The Most Comprehensive List of Tools in Spanish
Las herramientas — tools in Spanish — are objects you use to fix things or otherwise modify the environment. The official definition of a tool is a device or implement, especially one held in the hand and used to carry out a particular function.
The word herramientas comes from the latin ferramentum, which is a combination of the words ferrum (hierro or iron) and mentum (instrument). So, technically herramientas means “iron instruments.”
Experts believe that the use of tools has been key in the evolution of humankind. The oldest tools that have been discovered are made of stones or sticks. From there, they’ve evolved to use different materials and energy sources.
Read this blog post for a comprehensive and organized list of tools in Spanish.
List of Tools in Spanish
Tools can be separated into two major categories: mechanical tools and power tools.
Mechanical Tools in Spanish
Also known as “hand tools,” these are those tools that are powered by muscle power instead of a motor. Las herramientas mecánicas (mechanical tools) require force, energy, and precision to use. Check out the names of these helpful tools:
Spanish | English |
La broca | Drill bit |
El macho de roscar | Tap |
Las llaves | Wrenches |
Las llaves exagonales | Hex keys |
El escariador | Reamer |
La tenaza | Plier |
El cincél | Chisel |
El buril | Cutter |
El compás | Compass |
El gato hidráulico | Hydraulic jack |
El extractor mecánico | Mechanical extractor |
La regla | Ruler |
Las tijeras | Scissors |
El cuchillo | Knife |
Power Tools in Spanish
Las herramientas eléctricas (power tools) need an electrical source of energy or a battery to work. Are you curious about the names of power tools and equipment in Spanish? Check out the list below!
Spanish | English |
El compresor de aire | Air compressor |
El cortador de baldosas de cerámica | Ceramic tile cutter |
La lijadora de banda | Belt sander |
La sierra fria | Cold saw |
El disco de diamante | Diamond blade |
La lijadora de disco | Disc sander |
El taladro | Drill |
La herramienta múltiple | Multi-tool |
La lavadora | Washing machine |
La plancha | Iron |
La conductora de impacto | Impact driver |
La sierra de calar | Scrollsaw |
La sierra de mesa | Table saw |
La llave dinamométrica neumática | Pneumatic torque wrench |
La máquina de coser | Knitting machine |
Gardening Tools and Farm Tools in Spanish
Las herramientas de jardinería y agricultura (gardening and agriculture tools) are designed to make gardening and farm work easier.
Spanish | English |
El hacha | Ax/Hatchet |
El machete | Machete |
El azadón | Hoe |
El rastrillo | Rake |
La horca | Pitchfork |
La hoz | Sickle |
La pala | Shovel/Spade |
La paleta | Trowel |
La guadaña | Scythe |
La manguera | Hose |
La regadera | Watering can |
El aspersor | Sprinkler |
Las tijeras de jardinería | Gardening scissors |
La podadora | Manual lawn mower |
Carpentry Tools in Spanish
Las herramientas de carpintería (carpentry tools) cut, shape, install, and bind. They may be hand tools or power tools.
Spanish | English |
El martillo | Hammer |
Las limas | Files |
El destornillador | Screwdriver |
La prensa | Vice |
La abrazadera | Clamp |
El alicate | Pliers |
La sierra/El serrucho | Handsaw |
El taladro manual | Hand drill |
La cinta métrica/El metro | Tape measure |
La regla graduada | Ruler |
Los clavos | Nails |
Los tornillos | Screws |
Survival Tools in Spanish
If you love the wilderness, adventure, and camping, las herramientas de supervivencia (survival tools) are essential for a safe adventurous.
Spanish | English |
La manta de supervivencia | Survival blanket |
Las bolsas de basura plástica | Plastic trash bags |
Los fósforos impermeables | Waterproof matches |
La brújula | Compass |
La navaja suiza | Swiss army knife |
La linterna | Flashlight |
El eslabón/El yesquero | Fire-striker |
El espejo de señal | Signal mirror |
El abre latas | Can opener |
La estufa de campamento | Camp stove |
El cazo | Billycan |
El serrucho | Backsaw |
Las candelas | Candles |
Kitchen Tools in Spanish
Los utencilios de cocina (kitchen tools) are small, handheld tools used for food preparation like cutting, heating, baking, grinding, mixing, blending, and measuring foods and condiments.
Spanish | English |
El sarten | Pan |
La olla | Pot |
El wok | Wok |
El cuchillo del chef | Chef’s knife |
El afilador de cuchillos | Knife sharpener |
Las paleta/cuchara de madera | Wooden spoon |
El pelador/El cuchillo para pelar | Peeler |
La tabla de cortar/picar | Cutting board |
El colador | Strainer |
El batidor | Whisk |
El termómetro para carnes | Meat thermometer |
Construction Tools in Spanish
Las herramientas de construcción are the tools used for construction. Here are some of those tools names in Spanish:
Spanish | English |
Los camiones | Trucks |
El mezclador de cemento | Cement mixer |
El martillo neumático | Jackhammer |
El harnés | Harness |
Las herramientas de aire | Air tools |
El compresor de aire | Air compressors |
La paleta de yeso | Plastering trowel |
La caja de herramientas | Toolbox |
El rodillo | Paint roller |
El desarmador eléctrico | Electric screwdriver |
Medical Tools in Spanish
Also known as medical devices, las herramientas médicas (medical tools) help diagnose and treat patients with a sickness or disease.
Spanish | English |
El estetoscópio | Stethoscope |
El termómetro | Thermometer |
La depresora de lengua | Tongue depressor |
El medidor de la presión | Blood pressure gauge |
El marcapasos | Pacemaker |
Los fórceps | Forceps |
Linterna | Penlight |
El bisturí | Scalpel |
La camilla | Stretcher |
Los desfibriladores | Defibrillators |
Las mascarillas | Maks |
Los respiradores manuales | Manual ventilators |
Las jeringas | Syringes |
Scientific Tools in Spanish
Las herramientas científicas or los instrumentos científicos (scientific tools) are tools, objects, and instruments used as an aid when investigating or discovering a phenomenon.
Hundreds of scientific tools exist, but the most common are listed below:
Spanish | English |
El cronógrafo | Stopwatch |
El vaso de precipitado | Beaker |
La lupa | Hand lens |
La escala/La balanza | Scale |
El prisma | Prism |
El microscopio | Microscope |
La computadora | Computer |
La calculadora | Calculator |
El mechero de Bunsen | Bunsen burner |
El diapasón | Tuning fork |
El cilindro graduado | Graduated cylinder |
La veleta de viento | Windvane |
El barometro | Barometer |
El anemómetro | Anemometer |
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