80 Ways to Describe Your Dream in Spanish
Whether you want to discuss your goals, fantasies, or nighttime imaginations, this detailed vocabulary guide empowers you to talk about any type of dream in spanish!
Dreams give your life purpose, direction, and meaning. They shape your life choices and help you build a future. Talking about your biggest dream in Spanish is a great way to help new friends get to know you.
A new study suggests that telling people about your goals makes you significantly more likely to achieve them. According to another study, you’re more likely to be dedicated to your dream when you share your goal with someone you look up to.
Goals aren’t the only type of dreams to talk about! If you wake up and forget your nightly visions everyday, talking to someone actually helps you remember them. The key is to talk about the dreams during those initial moments as you’re first waking up and the dream is still fresh in your mind.
New research confirms that participating in a dream discussion can provide social and psychological benefits. In one study, college students’ levels of personal insight were measured after they shared a dream. Sharing a dream proved to be helpful as scores of insight were significantly higher after sharing.
Dream about the Future in Spanish
Chances are, you have a dream or two that you hope to accomplish. Whether your vision is to travel the world, get a degree, or start a family, this vocabulary list enables you to talk about the goals and dreams that matter most!
esperar — to hope
desear — to desire
planear — to plan
tener ganas de hacer —- to feel like doing
desear — wish
preferir — prefer
pedir — request
necesitar — need
querer — want
buscar — look for
insistir — insist
exigir — demand
mandar — order
agradecer — to be grateful
lograr — accomplish
el éxito — success
la meta — goal
el plan — plan
la ambición — ambition
la pasión — passion
el visionario — dreamer
viviendo el sueño — living the dream
soñar en grande — to dream big
tengo un sueño — I have a dream
tener éxito — to be successful
Example Sentences
Mi sueño es ser un gran artista.
My dream is to be a great artist.
Mi mayor sueño es vivir en Europa.
It is my biggest dream to live in Europe.
En 5 años, espero estar dirigiendo la empresa.
In 5 years, I hope to be running the company.
Espero tener la casa de mis sueños algún día.
I hope to own my dream house some day.
Using the Subjunctive to Dream in Spanish
When a sentence starts with one of the below phrases and the subject of the sentence changes after que, then the verb that follows should be in the present tense subjunctive mood. Take a look at the verb conjugations below!
espero que — I hope
deseo que — I desire
ojalá que — I hope
deseo que — I wish
Example Sentences
Espero que puedas viajar conmigo.
I hope that you can travel with me.
Yo deseo que conozcas a mis padres.
I want you to meet my parents.
Ojalá que mi novio me proponga matrimonio.
I hope that my boyfriend proposes to me.
Daydream in Spanish
Daydreams let you keep things exciting — even during boring meetings! Talk about your unique daydream in Spanish with these imaginative vocabulary words. Use our guide to the preterite and imperfect to change these verbs into the past tense!
soñar despierto con — fantasize about
soñar despierto — to daydream
fantasear — fantasize
estar aburrido/a — to be bored
la inspiración — inspiration
el/la soñador — daydreamer
la imaginación — imagination
la creatividad — creativity
la consideración — thinking
la fantasía — fantasy
el ensueño — daydream
la ensoñación — daydream
el país de las maravillas — wonderland
mundo maravilloso — wonderland
marco incomparable — wonderland
el mundo fantástico — fantasy world
el paisaje onírico — dreamscape
el surrealismo — surrealism
mágico/a — magical
loco de amor — moonstruck
Example Sentences
Pasó la tarde soñando despierto con sus vacaciones.
He spent the afternoon daydreaming about his vacation.
Me quedé soñando despierto durante la clase.
I was daydreaming during class.
Spanish Slang Related to Daydreams and Dreaming
Tener pájaros en la cabeza — To have birds in one’s head
Used to describe dreamy people
Estar en la luna — To be on the moon
Used when somebody is absent-minded.
Hacer castillos en el aire — To make castles in the sky
Used when someone has an incredible imagination to make unrealistic plans.
Que sueñes conmigo.
Dream of me.
Que tengas dulces sueños.
Sweet dreams
Me voy al sobre.
I’m off to the envelope. (literal translation)
This Spanish slang phrase is similar to the English phrase “I’m going to hit the hay.”
Me voy al baile de las sábanas blancas.
I’m off to the dance of the white sheets. (Another way to say you’re going to bed.)
Dream in Spanish in Your Sleep
You spend around 8 hours each night fast asleep—which adds up to a large proportion of your life. Learn how to talk about this important activity that you spend so much time on with this dreamy vocabulary list. For even more bedtime vocabulary, check out these 40+ Sleepy Phrases!
soñar con — dream of
dormir — to sleep
el sueño — dream
descansar — to rest
la siesta — nap
acostarse — to go to bed
adormecer — to make sleepy
adormecer — to fall asleep
anochecer — to get dark
estar cansado — to be tired
tener sueño — to be sleepy
caminar dormido — sleepwalk
roncare — to snore
sesteo — snooze
desmayarse — zonk out
la cabezada — nap
la pesadilla — nightmare
un mal sueño — a bad dream
el sueño lúcido — lucid dream
los dulces sueños — sweet dreams
el atrapasueños — dreamcatcher
buenas noches — goodnight
sueño de belleza — beauty sleep
mundo de ensueño — dreamland
Example Sentences:
Me voy a acostar.
I am going to bed.
He soñado con vivir en Marte.
I had a dream about living on Mars.
Soñé que volaba.
I dreamt about flying.
He tenido un mal sueño.
I’ve had a bad dream.
Anoche estaba soñando contigo cuando me desperté.
I was dreaming of you last night when I woke up.
Fulfill Your Dream of Speaking Spanish!
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