10 Ways To Say ‘Even Though’ in Spanish
Learning how to say ‘even though’ in Spanish is proof that you are able to express yourself with fluency and confidence. In English, there are several ways to say it and you bet it’s the same in Spanish!
The words ‘even though’ in Spanish improve the structure of sentences and phrases. They provide more context and emphasize a clause.
Expand your communication skills with this insightful blog post where I explore this useful expression and learn 10 Ways to Say “Even Though” in Spanish.
The Meaning of ‘Even Though’ in Spanish
The phrase ‘even though’ in Spanish is used to connect two clauses. This common expression is used in both English and Spanish to describe a fact that adds veracity to a previous statement or situation. It works as conjunction and generally translates to aunque.
Let’s see it in practice with a few insightful examples.
Aunque no te guste cómo cocino, hoy voy a preparar la cena.
Even though you don’t like how I cook, I’m making dinner today.
Me encantaría salir a pesar de que estoy ocupado.
I would love to go out even though I’m busy.
Aun* si llegaste tarde, estoy feliz de que hayas venido.
Even though you were late, I’m happy you came.
*The word aún (with the written accent or tilde on the “u”) means “still.”
Notice in the previous examples how ‘even though’ in Spanish translates to aunque, aun si, and a pesar de. The diversity and richness of the Spanish language allows speakers to choose from several options when it comes to using ‘even though’ in Spanish.
Mastering diverse expressions gets easier as you become more comfortable with Spanish. Elevate your Spanish with this useful list of 10 Ways to Say ‘Even Though’ in Spanish.
10 Ways to Say ‘Even Though’ in Spanish
1. Aunque
The word aunque is the most common way used to say ‘even though’ by Spanish speakers. It’s widely understood in most Spanish-speaking countries.
Example Sentences
Aunque estés enojada, yo me preocupo por ti.
Even though you’re mad, I worry about you.
Me encantan los chocolates, aunque no debería comer dulces.
I love chocolates, even though I shouldn’t eat sweets.
Aunque te amo, hoy si me decepcionas.
Even though I love you, you did disappoint me today.
Aunque digan que no va a llover, no deberías salir sin paraguas,
Even though they say it’s not going to rain, you shouldn’t go out without an umbrella.
2. A pesar de que
A pesar de que is used in sentences where an action’s success is under threat but still manages to happen. It focuses on obstacles or factors that go against the action’s objectives or a fact. It’s a useful and easygoing way to say ‘even though’ in Spanish.
Example Sentences
Hoy vine a tiempo, a pesar de que había tráfico.
I was on time today even though there was traffic.
Me siento positivo a pesar de que estoy enfermo.
I feel positive even though I am sick.
A pesar de que nos peleamos, aún somos amigos.
Even though we fought, we’re still friends.
Hablamos todos los días a pesar de que estamos lejos.
We speak every day even though we’re far away.
3. Aun si
Aun si is another common way to say ‘even though’ in Spanish. Use it to connect sentences with exceptions and external factors that might or might not affect the outcome of a situation.
Example Sentences
Quiero ir a la universidad, aun si es caro.
I want to go to college, even though it’s expensive.
Aun si solo fueron $100, si quiero mi reembolso.
Even though it was only $100, I do want my refund.
Aun si ya casi no lo uso, mi carro funciona bien.
Even though I barely use it, my car works well.
Aun si mi casa es pequeña, cabe mucha gente.
Even though my house is small, it fits a lot of people.
4. Aun cuando
Say ‘even though’ in Spanish using aún cuando in a sentence where something happens “in spite of.”
Example Sentences
Los perros se adaptan aún cuando no tienen jardín.
Dogs adapt even though they don’t have a yard.
Bajar de peso no es tan fácil, aún cuando estas haciendo todas las dietas posibles.
Losing weight isn’t that easy, even though you’re doing all the possible diets.
Ese es su juguete favorito, aún cuando no es el más nuevo.
That’s her favorite toy, even though it’s not the newest.
Aun cuando la película había terminado, nos quedamos en el cine.
Even though the movie was over, we stayed in the cinema.
5. Pese a que
Pese a que is a casual way of saying ‘even though’ in Spanish. Here are some sentences you can use for reference.
Example Sentences
Ellos sí terminaron la presentación pese a que los demás no ayudaron mucho.
They did finish the presentation even though the others were not very helpful.
Nos encanta el tenis pese a que no jugamos tan seguido.
We love tennis even though we don’t play that often.
Pese a que se arrepintió, no cambió nada.
Although he regretted it, nothing changed.
Pese a que nos conocemos hace años, no puedo ayudarte.
Even though we’ve known each other for years, I can’t help you.
Explore this intriguing list of 45 Ways to Say ‘To Take’ in Spanish. It’s packed with fun idioms to sound like a native speaker.
6. Si bien
Si bien is another creative way you can use to say ‘even though’ in Spanish. It also stands for ‘while’ and ‘even if’.
Example Sentences
Si bien esto es importante, no hablamos de ello.
Even though this is important, we don’t talk about it.
Si bien hay partes interesantes, no creo que el libro sea bueno.
Even though there’s interesting parts, I don’t believe the book is good.
Si bien soñaba ser diseñadora, ahora me gusta enseñar.
Even though I dreamt of being a designer, I like teaching now.
Si bien todos lo recomiendan, no es de buena calidad el product.
Even though everybody recommends it, the product isn’t good quality.
7. Sin embargo
The phrase sin embargo is often used as a synonym for ‘even though’ in Spanish. It also stands for ‘nevertheless.’
Example Sentences
Ya no somos amigos, sin embargo tuvimos buenos momentos.
We’re not friends anymore, even though we had good moments.
Me gusta mi trabajo, sin embargo el ambiente laboral cambió.
I like my job, even though the work environment changed.
El restaurante es rico, sin embargo las recetas han cambiado.
The restaurant is good, even though the recipes have changed.
Te prometo que estaré ahí, sin embargo puede que llegue trade.
I promise you I’ll be there, even though I might be late.
8. No obstante
Out of the different synonyms for ‘even though’ in Spanish, no obstante is mostly used in formal context and scenarios.
Example Sentences
La medicina es buena, no obstante los efectos secundarios son complicados.
The medicine is good, even though the side effects are complicated.
En clase aprendimos las teorías, no obstante ninguna está totalmente comprobada.
In class, we learned the theories, even though none are fully proven.
Arreglar el cambio climático no será sencillo, no obstante aún hay opciones para la humanidad.
Fixing climate change won’t be easy, even though there are still options for humanity.
La tarea fue fácil, no obstante me tarde más de lo esperado.
The assignment was easy, even though it took me longer than expected.
9. Incluso
The word incluso stands for ‘even if’ and is also used as a synonym for ‘even though’ in Spanish.
Example Sentences
Quiero que salgas a jugar, incluso si no hiciste tus quehaceres.
I want you to go out to play, even though you didn’t do your chores.
Quiero ir a la boda, incluso si no tengo vestido.
I want to go to the wedding, even though I don’t have a dress.
Voy a salir incluso si está lloviendo.
I’m going out even though it’s raining.
Lo voy a hacer incluso si no estás de acuerdo.
I’m doing it even though you don’t agree.
10. Si no
The union of si and no can be used as a synonym of ‘even though’ in Spanish. It’s not as common as others but it certainly works depending on the sentence.
Example Sentences
Si no piensas ir, deberías mandar un regalo.
Even though you’re not thinking of going, you should send a gift.
Si no crees en Santa Claus aún deberías celebrar navidad.
Even though you don’t believe in Santa Claus you should still celebrate Christmas.
Si no te gusta la lechuga, igual debes comer ensaladas.
Even though you don’t like lettuce, you still need to eat salad.
Si no veo bien, igual puedo escuchar sin problemas.
Even though I can’t see well, I can hear without issues.
Discover Fantastic Ways How to Say No in Spanish in this entertaining blog post full of formal and informal expressions.
Aunque ya hables español, siempre puedes mejorar
Even though you already speak Spanish, you can always improve.
Join a free class with our certified teachers and take this list for a spin with a native speaker. Choose among the affordable programs we offer and find the best one to fit your needs as a Spanish learner.
Becoming a Spanish speaker increases your chances of accessing high-paid job opportunities that allow you to travel the world. Bilingual positions are highly valuable for companies that do business internationally. Expand your professional options as you take your Spanish to the next level.
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