |
Las paredes | Walls |
Los enchufes | Electric plugs |
Las luces | Lights |
El interruptor de luz | Light switch |
Las conexiones eléctricas | Electric connections |
Las columnas | Columns |
El cemento | Cement |
La madera | Wood |
El ladrillo | Brick |
Alright! Now you know the basic elements that make up the infrastructure of a classroom, it’s time to learn of all those classroom objects that are part of the learning experience all around the world.
List of Classroom Objects in Spanish
El Mobiliario
El mobiliario refers to all the furniture in a room, a house, or another place—like a classroom. It helps organize the space where the students learn and support the process of teaching and learning.
Want to learn what these objects are and how to say them in Spanish? Check out the following vocabulary list!
Spanish | English |
El mobiliario | Mobiliary |
El pizarrón/ La pizarra | Blackboard |
El pizarrón blanco/ para marcadores | White board |
El tablero de caucho | Rubber board |
La pantalla de proyección | Projection screen |
Los muebles | Furniture |
El escritorio de la maestra/el maestro | Teacher’s desk |
Los escritorios | Desks |
Mesas de trabajo | Work tables |
Las sillas | Chairs |
El librero | Bookshelf |
Los gabinetes | Cabinets |
Los estantes/ Las estanterías | Shelves |
El armario | Closet |
El armario de utilidades | Utility closet |
El basurero | Trashcan |
Los casilleros | Lockers |
El perchero | Coat rack |
El lavamanos | Sink |
Now you have an idea of how to refer to the different furniture in classrooms in Spanish! But, besides all that, what else helps teachers and students in the process of learning in schools? Are there more tools? Let’s keep going!
Objetos Tecnológicos
More and more schools use technology as a tool to help teachers do their work.
Of course, a lot of parents and guardians may have strong opinions on how much technology there must be in the classroom, and that’s completely valid! Technology can be a learning tool or a distraction. That’s why many schools implement rules and regulations that help the students to use it in the wisest and most responsible way.
Here are the vocabulary words to talk about technological classroom objects:
Spanish | English |
Los objetos tecnológicos | Tecnologic objects |
La tecnología | Technology |
Tecnológico | Tecnological |
La computadora | Computer |
El monitor | Monitor |
El “maus”/ El ratón de computadora | Computer mouse |
La computadora portátil | Laptop |
La tableta | Tablet |
El iPad | iPads |
Los audífonos/ auriculares | Headphones |
Los audífonos inalámbricos | Wireless headphones |
Inalambrico | Wireless |
El Wifi | Wifi |
El internet | Internet |
El cargador | Charger |
La televisión | Television |
La televisión pantalla plana | Flat screen TV |
El proyector | Projector |
El sistema de sonido | Sound system |
Los celulares | Cellphones |
La grabadora | Tape recorder |
Los Útiles Escolares
Known as school supplies in English, these objects are a must in the classroom because students and teachers use them in the process of learning and teaching to write, cut, paste, and more.
School supplies are almost the same all around the world! So, let’s learn about these classroom objects in Spanish:
Spanish | English |
Los útiles escolares | School supplies |
El lápiz | Pencil |
El portaminas | Mechanical pencil |
El lapicero | Pen |
El sacapuntas | Sharpener |
El borrador/ La goma de borrar | Eraser |
El estuche | Pencil box |
Los crayones | Crayons |
Los lápices de colores | Colored pencils |
Los crayones de cera | Wax crayons |
Los marcadores | Markers |
Los marcadores de pizarrón | White board markers |
Los marcadores permanentes | Permanent markers |
Los resaltadores | Highlighters |
Las pinturas | Paints |
Las témperas | Tempera paint |
Las acuarelas | Watercolor |
La pintura acrílica | Acrylic paint |
Los pinceles | Brushes |
El papel | Paper |
La hoja de papel | Piece of paper |
La cartulina | Cardstock |
El papel construcción | Construction paper |
Las tijeras | Scissors |
La goma | Glue |
La goma en barra | Glue stick |
La regla | Ruler |
La cinta adhesiva | Masking tape |
Los libros | Books |
El libro de trabajo | Workbook |
Los cuadernos | Notebooks |
La mochila | Backpack |
La lonchera | Lunch box |
Los uniformes | Uniforms |
Those are a lot of objects to use in a classroom! But, is there something else that can be part of the classrooms?
La Decoración de la Clase
Classroom decorations, or las decoraciones de la clase, are all those classroom objects and elements that have a pedagogic use as well as a practical and decorative one!
Classroom decoration is a way to give your classroom personality. Here’s a list in Spanish with all those classroom objects that can be part of the decoration:
Spanish | English |
La decoración | Decoration |
La decoración temática | Themed decoration |
Los carteles | Posters |
Las reglas de la clase | Classroom rules |
El abecedario | Alphabet |
Las tarjetas didácticas | Flashcards |
El reloj | Clock |
Las plantas | Plants |
El calendario | Calendar |
Los recordatorios | Reminders |
El horario de clases | Schedule |
El nombre de los estudiantes | Students names |
Las ilustraciones | Pictures |
Las ilustraciones de animales | Animals pictures |
Las ilustraciones de plantas | Plant pictures |
Las ilustraciones de insectos | Insect pictures |
Las ilustraciones de las estaciones | Seasons pictures |
Las ilustraciones de personajes populares | Popular characters pictures |
Los capturadores de atención | Attention grabbers |
El despachador de agua | Water dispatcher |
Today you learned a lot of new words in Spanish so you can describe and talk with fluency all the classroom objects you know! And the best way to ensure knowledge is to practice what you have learned! Check out a fun worksheet that you can download for free below.
If you want something for kindergarten students, the downloadable PDF contains fun exercises to review the lesson.
Juguetes Didácticos
Los juguetes didácticos (educational toys) are wonderful to use in the school environment to review the content learned in class.
Want to learn what some educational toys are called in Spanish? Here’s a list for you!
Spanish | English |
Los juguetes didácticos | Educational toys |
La memoria | Memory game |
Los rompecabezas | Puzzles |
El rompecabezas de madera | Wooden puzzle |
Los juguetes de la granja | Farm toys |
Los juguetes de la jungla | Jungle toys |
La lotería educativa | Educational bingo |
Juegos de cartas educativas | Educational card games |
Time to Practice Your Spanish!
Childhood is the ideal time for kids to learn new languages and abilities because their brain is still forming! Why not take advantage of this opportunity to help them on their learning journey?
Even if you’re not a kid anymore and want to learn Spanish and new abilities, it’s never too late! Sign up today for a free trial class with a native-speaking teacher and let us support your learning process! Here at Homeschool Spanish Academy, we have more than 10 years of experience teaching Spanish, and we offer tailored Spanish packages, flexible schedules, and high school credits. Let us be part of your learning journey, and we promise you won’t regret it!
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