A Comprehensive List of Spanish Bird Names
When you think of Spanish bird names, what comes to mind? Do you have a favorite bird? As a child, would you look up at the sky and wonder how many birds there were?
Birds are mesmerizing and fascinating to learn about. I have always loved birds. They sing and fly freely in different regions of the world. These Spanish bird names are worth reviewing.
On this list, you’ll find many birds from different places. It may entice you to go outside and birdwatch.
Did you know that there are approximately 10,000 bird species around the world? By learning some of the most common Spanish bird names, you can chat about these fascinating animals with your Spanish-speaking friends and family.
Ave vs. Pájaro
Let’s begin with the difference between ave and pájaro.
Nowadays, ave and pájaro are considered to be synonyms. Any difference is mostly based on the country or region where the birds are found. Usually pájaro refers to a small bird, whereas ave refers to a large bird. And a pájaro is a bird that can fly, whereas an ave can’t.
According to the dictionary, ave is a generalized term to refer to any type of bird. But pájaro has two meanings. It can be a bird or a passeriform (a bird with three toes pointing forward and one backward.)
For example: penguins cannot fly and they are not passeriformes, so they are aves. And magpies fly and are smaller so they are certainly considered pájaro.
Before you read the Spanish bird names list, try to write down the names of all the birds you can remember. After, you can add all the ones you didn’t know to your list and expand your vocabulary.
52 Spanish Bird Names from A to Z
Now, let’s get into the comprehensive list of bird names that will not only help you broaden your Spanish vocabulary but your bird knowledge altogether.
You’ll find the English name, the Spanish name, Latin root name, and the habitats and regions where these birds live.
1. Bittern
Español: Avetoro
Latin: Botaurinae
Region / Habitat: U.S. and Canada; wetlands with large reedbeds.
2. Blackbird
Español: Mirlo
Latin: Turdus merula
Region / Habitat: China, Australia, and New Zealand. They live in gardens and forests.
3. Blue jay
Español: Arrendajo azul
Latin: Cyanocitta cristata
Region / Habitat: Native to eastern North America. They are usually found in rainforests.
4. Northern Bobwhite
Español: Codorniz
Latin: Colinus virginianus
Region / Habitat: Canada, U.S., Mexico, and Cuba. Found in semi-open habitats, brushy meadows, overgrown fields, and agricultural fields.
5. Bunting
Español: Hortelano
Latin: Passerina cyanea
Region / Habitat: Eastern North America and wintering areas from southern Florida to northern South America. They are found in forest edges, open woods, and farmland.
6. Buzzard
Español: Zopilote
Latin: Buteo buteo
Region / Habitat: Found in Europe and Russia in woodlands, as well as pastures and even cities.
7. Canary
Español: Canario
Latin: Serinus canaria domestica
Region / Habitat: Western and central regions of southern Africa. Found in open areas such as gardens and manmade habitats.
8. Cardinal
Español: Cardenal
Latin: Cardinalis cardinalis
Region / Habitat: Southeastern Canada and the Northern part of the US and some parts of Mexico. They inhabit woodland edges and grassland landscapes.
9. Cassowary
Español: Casuario
Latin: Casuarius
Region / Habitat: Found mostly in New Guinea. They live in tropical rainforests, swamps, forests, or along beaches.
10. Cockatoo
Español: Cacatúa
Latin: Cacatuidae
Region / Habitat: Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia, Solomon Islands, and the Philippines. They are found in rainforests.
11. Cocrico
Español: Cocrico
Latin: Ortalis ruficauda
Region / Habitat: Northeast Colombia and Venezuela. Usually found in dry forests.
12. Condor
Español: Cóndor
Latin: Vultur gryphus
Region / Habitat: Condors in the Andes Mountain in South America reach heights of up to 5,500 meters. Found in rocky shrublands, forests, and savannas.
13. Crow
Español: Cuervo
Latin: Corvus
Region / Habitat: North America. They are usually found on tidal flats, agricultural fields, and orchards.
14. Cuckoo
Español: Cuco o cuclillo
Latin: Cuculidae
Region / Habitat: Found on all continents except Antarctica.
15. Dipper
Español: Mirlo acuático
Latin: Cinclus
Region / Habitat: Found in England in mountain areas.
16. Dove
Español: Paloma o pichón
Latin: Columbidae
Region / Habitat: Tropical rainforests and deserts. They are found everywhere except in extreme climates.
17. Drongo
Español: Drongo
Latin: Dicruridae
Region / Habitat: Africa, Central Asia, and Australia. They are found mostly in open country and they hunt close to the ground.
18. Duck
Español: Pato
Latin: Anas
Region / Habitat: Found in all of North America in wetlands and the arctic tundra.
19. Falcon
Español: Halcón
Latin: Falco
Region / Habitat: Found on all continents except Antarctica. They live in grasslands, arctic tundras, deserts, coasts, and forests.
20. Flamingo
Español: Flamenco
Latin: Phoenicopterus
Region / Habitat: Found in South America, Mexico, Africa, and the Middle East. You can find them in mountains and tropical and subtropical areas.
21. Golden whistler
Español: El silbador dorado
Latin: Pachycephala pectoralis
Region / Habitat: Northern Queensland, Australia, and Tasmania. Found in any wooded habitat.
22. Goose
Español: Ganso, ánsar, u oca
Latin: Anser
Region / Habitat: Found mostly in Canada in lakes ponds, bays, fields, and anywhere close to the water.
23. Hummingbird
Español: Colibrí, chupaflor, o pájaro mosca
Latin: Trochilidae
Region / Habitat: North America, Central America, and South America
24. Ibis
Español: Ibis
Latin: Threskiornithinae
Region / Habitat: Found in all of America in wetlands, mangrove swamps, and muddy pools.
25. Kiwi
Español: Aptérix
Latin: Apteryx
Region / Habitat: Found in New Zealand in forests, sand dunes, and snowy tussocks and even mangroves.
26. Lark
Español: Alondra, calandria, o terrera
Latin: Alaudidae
Region / Habitat: Found mostly in Texas and Mexico in the fall. They reside in open countryside from desert to alpine tundra.
27. Lovebird
Español: Periquito
Latin: Agapornis
Region / Habitat: Lovebirds are native to forests and savannas in Africa and Madagascar.
28. Magpie
Español: Urraca, marica, pega o picaza
Latin: Pica pica
Region / Habitat: Europe, Asia, and North America.They’re usually found in forests, meadows, woodlands, and savannas.
29. Marabou
Español: Marabú
Latin: Leptoptilos crumenifer
Region / Habitat: They are found in Africa near swamps, lake shores, and riverbanks.
30. Mockingbird
Español: Sinsonte
Latin: Mimus polyglottos
Region / Habitat: Found in Canadian forests, though they usually migrate for the winter.
31. Nighthawk
Español: Chotacabras norteamericana
Latin: Chordeilinae
Region / Habitat: Found in North, Central, and South America in forest regions with rocky environments.
32. Nightingale
Español: Ruiseñor
Latin: Luscinia megarhynchos
Region / Habitat: Europe, Africa, and some parts of America. They are found in forests and woodlands.
33. Ostrich
Español: Avestruz o ñandú
Latin: Struthio camelus
Region / Habitat: Found in the wild in Africa. They prefer semi-arid habitats such as savannas and forests.
34. Owl
Español: Choclo, tecolote, o búho
Latin: Strigiformes
Region / Habitat: All regions except the polar ice caps and remote islands. They can live in all sorts of weather but are mostly found in forests.
35. Parakeet
Español: Periquito
Latin: Melopsittacus undulatus
Region / Habitat: Found mostly in Australia in tropical weather.
36. Parrot
Español: Loro, papagayo, o cotorro
Latin: Psittaciformes
Region / Habitat: Australia, South Asia, Oceania, and the Caribbean. Found on all tropical and subtropical continents and regions.
37. Partridge
Español: Perdiz o perdigón
Latin: Perdix perdix
Region / Habitat: Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Found in lowlands.
38. Peacock
Español: Pavo o pavo real
Latin: Pavo cristatus
Region / Habitat: India, Sri Lanka, and Burma. They are found in rainforests.
39. Pelican
Español: Pelícano o alcatraz
Latin: Pelecanus
Region / Habitat: Found on all continents except Antarctica. They usually prefer warm regions.
40. Penguin
Español: Pingüino
Latin: Spheniscidae
Region / Habitat: Angola, Antarctica, Argentina, New Zealand, Chile and South Africa.They live in nutrient-rich, cold water environments.
41. Pigeon
Español: Pichón o paloma
Latin: Columbidae
Region / Habitat: Pigeons are still living in the wild in North Africa and the Mediterranean Sea.
42. Puffin
Español: Alca o frailecillo ica
Latin: Fratercula
Region / Habitat: North Pacific Ocean. They breed on coastal cliffs.
43. Quail
Español: Codorniz
Latin: Coturnix coturnix
Region / Habitat: New Mexico and Mexico. They are found in grasslands, meadows, and savannas.
44. Raven
Español: Cuervo
Latin: Corvus corax
Region / Habitat: North America and much of Canada. They live in the forest.
45. Road runner
Español: Especie de cuclillo
Latin: Geococcyx
Region / Habitat: U.S. and Mexico; deserts and grasslands.
46. Robin
Español: Pecho colorado o petirrojo
Latin: Erithacus rubecula
Region / Habitat: Fields, forests, and gardens in North America.
47. Seagull
Español: Gaviota
Latin: Larus
Region / Habitat: High Arctic and tropical islands in coastal areas; also seen inland around dumpsters or parking lots.
48. Sparrow
Español: Gorrión
Latin: Passeridae
Region / Habitat: Europe and Asia; forests, grasslands, and deserts.
49. Treecreeper
Español: Agateador norteño
Latin: Certhiidae
Region / Habitat: Palearctic and Indomalayan realms. They prefer woodlands.
50. Turkey
Español: Guajolote o pavo
Latin: Meleagris
Region / Habitat: Eastern and central North America. They prefer hardwood and forests.
51. Vulture
Español: Buitre o cóndor
Latin: Cathartidae
Region / Habitat: North and South America. They prefer deserts, savannas, and grasslands.
52. Woodpecker
Español: Pico, picamadera, picaporte o pájaro carpintero
Latin: Picidae
Region / Habitat: U.S. and Canada, Central America, and South America. They are woodland creatures found mostly in forests.
Activities With Spanish Bird Names
Now that we have a comprehensive list of Spanish bird names and where they live, let’s try out some fun activities. Practicing while having fun is the best way to learn, and the awesome thing about birds is that they are everywhere.
Search for Your Favorite Birds
Now that you have this fantastic Spanish bird names, go outside and write down what you see. Even if it’s just one, try to observe and describe the bird you see.
Sing along
When I was little, I loved to sing along with birds. It’s relaxing and fun.
Practice Writing Down Bird Names
After going through the list, try to write down as many bird names as you can remember. It’s an amazing way to test your memory.
How to Broaden Your Spanish Vocabulary
Now that you’ve learned many different Spanish bird names, how can you add them to your vocabulary? As a language teacher, I’ve found that handwriting down new words is a powerful way to practice new words. In your notebook, jot down these Spanish bird names in español.
Once you remember new words, try using them as much as you can. Perhaps write stories or draw your favorite birds with their names. It’s all about getting as creative as possible and have fun throughout the learning process.
You may also like: 200+ Beginner Spanish Vocabulary Words PDF: Learn Spanish Fast!
Did my Spanish bird names list manage to name all of the birds you can think of, or did I leave out your favorite one? Let me know in a comment!
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