200+ Spanish Christian Words for Religious Learners
Christians are the largest religious group in the world, fueling the need to communicate Christian words and expressions in different languages. In 2015, there were 2.3 billion Christians in the world, which composed 31% of Earth’s human population.
That’s a lot of people!
The Bible—the most important book for Christians—has been translated from the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic to hundreds of other languages. Because of this, many Christian words, expressions, and common phrases have made their way around the world—however, the language barrier can be a problem when trying to share the Gospel.
This article will be useful for you if you are preparing to go on a Mission to a Spanish-speaking country, or if you want to discuss the Gospel and Christian beliefs with Spanish speakers, or if you are looking to expand your language knowledge and practice your Spanish fluency.
Let’s get to it!
200+ Spanish Christian Words
200+ words will improve your vocabulary by leaps and bounds! To keep it interesting, this article is divided into several segments, allowing you easy access where you can quickly find whatever word or expression you are searching for.
Christian Denominations
A Christian denomination refers to a distinct religious body in Christianity and comprises all church congregations of the same kind, even if the traits, history, organization, leadership, doctrine and worship style are different. Christian denomination is a neutral term that refers to established Christian churches, unlike sects and cults.
Different Christian denominations in Spanish include:
Spanish | English |
Confesión Cristiana/ Denominaciones Cristianas | Christian Denominations |
Iglesia Católica Romana | Roman Catholic Church |
Protestantismo | Protestantism |
Iglesia Adventista | Adventist Church |
Iglesia Anabaptista | Anabaptist Church |
Iglesia Anglicana | Anglican Church |
Iglesia Bautista/Baptista | Baptist Church |
Iglesia Evangelica | Evangelical Church |
Movimiento de Santidad | Holiness Movement |
Iglesia Luterana/ Luteranismo | Lutheran Church/ Lutheranism |
Iglesia Metodista | Methodist Church |
Iglesia Morava/ Hermandad de Moravia | Moravian Church |
Pentecostalismo/ Movimiento Pentecostal | Pentecostalism |
Iglesia Amigos/ Sociedad Religiosa de los Amigos | Quaker/ Friends Church |
Iglesia Calvinista/ Calvinismo | Reformed Church/ Calvinism |
Iglesias Católicas Orientales | Eastern Catholic Church |
Iglesia Ortodoxa | Eastern Orthodox Church |
Iglesias Ortodoxas Orientales | Oriental Orthodox Church |
Iglesia del Oriente/ Iglesia Nestoriana | Church of the East |
Testigos de Jehová | Jehovah’s Witness |
Movimiento de Los Santos de los Últimos Días/ Mormones | Latter Day Saint Church |
Iglesia de Cristo | Iglesia ni Cristo |
Words for Leadership and Members
Each denomination and church has their own words for referring to their members and leaders, but these are the more common ones:
Spanish | English |
Los fieles católicos | The Catholic faithful |
Los Cristianos | Christians |
Los Testigos de Jehová | Jehovah’s Witnesses |
Los Mormones | Mormons |
El Papa | Pope |
El Cardenal | Cardinal |
El Arzobispo | Archbishop |
El Obispo | Bishop |
El Sacerdote | Priest |
El Padre | Father |
El Vicario | Vicar |
El Monseñor | Monsignor |
El Diacono | Deacon |
El Abad/La Abadesa | Abbot/ Abbess |
El Monje/La Monja | Monk/ Nun |
El Fraile/La Hermana | Fray/Sister |
El Pastor/La Pastora | Pastor |
El Ministro | Minister |
El Apostol | Apostle |
El Profeta/La Profeta | Prophet |
El Anciano | Elder |
El Maestro/La Maestra de escuela dominical | Sunday School Teacher |
Different buildings and infrastructure provide spaces for worshippers to congregate and celebrate their beliefs and faith. Some of these spaces include:
Spanish | English |
La Catedral | Cathedral |
El Monasterio | Monastery |
La Abadía | Abbey |
El Priorato | Priory |
La Basílica | Basilica |
El Átrio | Atrium |
El Convento | Convent |
El Templo | Temple |
Many common Christian words in Spanish refer to holidays and celebrations. Some of these are mostly celebrated by the Catholic Church, and others are so popular that they’re celebrated by Christians and non-Christians.
Spanish | English |
Día de Reyes | Day of Kings |
Candelaria | Candlemas |
Carnaval | Carnival |
Cuaresma | Lent |
Semana Santa | Holy Week |
Pentecostés | Pentecost |
Corpus Christi | Corpus Christi |
La Fiesta de la Santa Cruz | Feast of the Cross |
El día de todos los Santos | All Saints Day |
Noche Buena | Christmas Eve |
Navidad | Christmas |
Christian Traditions
Christianity and all its denominations have traditions that have existed since the beginning of the primitive church—the Church founded by the followers, especially the Apostles, of Jesus Christ after his ascension to Heaven— and continue to be practiced to this day. Other traditions are more recent, but that doesn’t impact their importance.
Spanish | English |
La Eucaristía | Eucharist |
La Santa Cena | Sacrament |
Las Procesiones | Processions |
La Confirmación | Confirmation |
La Misa | Mass |
La primera comunión | First communion |
La Penitencia | Penance |
La unción de los enfermos/ Extremaunción | Anointing of the sick |
Los Sacramentos | Sacraments |
La Limosna | Alms |
La Sagrada Comunión | Holy Communion |
La Confesión | Confession |
La oración | Prayer |
La intercesión | Intercession |
El Bautismo en Agua | Baptism in water |
El Bautismo por Espíritu Santo | Baptism by the Holy Spirit |
Los casamientos por la Iglesia | Religious Weddings |
La presentación de niños | Children presentation |
La ofrenda | Offering |
El diezmo | Tithe |
Los Estudios Bíblicos | Bible Studies |
El Ayuno | Fasting |
La Alabanza | Praise |
La Adoración | Worship |
Guardar el Séptimo Día | Save the seventh day |
Most Common Christian Words
Common Christian words are relevant for preaching, sermons, lessons, or in casual conversation with other Christians. Let’s take a look!
This table has words related to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit so you can access them easily and quickly!
Spanish | English |
Dios | God |
Dios Padre | Father God |
Dios Hijo | God the Son |
Hijo de Dios | Son of God |
Jesucristo | Jesus Christ |
Cristo | Christ |
Salvador | Saviour |
Espiritu Santo | Holy Spirit |
La Trinidad | Holy Trinity |
Tripartito | Tripartite |
La Santa Biblia | The Holy Bible |
La Biblia | Bible |
Here are some Christian words divided in alphabetical order for easy access and understanding:
Viva/Vivo | Alive |
El Altar | Altar |
El Ángel/Los Ángeles | Angel/Angels |
La Unción | Anoint |
La Autoridad | Authority |
Las creencias | Beliefs |
Los creyentes | Believers |
El Nacimiento | Birth |
La Bendición | Bless |
Bendecido | To be Blessed |
Las bendiciones | Blessings |
La sangre | Blood |
Nacer | Be Born |
El llamado | Calling |
La Iglesia | Church |
Limpio | To be Clean |
Los mandamientos | Commandments |
Consagrar | To Consecrate |
El creador | Creator |
La cruz | Cross |
Crucificado | To be Crucified |
La crucifixión | Crucifixion |
Muerto | To be Dead |
La muerte | Death |
El Diablo | Devil |
Los discípulos | Disciples |
La doctrina | Doctrine |
Lo eterno | Eternal |
Lo evangélico | Evangelical |
Evangelizar | To Evangelize |
Exaltar | To Exalt |
La fe | Faith |
La familia | Family |
Perdonar | To Forgive |
Libre de pecados | Free of sin |
Los Gentiles | Gentiles |
Los dones | Gifts |
La Gloria | Glory |
Glorificar | To Glorify |
Vaya/Ve con Dios | Go with God |
¡Dios te bendiga! | God bless you! |
La bondad | Goodness |
Las Buenas Nuevas | Good News |
El Evangelio | Gospel |
La gracia | Grace |
Sanar | To Heal |
Los cielos | Heavens |
Celestial | Heavenly |
El infierno | Hell |
El Sumo Sacerdote | High Priest |
Santidad | Holiness |
Santo | Holy |
Honrar | To Honor |
Esperar | To Hope |
Esperanza | Hope |
Humilde | Humble |
Los himnos | Hymns |
La idolatría | Idolatry |
Idolatrar | To Idolize |
Juzgar | To Judge |
El Juicio | Judgment |
El Reino de Dios | Kingdom of God |
El Cordero de Dios | Lamb of God |
La ley | Law |
La vida | Life |
La luz | Light |
El Señor | Lord |
Misericordioso | Merciful |
El mensaje | Message |
El mensajero | Messenger |
El Mesías | Messiah |
El ministerio | Ministry |
Los milagros | Miracles |
Los Misioneros | Missionaries |
El Nuevo Testamento | New Testament |
La obediencia | Obedience |
Obedecer | To Obey |
El Antiguo Testamento | Old Testament |
Las parabolas | Parables |
La Paz | Peace |
El Poder de Dios | Power of God |
La presencia de Dios/del Espíritu Santo | Presence of God or Holy Spirit |
Las promesas | Promises |
La profesía | Prophesy |
El castigo | Punishment |
Puro | Pure |
Purificar | To Purify |
Redimir | To Redeem |
La religión | Religion |
El arrepentimiento | Repentance |
La resurrección | Resurrection |
Resucitar | To Resurrect |
Revelación | Revelation |
Apocalipsis/Libro de las Revelaciones | Book of Revelations |
Los sacrificios | Sacrifices |
La Salvación | Salvation |
Santificar | To Sanctify |
El Santuario | Sanctuary |
Las Escrituras | Scriptures |
Servir | To Serve |
La verguenza | Shame |
Las ovejas | Sheep |
El pastor de ovejas | Shepheard |
El pecado | Sin |
Pecar | To Sin |
Pecadores | Sinners |
El alma | Soul |
Soberano | Sovereign |
El sufrimiento | Suffering |
Enseñar | To Teach |
El testimonio | Testimony |
La verdad | Truth |
Impuro | Unclean |
La Voluntad de Dios | (God’s) Will |
El vino | Wine |
La palabra de Dios | Word of God |
How to Learn Spanish While Reading the Bible
To learn something new, like Spanish, you need constant exposure to the language to improve your familiarity with the words and their pronunciation. And, of course, you benefit from studying new words on a regular basis to help expand your vocabulary.
Learning Christian words is an amazing way to build your vocabulary, but another great way of learning Spanish is reading your Bible!
To learn Spanish by reading your bible, you will need:
- A Bible in English
- A Bible in Spanish (it can be a virtual bible)
- A dictionary
- The will to learn and grow, not only in the Scriptures but also in the Spanish language
I highly recommend you have a “bilingual” bible (like this one), but if you can’t or don’t want to buy another bible, it’s important that your English and Spanish Bibles are the same version, for example:
- King James Version / KJV or Versión del Rey Jacobo
- New International Version or NVI / Nueva Versión Internacional
- Queen Valera 1960 / Reina Valera 1960
This will help you to learn the words according to each version. For example, the NVI version comes closest to the way we talk nowadays, making it easier to understand. The Queen Valera version, on the other hand, has antiquated expressions of speech that are difficult to understand—even to Spanish speakers!
Strategies for Learning Spanish with Christian Words
1. Memorize Your Favorite Verses
To learn Spanish while studying the Bible, memorize your favorite verses in Spanish! This way you can be sure of what you are expressing and proclaiming, and it’s easier to associate the English words you know by heart with the new Spanish vocabulary.
2. Listen to Spanish Sermons and Podcasts
Another great idea to practice Spanish while fortifying your Christian faith is to listen to sermons and Christian podcasts! You can listen anytime—while you’re exercising, driving, cleaning, or working. With this technique, you become accustomed to hearing Spanish, while enhancing your exposure to new words and different accents. As an added bonus, you could watch Spanish sermons with subtitles or listen to Christian podcasts in Spanish with transcripts (some of which have English translations).
3. Explore Sunday School Lessons in Spanish
A third way to practice Spanish with the Gospel is with Sunday School lessons! These lessons are simple, to help kids understand them, but they still have the essence of the Bible. It’s a great way to learn about your favorite bible stories at the same time you practice your Spanish.
Check this out! The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name (Spanish Edition)
4. Listen to Religious Music in Spanish
And lastly, an entertaining way to practice your Spanish with Christian resources is to listen to religious, or “Christian” music! I recommend you find the lyrics to study as you sing and to enjoy this fun and engaging time of worship. Spanish music will help you become more familiar with the accents as well as common words and expressions!
Bible Verses in Spanish for Religious Conversation
Here are some popular bible verses perfect to use in a religious conversation, share with your friends and family or to use them to share the Gospel with Spanish speakers!
“Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo que dio a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo el que cree en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna.” Juan 3:16 NVI
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV
“19 Por tanto, vayan y hagan discípulos de todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo, 20 enseñándoles a obedecer todo lo que les he mandado a ustedes. Y les aseguro que estaré con ustedes siempre, hasta el fin del mundo.” Mateo 28:19-20 NVI
“19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 NIV
“4 El amor es paciente, es bondadoso. El amor no es envidioso ni jactancioso ni orgulloso. 5 No se comporta con rudeza, no es egoísta, no se enoja fácilmente, no guarda rencor. 6 El amor no se deleita en la maldad, sino que se regocija con la verdad. 7 Todo lo disculpa, todo lo cree, todo lo espera, todo lo soporta.” 1ra de Corintios 13:4-7 NVI
“4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres”. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NIV
“Por eso les digo: Crean que ya han recibido todo lo que estén pidiendo en oración, y lo obtendrán.” Marcos 11:24 NVI
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24 NIV
“Así está escrito:
No hay un solo justo, ni siquiera uno.” Romanos 3:10 NVI
“As it is written:
There is no one righteous, not even one.” Romans 3:10 NIV
Practice Makes Perfect!
When you practice your Spanish every day, you improve your skills in comprehension and expression—just like when you study your Bible!
The most effective way to learn and practice Spanish is with personalized classes! Here at Homeschool Spanish Academy, we offer you tailored Spanish packages, 1-on-1 classes with a certified, native Spanish-speaking teacher, and flexible schedules for you and your entire family. If you’re interested in trying us out, we offer a risk-free FREE trial Spanish class to empower you to improve your Spanish today!
Ready to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Check these out!
- Top 20 Guatemalan Words and Slang Expressions You Should Know
- Bien vs Bueno: How Good is Your Spanish?
- How to Talk About Learning a Language in Spanish
- Señora vs Señorita: Who Is She?
- Learn These 20 Types of Fish in Spanish [+ More Vocab]
- 200+ Beginner Spanish Vocabulary Words PDF: Learn Spanish Fast!
- The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish
- ‘How Much Is It?’ in Spanish: A Guide to Travel and Shopping
- An Easy Vocabulary Guide to Describe the Post Office in Spanish - February 10, 2023
- Guatemala’s Biggest, Most Colorful Market: Chichicastenango - December 28, 2022
- 8 Sad Spanish Songs for When Your Heart Is Broken - December 6, 2022
My wife and I host a bilingual house church in Costa Rica. We’re still learning Spanish and most of our fellowship are still learning basic English. I think this list will be helpful to all of us. Thank you. This is a beneficial article for me.
¡Hola Edd!
I’m glad this blog post will be useful for you.
Have a nice day!