25 Romantic Spanish Phrases You Don’t Want To Ignore
Learn Spanish with these 100+ romantic Spanish phrases!
Love is a beautiful and exciting experience. Romantic love is a process that has many stages and the way you talk to your significant other influences the course of your relationship.
You may read all the sections in this post in order and practice these common romantic Spanish phrases and questions with English translations in order to improve your language skills. There are many ways of learning Spanish but falling in love with a Hispanic person has to be one of the fastest forms of doing it.
¡Enamórate en español!
Fall in love in Spanish!
Romantic Spanish Phrases on the First Encounter
It can happen anywhere, from an elegant restaurant to a parking lot. Although meeting someone and making an instant connection sounds cliché, it continues to happen all the time.
If you are ever in a situation like this, here are some romantic Spanish phrases you can use the first time you see each other.
These are very simple and easy to use so don’t worry about sounding trite or too forward. They are questions to get to know the other person that admits a romantic tone.
Just remember to use them in the correct tone and you are good to go!
¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas?
Hi! What’s your name?
Hola, ¿cómo estás? Me llamo Roberto.
Hi, how are you? My name is Roberto.
Yo soy Ana, encantada de conocerte.
I am Ana, it’s nice to meet you.
¿Tienes novio?
Do you have a boyfriend?
¿Tienes novia?
Do you have a girlfriend?
Quisiera invitarte a salir algún día.
I would like to ask you out some day.
¿Te gustaría tomar un café conmigo?
Would you like to have a cup of coffee with me?
Te vi y quise acercarme a presentarme.
I saw you and wanted to come over to introduce myself.
Te invito a salir el sábado.
I want to ask you out on Saturday.
¿Puedo invitarte a comer?
Can I invite you to lunch?
¿Quisieras comer conmigo?
Would you like to have lunch with me?
¿Quieres ir a caminar?
Would you like to go for a walk?
Me gustaría conocerte. / Me gustaría conocerte más.
I would like to get to know you. / I would like to get to know you better.
Conozco una cafetería a dos cuadras, ¿quieres venir?
I know a coffee shop two blocks from here, would you like to come with?
¿Me darías tu número de teléfono?
Would you give me your phone number?
¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono?
What is your phone number?
Entonces te llamo.
I will call you then.
Te mando un mensaje el viernes.
I will text you on Friday.
Romantic Spanish Phrases on First Dates
So, it’s official, you are going out on a date. Pick a nice place away from the street noise because you probably want to talk, to get to know each other better.
Remember that speaking a language that is not your first is a great compliment!
Here is a list of cute romantic Spanish phrases to express your interest.
Romantic Spanish Phrases for Her
Te ves hermosa.
You look beautiful.
Ese vestido se te ve muy bonito.
That dress looks very good on you.
Te traje flores.
I brought you flowers.
Me gusta tu peinado.
I like your hairstyle.
Me gusta tu maquillaje.
I like your makeup.
Tu perfume huele muy bien.
Your perfume smells really good.
¿Estás lista para irte?
Are you ready to go?
Romantic Spanish Phrases for Him
Estás muy guapo.
You look very handsome.
Te ves muy apuesto.
You look very handsome.
Luces muy bien.
You look very good.
He estado pensando en ti.
I have been thinking about you.
¿Quieres pasar?
Would you like to come in?
In some Hispanic countries, asking the person who’s picking you up to come in is a sign of politeness. Either that person says “no, thank you” and you two go on on your date right away, or that person says “yes” and comes in for a couple of minutes where you can offer them a glass of water.
¡Qué bonita tu casa!
Your house is very beautiful!
¡Qué linda colonial!
What a lovely neighborhood!
¿Este es tu perro? ¿Cuál es su nombre?
Is this your dog? What’s his name?
¡Me encantan los perros!
I love dogs!
¿Estás lista para irnos?
Are you ready to go?
When a compliment is coming your way, you can use these phrases to say thank you and you’re welcome:
Gracias, qué lindo.
Thank you, you are very nice.
Muchas gracias, qué amable.
Thank you very much, you are very kind.
De nada.
You are welcome
No hay de qué.
You are welcome.
Romantic Spanish Phrases to Say When You Arrive at a Place
Now you are getting to the place. It is nice, inviting and peaceful, perfect to get to know the other person.
Practice these romantic Spanish phrases long enough so you don’t get nervous!
Cuéntame más sobre ti.
Tell me more about yourself.
¿A qué te dedicas?
¿What do you do for a living?
¿Estudias o trabajas?
Do you study or work?
¿Qué estudias?
What do you study?
¿En qué trabajas?
What’s your job?
¿Dónde trabajas?
Where do you work?
¿Qué estudiaste?
What did you study?
¿Te gusta lo que haces?
Do you like what you do?
¿Cuánto tiempo llevas ahí?
How long have you been there?
¿Tienes algún pasatiempo?
Do you have a hobby?
¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Platícame de tu familial.
Tell me about your family.
¿De dónde eres?
Where are you from?
¿Qué música te gusta?
What kind of music do you like?
¿Cuál es tu cantante favorite?
Who is your favorite singer?
¿Te gusta el teatro?
Do you like the theatre?
¿Qué tipo de películas te gustan?
What kind of movies do you like?
¿Qué series has visto últimamente?
What TV shows have you seen lately?
¿Qué países te gustaría conocer?
What countries would you like to visit?
¿Qué tipo de comida te gusta?
What kind of food do you like?
Me encanta tu sonrisa.
I love your smile.
Qué bonita sonrisa tienes.
What a lovely smile you have.
Eres muy gracioso/a.
You are very funny.
Me hiciste reír mucho.
You made me laugh a lot.
Me caes muy bien.
I like you a lot.
No quiero que se termine nuestra cita, ¿quieres ir a otro lado?
I don’t want our date to end, would you like to go somewhere else?
¿Quieres ir a bailar?
Would you like to go dancing?
¡Vamos a bailar! ¿Qué te parece?
Let’s go dancing! What do you think?
Me la estoy pasando muy bien, ¿y tú?
I am having a good time, what about you?
¡Vamos por un helado!
Let’s go for an ice-cream
Me gustas mucho.
I like you a lot.
¿Puedo acompañarte a tu casa?
Can I walk you home?
Romantic Spanish Goodnight Phrases
Me la pasé muy bien, quisiera volver a verte.
I had a great time, I would like to see you again.
¿Quisieras verme la semana que viene?
Would you like to see me next week?
Gracias por esta cita.
Thank you for this date.
Hoy fue muy especial.
Today was very special.
Que pases buenas noches.
Have a good night.
Que sueñes con los angelitos.
Sweet dreams.
Que duermas bien.
Sleep well.
Que descanses.
Sleep well.
Nos vemos la semana que viene.
See you next week.
Nos vemos pronto.
See you soon.
¿Puedo llamarte mañana?
Can I call you tomorrow?
Gracias por la cena.
Thanks for dinner.
Me encantó verte.
I loved to see you.
Quisiera que no fuera tan tarde para estar más tiempo contigo.
I wish it wasn’t so late so I could spend more time with you.
Buenas noches.
Good night.
Romantic Spanish Phrases in a Relationship
Days, weeks, months, and even years go by and you are in a relationship with your significant other. You think you are lucky you found each other that day at the parking lot or jazz festival or elevator ride. These are romantic Spanish phrases to say to your boyfriend or girlfriend.
You are on the next level of your relationship and you already know each other. So more than asking questions, you compliment the other person or say things they will remember.
In this phase you feel the need to strengthen your ties and to build on what you already have. Read these romantic Spanish phrases and say them at a special moment, having dinner or just watching romantic movies in Spanish—either way they will become memorable.
Eres perfecta.
You are perfect.
Me haces tan feliz.
You make me so happy.
Gracias por ser parte de mi vida.
Thank you for being part of my life.
Te amo de aquí al cielo.
I love you from here to the sky.
No me dejes nunca.
Don’t ever leave me.
Te amo así cómo eres.
I love you the way you are.
Siempre voy a cuidarte.
I will always take care of you.
No puedo dejar de pensar en ti.
I can’t stop thinking about you.
Pienso en ti todo el tiempo.
I think about you all the time.
Me haces mucha falta.
I miss you a lot.
Te echo de menos.
I miss you a lot.
Ya quiero verte.
I can’t wait to see you.
General Romantic Spanish Phrases
Here are some general romantic Spanish words and phrases you might also use. Learn how to say boyfriend, girlfriend and the three special words.
Mi novio.
My boyfriend.
Mi novia.
My girlfriend.
Somos novios.
We are a couple.
Estamos juntos.
We are together.
Me importas.
I care about you.
Te adoro.
I adore you.
Te quiero.
I love you.
Te amo.
I love you.
As you can see there are two ways of saying I love you in Spanish. Check this article if you don’t want to say the wrong “I love you” in Spanish.
Romantic Spanish Phrases for Valentine’s Day
It’s Valentine’s day. You have license to say the most romantic Spanish phrases ever. Make it count with the list below, choose what suits your personality and your significant other’s better, and go crazy with them. Reveal the romance in you and tell that person exactly how you feel.
Check out The Ultimate Valentine’s Day Guide in Spanish!
Tienes los ojos más hermosos del mundo.
You have the most beautiful eyes in the world.
Eres la mejor persona que conozco.
You are the best person I know.
Nunca nadie me había hecho tan feliz.
No one has ever made me this happy.
Eres lo mejor de mi vida.
You are the best of my life.
Eres lo mejor que me ha pasado.
You are the best thing that has happened to me.
No me imagino la vida sin ti.
I can’t imagine my life without you.
Te amo con locura.
I love you like crazy.
Estoy locamente enamorado/a de ti.
I am madly in love with you.
Quiero estar contigo siempre.
I want to be with you forever.
Le doy gracias a la vida por ponerte en mi camino.
I thank life for putting you on my way.
Soy muy afortunado de tenerte.
I am very lucky to have you.
Feliz día de los enamorados.
Happy Valentine’s Day.
Esto es muy romántico.
This is very romantic.
Te compré chocolates.
I bought you chocolates.
Gracias por esta cena romántica a la luz de las velas.
Thank you for this candlelight romantic dinner.
Me encanta ver la luna y las estrellas contigo.
I love seeing the moon and stars with you.
Eres la persona más especial de mi vida.
You are the most special person in my life.
Choose from this list of Cute Pet Names for your Significant Other the ones you like better to say to each other. Learn terms like mi vida, mi amor and mi cielo.
Practice These Romantic Spanish Phrases Before Using Them!
I hope you liked this list of romantic Spanish phrases I curated for you. This is a fun way of learning a new language and also expressing your feelings. If you’re here out of curiosity and happen to not have a significant other yet, I have very good news for you!
By learning Spanish you will get to talk to way more people. In the USA alone there are 53 million people who speak Spanish from which 41 speak it at home according to CNN. Making the United States the world’s second-largest Spanish-speaking country. Get to know more people in no time and forget about the language barrier!
How to do it? Practice your newly acquired knowledge about romantic Spanish phrases with a native Spanish speaker from HSA. Become part of our community of 24,000+ monthly enrolled students that have trusted our 10 years of experience.
Life is more than memorized phrases. Sign up for a free class to practice your Spanish conversation skills and build stronger relationships with those in your life who speak Spanish!
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