200+ Names of Animals in Spanish: Vocabulary for Everyone
Animals in Spanish are a fun and useful topic to learn for kids of all ages! Wherever we go, animals are part of our everyday lives.
If you like animals and want to expand your Spanish vocabulary and fluency to speak with others about more than basic animals, like dogs or cats, this article is just for you! This massive list is a way for you to have easy access to new Spanish words and names of animals in Spanish. Let’s get to it!
Animal Classification
La clasificación de los animales is the perfect way to categorize the amazing animals of the Earth by their characteristics. This way, it’s easier for experts, zoologists, students, and animal enthusiasts to identify and learn about them.
Here is the classification of the animals in Spanish:
Spanish | English |
La clasificación de los animales | Animal classification |
Los Acuaticos | Aquatic |
Los Aero-terrestres | Aerial-terrestrial |
Los Anfibios | Amphibians |
Las Aves | Birds |
Los Domesticos | Domestic |
Los Insectos | Insects |
Los Invertebrados | Invertebrates |
Los Mamíferos | Mammals |
Los Oviparos | Oviparous |
Los Peces | Fish |
Los Reptiles | Reptiles |
Los Salvajes | Wild |
Los Terrestres | Terrestrial |
Los Vertebrados | Vertebrates |
Los Vivíparos | Viviparous |
Animals can be classified in multiple categories. For example, dogs are mammals, vertebrates, domestic, and terrestrial animals!
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Domestic Animals in Spanish
Los animales domésticos (domestic animals) are animals that have been chosen and bred to live with in human homes for countless generations.
Domestic animals are genetically different from their wild ancestors and cousins. There are domestic animals for companionship, farming, and other types of work.
Farm Animals
Known as animales de granja in Spanish, farm animals provide food and/or help with work and production for the thriving of humankind.
To learn more about farms, read The Definitive Vocabulary Guide: On the Farm in Spanish.
Spanish | English |
Los animales de granja | Farm animals |
El asno / El burro | Donkey |
El becerro | Calf |
El buey | Ox |
La cabra / El cabro | Goat |
El cordero | Lamb |
El caballo | Horse |
El cerdo / La cerda | Pig |
Los cerditos / El lechón | Piglets |
La gallina | Hen |
El gallo | Rooster |
La llama | Llama |
La mula | Mule |
La oveja | Sheep |
El pato / La pata | Duck |
El toro | Bull |
La vaca | Cow |
La yegua | Mare |
Companion Animals
On the other hand, los animales de compañía (companionship animals) were domesticated to be companions for humans during their time on Earth and grow with them.
Dogs were initially domesticated to help with hunting. Over time, they’ve evolved to be the perfect companion for the human being. Many other companion animals also make great pets!
Spanish | English |
Animales de compañía | Companion animals |
El cachorro / La cachorra | Puppy |
El conejo / La coneja | Bunny/Rabbit |
El gato / La gata | Cat |
El gatito / La gatita | Kitten |
El erizo | Hedgehog |
El hurón | Ferret |
El perro / La perra | Dog |
La rana | Frog |
El ratón | Mouse |
Wild Animals in Spanish
Animales salvajes (wild animals) live in the wilderness. Many wild animals are in danger of going extinct because of the expansion of urban areas and poor environmental choices that benefit humans and harm the wildlife.
The wild animals on this list are categorized by their habitat: sea, forest, rainforest, and desert.
Sea Animals
Animals in the sea are known as animales marinos in Spanish. This group contains animals that live in or near the ocean.
Spanish | English |
Animales marinos | Sea animals |
Las almejas | Clams |
La anguila | Eel |
La anguila electrica | Electric Eel |
La ballena | Whale |
La ballena asesina / La orca | Killer whale |
La ballena azul | Blue whale |
La ballena barbada | Baleen whale |
La ballena jorobada | Humpback whale |
El caballito de mar | Sea horse |
El calamar | Squid |
El camarón | Shrimp |
El cangrejo | Crab |
Los caracoles | Sea snails |
La estrella de mar | Starfish |
El delfín | Dolphin |
La foca | Seal |
La gaviota | Seagull |
El manatí | Sea Cow |
Las medusas | Jellyfish |
El pez payaso | Clown fish |
El pulpo | Octopus |
La serpiente marina | Sea Snake |
El tiburón | Shark |
El tiburón blanco | White shark |
El tiburón martillo | Hammerhead shark |
El tiburón tigre | Tiger shark |
La tortuga marina | Sea turtle |
Forest Animals
Known as animales del bosque in Spanish, these creatures live in the woods. The forest ecosystem has lots of trees that support a myriad of life forms. The variety of animals that live in the forest is amazing!
Spanish | English |
Los animales del bosque | Forest animals |
El águila | Eagle |
El alce | Moose |
La ardilla | Squirrel / Chipmunk |
El búho | Owl |
El castor / La castora | Beaver |
El ciervo / El venado | Deer |
El colibrí | Hummingbird |
La culebra / La serpiente | Snake |
El glotón / La glotona | Wolverine |
El jabalí | Wild pig / boar |
La liebre | Hare / Jackrabbit |
El lobo/ La loba | Wolf |
El lobezno | Wolf cub |
El mapache | Racoon |
El mirlo | Blackbird |
El oso / La osa | Bear |
El osezno | Bear cub |
La paloma / El palomo | Pigeon |
El pavo | Turkey |
El pájaro carpintero | Woodpecker |
El puerco espín | Porcupine |
La rata | Rat |
El tejón | Badger |
El zorro/ La zorra | Fox |
El zorrillo / La mofeta | Skunk |
Rainforest Animals
The rainforest or jungle is known as el bosque lluvioso in Spanish. It’s a dense tropical forest rich in biodiversity with consistent rainfall throughout the year.
Did you know that the animals that live in the rainforest are different than those that live in drier forests?
Spanish | English |
Los animales del bosque lluvioso | Rainforest animals |
La anaconda | Anaconda |
La boa constrictora | Boa constrictor |
La cacatua | Cockatoo |
La guacamaya roja | Scarlet Macaw |
La iguana | Iguana |
Las mariposas | Butterflies |
El mono ardilla | Squirrel monkey |
El oso hormiguero | Anteater |
El perezoso / La perezosa | Sloth |
La rana arborícola de ojos rojos | Red eyed tree frog |
La rana dardo venenoso azul | Blue poison dart frog |
La tarántula | Tarantula |
El tucán | Toucan |
Desert Animals
El desierto (desert) is a dry region that is hot during the day and cold at night.
The ecosystem on the deserts is impressive! It consists of animals that endure the heat and know how to survive in extreme temperatures with little water.
Impressed by these creatures that can survive such extreme conditions? Learn to talk about desert animals in Spanish!
Spanish | English |
Los animales del desierto | Desert animals |
El buitre | Vulture |
El camello | Camel |
El carnero de las montañas rocosas | Bighorn |
El correcaminos | Roadrunner |
El coyote | Coyote |
El conejo / la coneja del desierto | Desert rabbit/cottontail |
El escorpión | Scorpion |
El halcón | Hawk |
La lagartija | Lizard |
El león / La leona de montaña | Mountain lion |
La serpiente de cascabel | Rattlesnake |
La tarántula del desierto occidental | Western desert tarantula |
La tortuga del desierto | Desert tortoise |
Zoo Animals
El zoológico (the zoo) is a manmade park that houses animals from all around the world.
Animals in the zoo live in cautiverio (captivity). What kinds of animals do you find at the zoo? This list is divided into animals from Africa, Oceanía, America, and Asia. Let’s explore!
African Animals
Los animales africanos are used to extreme conditions like long, hot days, and scarce food and water. African weather can be ruthless, and all the animals that live in this territory are resilient.
Spanish | English |
Animales Africanos | African animals |
El águila coronada africana | African crowned eagle |
El avestruz | Ostrich |
El bufalo africano | African Buffalo |
La cebra | Zebra |
El elefante africano | African elephant |
La hiena manchada | Spotted hyena |
El hipopótamo | Hippopotamus |
El impala | Impala |
La jirafa | Giraffe |
El león / La leona | Lion |
El leopardo africano | African leopard |
El lobo etíope | Etiopian Wolf |
La suricata / El suricato | Meerkat |
El tigre | Tiger |
American Animals
These animals thrive in wet environments, so the North, Central, and South American rainforests, manglars, rivers, and lakes are perfect for them. The different temperatures and heights present throughout the Americas contributes to the region’s biodiversity.
Spanish | English |
Animales americanos | American animals |
El águila harpía | Harpy eagle |
La alpáca | Alpaca |
El caimán | Alligator |
La capibara | Capybara |
El cinguládo | Cingulata |
El coatí | Coatí |
El condor andino | Andean condor |
El ibis rojo | Red ibis |
El jaguar | Jaguar |
El lobo amelenado | Maned wolf |
El mono capuchino | Capuchin monkey |
El mono saki | Saki monkey |
La piraña | Piranha |
El puma | Cougar |
La zarigueya | Opposum |
El tapir | Tapir |
El tití | Tamarin |
La tortuga galápagos | Galapagos turtle |
La víbora de pestañas | Eyelash viper |
Asian Animals
Asia is a huge continent, so it is not surprising to find such rich diversity of animals in the territory. Los animales asiáticos (Asian animals) are a perfect example of how animals have adapted to the expansion of human territory.
Spanish | English |
Animales asiaticos | Asian animals |
El axis / El chital / El ciervo moteado | Axis deer |
El binturong / El manturón | Binturong / Bearcat |
El cerdo barbudo | Bearded pig |
La cigueña india | Indian stork |
La cobra | Cobra snake |
El dragón de Komodo | Komono dragon / Komono lizard |
El elefante asiático | Asian elephant |
El faisán plateado | Silver pheasant |
El gaur / El bisonte de la India | Gaur / Indian bison |
La grulla | Crane |
El lagarto monitor | Monitor lizard |
El lemur | Lemur |
El leopardo de nieve | Snow leopard |
La mangosta | Mongoose |
El mono monson | Monson monkey |
El mono narigudo | Proboscis monkey |
El orangután | Orangutan |
El oso himalayo | Himalayan bear |
El oso panda | Panda bear |
El panda rojo | Red panda |
El pangolín | Pangolin |
El pavo real | Peacock |
El tarsero | Tarsier |
La tortuga de agua dulce | Terrapin |
Animals of Oceania
Oceanía is home to several unique animals. Here’s a list of unique animals that are only found in Australia and the other countries in Oceanía.
Spanish | English |
Animales de Oceanía | Oceanía animals |
La ave lira | Lyrebird |
El canguro | Kangaroo |
El casuario | Cassowary |
La cucaburra | Kookaburra |
El diablo de Tasmania | Tasmanian devil |
El dingo | Dingo |
El emú | Emu |
El equidna | Echidna |
El ganso cenizo | Gray goose |
El lori arco iris | Rainbow lorikeet |
El koala | Koala |
El ornitorrinco | Platypus |
El perico de Tasmania | Tasmanian parakeet |
La rana arbórea de Tasmania | Tasmanian tree frog |
La tuatara | Tuatara |
El wallaby | Wallaby |
El wombat | Wombat |
La zarigüeya de cola de escoba | Broom-tailed possum |
You may have noticed that several animals in Spanish on this list don’t have a name for male and female, and if you change the “o” for an “a”, like with gato and gata, it may not sound right. So how can you communicate that you are talking about a female or a male in Spanish? Easy, with the words hembra (female) and macho (male). Here are some examples:
- El elefante hembra – female elephant
- El cocodrilo hembra – female crocodile
- Una zarigüeya macho – male possum.
- La rana macho – male frog
- La hyena macho – male hyena
This was a long list full of information and animal names in Spanish! But the best way to secure all this new knowledge is through practice! Download this PDF worksheet to review and put into practice the names of these animals in Spanish and their habitats all around the world!
And another great way to practice all this content is learning how the animal sounds in Spanish! Did you know that the sounds change in Spanish and English? To learn more about check out this Kid’s Guide to Animal Sounds in Spanish.
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